Simple harmonic oscillator - scaled variables

In summary: Hope that makes more sense!In summary, the scaled variables used in the TISE equation are chosen to make the coefficients as simple as possible, resulting in the substitution of x=\beta y and the definition of the dimensionless constant alpha. This simplification process allows for easier manipulation and understanding of the equation.
  • #1
The TISE can be written as

-[tex]\frac{\hbar^{2}}{2m}[/tex][tex]\frac{d^{2}u}{dx^{2}}[/tex] + [tex]\frac{1}{2}[/tex]m[tex]\omega_{0}^{2}[/tex]x^{2}u = Eu

Now my lecture notes say that it is convenient to define scaled variables

y = [tex]\sqrt{\frac{m\omega_{0}}{\hbar} x}[/tex]

and [tex]\alpha[/tex] = [tex]\frac{2E}{\hbar\omega_{0}}[/tex]


[tex]\frac{d}{dx}[/tex] = [tex]\sqrt{\frac{\hbar}{m\omega_{0}} x}[/tex] [tex]\frac{d}{dy}[/tex]

so [tex]\frac{2}{\hbar\omega_{0}}[/tex] times the TISE can be written as

[tex]\frac{d^{2}u}{dy^{2}}[/tex] + ([tex]\alpha[/tex] - y[tex]^{2}[/tex])u= 0

now, it is not at all obvious to me where these scaled variables came from? I know this leads on to deriving hermite polynomials, but I'm just wondering if there is some triviality behind the scaled variables. It really helps me to know the order in which things were derived/formulated. It might have been the case that these scaled variables were used after much painstaking trial and error, or some mathematician just noticed that it would be easier to write the equation this way.

Does anyone have any background information on this? Is it usual to scale the variables in this way?

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  • #2
The scaled variables are dimensionless.
  • #3
randybryan said:
The TISE can be written as

-[tex]\frac{\hbar^{2}}{2m}[/tex][tex]\frac{d^{2}u}{dx^{2}}[/tex] + [tex]\frac{1}{2}[/tex]m[tex]\omega_{0}^{2}[/tex]x^{2}u = Eu

Now my lecture notes say that it is convenient to define scaled variables

y = [tex]\sqrt{\frac{m\omega_{0}}{\hbar} x}[/tex]

and [tex]\alpha[/tex] = [tex]\frac{2E}{\hbar\omega_{0}}[/tex]

Well the way it works is that you substitute [tex]x=\beta y [/tex], where y is dimensionless, and then choose [tex]\beta [/tex] to make as many coefficients equal to 1.

Maybe it's possible to see

y = [tex]\sqrt{\frac{m\omega_{0}}{\hbar} x}[/tex]

directly, but you usually you set [tex]x=\beta y [/tex] and then do the math (determine beta).
  • #4
Thanks very much guys, but I'm still slightly confused.

what difference does it make if the variables are dimensionless?

and what do you mean by choosing beta to make as many coefficients equal to 1?

I apologise if I appear stupid, I'm just getting so confused by quantum mechanics in general.
  • #5
randybryan said:
and what do you mean by choosing beta to make as many coefficients equal to 1?

I apologise if I appear stupid, I'm just getting so confused by quantum mechanics in general.

This is not really quantum mechanics. Quantum mechanics tells you what the equation is, but not what to do after that.


a\frac{d^{2}u}{dx^{2}}+bx^2u=Eu \\
\frac{a}{\beta^2}\frac{d^{2}u}{dy^{2}}+b(\beta y)^2u=Eu \\

\frac{d^{2}u}{dy^{2}}+\frac{b}{a}\beta^4 y^2u=\frac{\beta^2}{a}Eu

\end{split}\end{equation*} [/tex]

so you set beta such that [tex]\frac{b}{a}\beta^4=1 [/tex]

Then you combine everything on the RHS into one dimensionless constant alpha.

FAQ: Simple harmonic oscillator - scaled variables

1. What is a simple harmonic oscillator?

A simple harmonic oscillator is a system that exhibits oscillatory motion, meaning it moves back and forth between two points repeatedly. It is characterized by a restoring force that is proportional to the displacement from its equilibrium position.

2. What are the scaled variables in a simple harmonic oscillator?

The scaled variables in a simple harmonic oscillator are the position, velocity, and acceleration, which are scaled by the amplitude, frequency, and mass of the system, respectively. This allows for a more general description of the oscillator, as the equations are independent of the specific values of these variables.

3. How are the equations of motion for a simple harmonic oscillator derived?

The equations of motion for a simple harmonic oscillator can be derived from Newton's second law of motion, which states that the net force on an object is equal to its mass multiplied by its acceleration. By setting this net force equal to the restoring force of the oscillator, the equations of motion can be obtained.

4. What is the relationship between a simple harmonic oscillator and a pendulum?

A simple harmonic oscillator and a pendulum both exhibit periodic motion, but they differ in the type of force that causes the motion. A simple harmonic oscillator is driven by a restoring force, while a pendulum is driven by gravity. However, for small amplitudes, the motion of a pendulum can be approximated as a simple harmonic oscillator.

5. How does the amplitude affect the motion of a simple harmonic oscillator?

The amplitude of a simple harmonic oscillator determines the maximum displacement from the equilibrium position. As the amplitude increases, so does the maximum displacement and the period of the oscillation. However, the frequency and the equations of motion remain the same regardless of the amplitude.

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