Simulink bloc of PMSM (permanent magnet synchronous motor) parameters

  • #1
I designed a system on simulink.
it is missing a pmsm.
I found a block on simpowersystems in simulink nde matlab.
I hope that this engine provides a nominal power of 96kw and maximum of 100kw.
so how to test it? to verify that this engine can deliver these two powers?
cordially. said.
Engineering news on
  • #2
thank you for your answer and advice.

yes that's right, for now, there are no answers.

For the other information, yes, this engine is composed of a stator which has a resistance and an inductance.

A rotating rotor that has permanent magnets to generate a constant flow.

There are also pairs of poles named P.

The stator will be powered by a balanced three-phase voltage system.

In simulink of matlab, specifically in simscape, in simpowersystems, is this block of PMSM.

Also there is the model of park which replaces the system of tension to three in two vd and vq.

Also there are the electrical and mechanical equations, determining the torque and the power, but when I set the inductance or the flux, in order to find the desired power and torque, the result is nonlinear.

  • #3
said76 said:
I designed a system on simulink.
it is missing a pmsm.
I found a block on simpowersystems in simulink nde matlab.
I hope that this engine provides a nominal power of 96kw and maximum of 100kw.
so how to test it? to verify that this engine can deliver these two powers?
cordially. said.
I did a google search on Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor in Simulink, and got lots of good hits. Have you tried such a search? Here are a couple of the first hits on the google search list: