Sinead O'Connor Ends 18-Day Marriage

  • Thread starter Evo
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In summary: She has worked hard for her position in the music industry. Except for the fact that there are harsh financial penalties should the partnership ever dissolve.Sinead is an accomplished vocalist. She is also a social activist. We should should perhaps temper the reactions to her very-short marriage in terms of these considerations. She is not a Kardashian, and should not get that level of contempt in the press, IMO.
  • #1
Staff Emeritus
Science Advisor
Ok, why doesn't any of this surprise me?

Sinead O'Connor has ended her marriage to Barry Herridge after only 18 days. The singer announced the split on her website yesterday in a post explaining that "within three hours of the ceremony being over the marriage was kyboshed by the behavior of certain people in my husband's life."

Issues with her husband's family were only part of the problem, apparently. "[There was] a wild ride I took us on looking for a bit of a smoke of weed for my wedding night as I don't drink," she wrote. "My husband was enormously wounded and very badly affected by that experience and also by the attitude of those close to him toward our marriage. It became apparent to me that if he were to stay with me he would be losing too much to bear."
Physics news on
  • #2
Issues with her husband's family were only part of the problem, apparently. "[There was] a wild ride I took us on looking for a bit of a smoke of weed for my wedding night as I don't drink," she wrote. "My husband was enormously wounded and very badly affected by that experience and also by the attitude of those close to him toward our marriage. It became apparent to me that if he were to stay with me he would be losing too much to bear."

Celebrities real lives' more entertaining than their professional work :smile:

I don't know about Connor other than her Nothing compares to you song.
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  • #3
It leaves you wondering if celebrities get married just because they're bored and it's something to do on a date with someone you barely know.
  • #4
Hey, the ink was dry. My issue is that O'Connor found out my son has nothing planned this weekend and has been calling every half hour.
  • #5
Jimmy Snyder said:
Hey, the ink was dry. My issue is that O'Connor found out my son has nothing planned this weekend and has been calling every half hour.
  • #6
IMHO, I only have two words for that because they are all it deserves,

"Train Wreck"

Move along folks, the show is over until marriage number five.

  • #7
  • #9
But it's the same sex couples that want to ruin the sanctity of marriage, right?
  • #10
Sanctity of marriage? The highest rates of STDs, abortions, homicides, child abuse, rape, and divorce are in the Bible Belt. Half of all people who marry divorce, but the vast majority of those who remarry do so for life. Marriage doesn't need sanctity, it needs realism and obviously Sinead O'Connor's reality is so far from the norm its not worth considering.
  • #11
Is she still a bald chick?

EDIT: OK, no, now she's going for the G.I. Jane look.
  • #12
wuliheron said:
Half of all people who marry divorce, but the vast majority of those who remarry do so for life.

Is that an iterative process? Eventually, that half of a half of a half...marrying for the fifth time or so is bound to keel over before one more divorce, making the last one "married for life." I kind of wonder why people bother remarrying if they're still getting it wrong after two tries. I can understand the "young and stupid" defense for trying twice, but after that, why not just accept you're not that good at picking partners and save the expense of the wedding and divorce and just live together until bored.
  • #13
Are there any marriage-related businesses offering "buy one get one free" deals yet?
  • #14
Moonbear said:
Is that an iterative process? Eventually, that half of a half of a half...marrying for the fifth time or so is bound to keel over before one more divorce, making the last one "married for life." I kind of wonder why people bother remarrying if they're still getting it wrong after two tries. I can understand the "young and stupid" defense for trying twice, but after that, why not just accept you're not that good at picking partners and save the expense of the wedding and divorce and just live together until bored.

Leaving gold diggers aside, it doesn't make much sense not to marry a long time partner when there are financial/other benefits for married couples.
  • #15
rootX said:
Leaving gold diggers aside, it doesn't make much sense not to marry a long time partner when there are financial/other benefits for married couples.

Except for the fact that there are harsh financial penalties should the partnership ever dissolve.
  • #16
Sinead is an accomplished vocalist. She is also a social activist. We should should perhaps temper the reactions to her very-short marriage in terms of these considerations.

She is not a Kardashian, and should not get that level of contempt in the press, IMO. I was never a fan of her music, but at least she was not "famous for being famous".
  • #17
Moonbear said:
Is that an iterative process? Eventually, that half of a half of a half...marrying for the fifth time or so is bound to keel over before one more divorce, making the last one "married for life." I kind of wonder why people bother remarrying if they're still getting it wrong after two tries. I can understand the "young and stupid" defense for trying twice, but after that, why not just accept you're not that good at picking partners and save the expense of the wedding and divorce and just live together until bored.

The odds of people divorcing go way down after about seven years and some have suggested that humans are naturally serially monogamous. After seven years the first children conceived would likely be old enough to be somewhat self-sufficient and even able to help raise younger siblings. It would explain why divorce rates are so consistent from one culture to the next when the practice is widely accepted and would help to mix the gene pool.

Less then 150 years ago women in the US could still not own property and, thus, there was the proverbial "widow next door, she's been married seven times before". Some women specialized in marrying pioneer men with dangerous job occupations, some would travel around the globe to start families on isolated farms with complete strangers, etc. Today we still see vestiges of such inequality in the system with same sex couples fighting for the right to marry so they can demand such simple privileges as the right to visit their loved ones in the hospital. We have prenuptial contracts and divorce courts that highlight just how much of a legal and business arrangement the entire institution has always been. The real question then isn't why do people get married five times, but why does society continue to confer special legal status to the institution and care about who is sleeping with whom?
  • #18
turbo said:
Sinead is an accomplished vocalist. She is also a social activist. We should should perhaps temper the reactions to her very-short marriage in terms of these considerations.

She is not a Kardashian, and should not get that level of contempt in the press, IMO. I was never a fan of her music, but at least she was not "famous for being famous".

An 18-day marriage is stupid stupid stupid no matter who does it or how talented they might be in something.

So, i ask again: Who?
  • #19
wuliheron said:
Half of all people who marry divorce.
Half of all marriages end in divorce. The other half end in death. Something to consider before marrying.
  • #20
turbo said:
Sinead is an accomplished vocalist. She is also a social activist. We should should perhaps temper the reactions to her very-short marriage in terms of these considerations.

She is not a Kardashian, and should not get that level of contempt in the press, IMO. I was never a fan of her music, but at least she was not "famous for being famous".
She was always known for being somewhat extreme. She went on tv and proclaimed she was a lesbian. Then she went on tv and said she wasn't really. And based on her current actions, she's possibly worse. She has a new album coming out, it may be safe to think this is, at least in part, a publicity stunt. She deserves the press she got.
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  • #21
Jimmy Snyder said:
Half of all marriages end in divorce. The other half end in death. Something to consider before marrying.

You might also want to consider just how it impacts your longevity. Traditional heterosexual marriages tend to increase the lifespans of males, while decreasing those of females. For males then it seems the threat of divorce is offset by increased longevity, but women just get the short end of the stick as usual.
  • #22
wuliheron said:
...but women just get the short end of the stick as usual.

If men would stop bragging about such long sticks, women might not be so disappointed to get the short ones.

I read more of the story, her husband was a drug counselor, and her idea of a wedding night celebration was to go out to buy drugs. Hmmm...did it really take them until the wedding night to see this might be a problem for them? She might have been too high to notice, but what's his excuse?
  • #23
Moonbear said:
If men would stop bragging about such long sticks, women might not be so disappointed to get the short ones.

Yeah, it's a sticky issue.
  • #24
'I was handed a load of crack and Barry was very frightened': Sinead O'Connor' on her wild drug hunt on her wedding night

Sinead O'Connor has spoken about being handed Class A drugs after taking her new drug-counsellor husband on a marijuana hunt on their wedding night.

She should have just kept quiet to save her and her ex-hubby's career.
  • #25
It's a power play and she overplayed her hand.

Through her actions she's trying to tell her new spouse that she will not be controlled by him. "you're a drug counselor? I'll buy hard drugs right in front of you. You don't own me."

If he was a fireman she would have flung a lit match into the nearest pile of flammable material.

When she shaved her head I bet she was dating a hair stylist. The girl is damaged goods.
  • #26
pergradus said:
I'm sorry but this is complete nonsense. Who in their right mind attempts to explain human marriage practices via evolution?

Humans are rational beings capable of thought and making decisions - you can't just blame everything on evolution. The divorce rate is going through the roof because it's become social acceptable and because people are selfish, deluded and dishonest.

LOL, a scientific bulletin board where someone argues we shouldn't consider evolution and, in the same breath, claims people are rational beings, but selfish, deluded, and dishonest. Which is it? Are we selfish, deluded, and dishonest or rational beings?

As for divorce rates, they aren't climbing through the roof. They've remained the same in the US for the last 50 years since the practice first became socially acceptable and, like I already said, they're pretty consistent from one culture to the next whenever the practice becomes socially acceptable.
  • #27
Can we get the title of this thread fixed? It should read Sinead O'Connor Ends 8-Day Divorce
  • #28
rhody said:
IMHO, I only have two words for that because they are all it deserves

"Train Wreck"

I have a couple of words for them myself, but those ain't them.
In all seriousness, it really isn't their fault. It is ours. Anyone who looks at, let alone buys, a rag at the check-out of the store is contributing to the scum pool.
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  • #29
Danger said:
I have a couple of words for them myself, but those ain't them.
In all seriousness, it really isn't their fault. It is ours. Anyone who looks at, let alone buys, a rag at the check-out of the store is contributing to the scum pool.
I have to agree. The tabloids are dumb magazines aimed at dumb people. I still laugh when I remember when my sister used to read that junk years ago. One day, she tried to prove to me how great one magazine was by showing me an article that stated that 25% of their readers had a high school education. She got so distracted by the flowery way that they presented it, that she missed the fact that it meant that the other 75% didn't.

FAQ: Sinead O'Connor Ends 18-Day Marriage

1. Who is Sinead O'Connor?

Sinead O'Connor is an Irish singer-songwriter who rose to fame in the late 1980s with her debut album "The Lion and the Cobra". She is known for her powerful vocals and controversial public image.

2. Who was Sinead O'Connor married to for 18 days?

Sinead O'Connor was married to Barry Herridge, a therapist and addiction counselor, for 18 days. They got married on December 8, 2011 in Las Vegas.

3. Why did Sinead O'Connor's marriage only last for 18 days?

Sinead O'Connor and Barry Herridge's marriage ended after 18 days due to various issues, including their different views on spirituality, the pressure of being in the public eye, and difficulties with Herridge's family.

4. How many times has Sinead O'Connor been married?

Sinead O'Connor has been married four times, including her marriage to Barry Herridge. Her previous marriages were to music producer John Reynolds, journalist Nicholas Sommerlad, and musician Steve Cooney.

5. Is this the first time Sinead O'Connor has had a short-lived marriage?

No, Sinead O'Connor has had two other short-lived marriages in the past. Her marriage to Nicholas Sommerlad lasted for 8 months in 2001, and her marriage to Steve Cooney lasted for 10 months in 2010.

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