Solar Wind and Its Impact on Planets

In summary: In summary, the solar wind is a stream of charged particles plasma—ejected from the upper atmosphere of the sun, consisting mostly of electrons and protons with energies of about 1 keV. It is emitted globally in all directions and is not affected by the gravitational lines of force from planets. The high tides on both sides of the Earth are caused by the differential gravitational force of the moon and the Earth's orbit around their mutual center of mass. This is due to the pull of the moon on the Earth's water creating a bulge on the moon-ward side, and the Earth's own velocity causing another bulge on the opposite side.
  • #1
Ranger Mike
Science Advisor
Gold Member
The solar wind is a stream of charged particles plasma—ejected from the upper atmosphere of the sun. It consists mostly of electrons and protons with energies of about 1 keV. These particles are able to escape the sun's “gravity”, in part because of the high temperature of the i have read..
question- is solar wind emitted globally from the Sun ..i.e. in all directions or only along "gravitational lines of force" toward planets
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  • #2
I suppose that it is fairly uniform in all directions because the Sun has little angular momentum.
The gravitational influence on the corona of the Sun due to the planets is a tidal force, but I wouldn't expect this to effect solar winds much.
My opinion is based on nothing but intuition, mind you.
  • #3
my whole purpose for joining this website was to seek information on a ' pet theory" of mine about Gravity.

Unless i missed something in my basic Physics class years ago..high tide is caused by gravitational force from the moon. So why is there high tide on the side of the Earth facing the moon AND on the opposite side of the Earth at the same time?

Hence my curiosity regarding solar wind emission relative to gravitational lines of planets etc..
  • #4
Ranger Mike said:
my whole purpose for joining this website was to seek information on a ' pet theory" of mine about Gravity.

Unless i missed something in my basic Physics class years ago..high tide is caused by gravitational force from the moon. So why is there high tide on the side of the Earth facing the moon AND on the opposite side of the Earth at the same time?

There are high tides on both sides of the Earth because of the differential gravitation force. On the moon - Earth axis, the further off the Earth centre toward the point facing the moon, the stronger the gravitational forcce of the moon exerting on earth.
Similarly, on the opposite side, the further off the Earth centre, the weaker the force.
  • #5
ok I got it..makes sense. i found this on
should have looked for answers before bugging you guys with inane questions

Response from: Karanam Ramakumar,
Featured Member on
1. Please see Feynman's Lectures on Physics Vol. 1 (7-4)

The moon doesn't orbit around the earth, rather the Earth and moon orbit around their mutual center of gravity located somewhere within the surface of the earth. The exact location is more complicated to calculate because the Sun and other planets etc. contribute to the location of the center of mass. But considering only the Earth and moon, both the Earth and moon orbit around this center of mass, and the forces about this center of mass are in balance. Now, however, parts of the Earth closer to the moon than this center of mass experience a greater force than the equilibrium force at the center of mass. And since the oceanic water, unlike terra firma, is free to move the water nearer the moon experiences a force greater than the average and bulges toward away from the center of mass. Oceanic water on the opposite side of the center of mass of the earth-moon system experiences a smaller, and approximately equal force, than average earth-moon system's center of gravity, hence it rises "up" from the center of mass while the water on the moon side of the center of mass experiences a greater gravitational force that the equilibrium force at the center of mass of the earth-moon system and hence rises "up" toward the moon.

2. As theorized by Newton, every object exerts a pull on every other object. As the moon pulls on Earth, Earth also pulls on the moon. Earth is so much larger than the moon that it hardly moves at all, and the rock is so rigid that it hardly deforms at all; however, the water flows much more easily. Because of the pull from the moon on Earth's water, the water forms a bulge on the moon-ward side. This is high tide.

Earth has a certain velocity as it orbits the sun, and this causes an outward force. Just as the moon's gravity pulls the water and creates a bulge towards it, the outward force also creates a bulge, but on the side opposite the moon. Thus there are two high tides on the planet on opposite sides at once.

3. For further information please see…
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Related to Solar Wind and Its Impact on Planets

What is solar wind?

Solar wind is a constant stream of charged particles, mostly protons and electrons, that are emitted from the outer atmosphere of the Sun.

How does solar wind affect planets?

Solar wind can have various impacts on planets, including stripping away their atmosphere, creating auroras, and affecting their magnetic fields.

Which planets are most affected by solar wind?

The planets closest to the Sun, such as Mercury and Venus, are most affected by solar wind due to their proximity to the source. However, all planets are impacted to some degree.

How does Earth's magnetic field protect us from solar wind?

Earth's magnetic field acts as a shield, deflecting most of the solar wind particles and preventing them from reaching the surface. This is why we are able to have an atmosphere and life on our planet.

Can solar wind be dangerous for humans?

Yes, solar wind can be dangerous for humans in space, as it can cause radiation exposure and disrupt communication and navigation systems. However, on Earth's surface, we are protected by our atmosphere and magnetic field.

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