Can a shorter magnet produce the same current as a taller magnet in a solenoid?

In summary, the conversation discusses the relationship between solenoids and cylindrical magnets, specifically in terms of the resulting current flow. It is argued that while the current may vary over time, the same amount of charge will flow through the solenoid if the total magnetic flux change is the same. The speaker also expresses gratitude towards anyone who considers their questions.
  • #1

The other day while working on my car I began thinking about solenoids and how they work, but I think I may have confused myself. It's been a while since I've studied magnetism, but I remember that the current through a wire loop, and thus a solenoid as well, is dependent on the change in magnetic flux through the cross-sectional area of the loop.

So, if you have a cylindrical magnet in the solenoid that is the same height as the solenoid and you pull it out, you should get a certain current through the solenoid wires. If instead you have a cylindrical magnet with the the same magnetic flux density as the first magnet, but much shorter than the height of the solenoid (so, basically a disk magnet), would it produce the same current if it traveled the length of the solenoid?

I thank the physics gods and all who give any thought to the questions that come from my feeble mind.
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  • #2
jfowle said:
So, if you have a cylindrical magnet in the solenoid that is the same height as the solenoid and you pull it out, you should get a certain current through the solenoid wires. If instead you have a cylindrical magnet with the the same magnetic flux density as the first magnet, but much shorter than the height of the solenoid (so, basically a disk magnet), would it produce the same current if it traveled the length of the solenoid?
The same current is a loaded expression because the current in each case will be time-dependent. However, you will get the same charge to flow through the solenoid in each case. If you arrange things so that the same charge flows over the same time interval, then you can argue that the same average current flows in the solenoid. The reason you have the same amount of charge is this.

The current in the solenoid at any time is given by $$I=\frac{1}{R}\frac{d\Phi_M}{dt}$$where ##R## is the resistance of the solenoid and ##\Phi_M## the magnetic flux through it. The amount of charge that flows in time interval ##dt## is$$dq=Idt=\frac{1}{R}\frac{d\Phi_M}{dt}dt$$Thus, the total charge that flows through the solenoid is obtained by integrating$$\int dq=\frac{1}{R}\int\frac{d\Phi_M}{dt}dt$$ $$\Delta q=\frac{1}{R}\Delta \Phi_M$$So if you bring in each magnet from very far away, push it through the solenoid and back out to very far away, the total charge that will flow through the solenoid will be the same in each case as long as the total magnetic flux change is the same.

I don't know any physics gods, but the spirit of Michael Faraday is smiling benignly upon you.

FAQ: Can a shorter magnet produce the same current as a taller magnet in a solenoid?

1. How do solenoids use magnet shapes to generate a magnetic field?

Solenoids are coils of wire with a cylindrical shape. When an electric current is passed through the wire, it creates a magnetic field. This magnetic field is then amplified by the shape of the solenoid, which concentrates the field lines into a narrow and strong magnetic field.

2. What are the different types of magnet shapes used in solenoids?

The three most commonly used magnet shapes in solenoids are cylindrical, conical, and spherical. Cylindrical solenoids have a straight and uniform magnetic field, while conical solenoids have a stronger magnetic field at one end compared to the other. Spherical solenoids have a spherical shape and produce a three-dimensional magnetic field.

3. How do different magnet shapes affect the strength of a solenoid's magnetic field?

The shape of a magnet in a solenoid can greatly affect the strength of the magnetic field. For example, a conical magnet shape can produce a stronger magnetic field at one end compared to a cylindrical magnet shape. Additionally, the number of turns in the coil and the current passing through the wire also impact the strength of the magnetic field.

4. Can solenoids with different magnet shapes be used for different purposes?

Yes, solenoids with different magnet shapes can be used for different purposes. For instance, cylindrical solenoids are often used in electromagnets, while conical solenoids are used in magnetic lenses for focusing charged particles. Spherical solenoids are commonly used in MRI machines to produce a strong and uniform magnetic field.

5. Are there any limitations or drawbacks to using different magnet shapes in solenoids?

While different magnet shapes can be beneficial in certain applications, they also have limitations. For example, conical solenoids have a non-uniform magnetic field and can be more difficult to manufacture. Spherical solenoids also require more precise construction and can be more expensive. Additionally, different magnet shapes may have varying effects on the direction of the magnetic field, which may need to be considered in certain applications.

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