Solving the Mystery of White Crusty Substance After H2O2 Use

  • #1
Gold Member

I have just concentrated some H2O2 from a diluted 3% concentration. I used it on a copper scrubbing pad earlier to test how well it would oxidize; but now there is a white, crusty substance where the H2O2 used to be. I then tested it on different surfaces, but every time it dries I get the same white crust. What is this substance? The original solution did not form it. And is there any way to test the percentage of hydrogen peroxide from my solution? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
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  • #2
It would be an oxide or a combination of oxides depending on the exact composition of the material which you applied the H2O2 on to.
The 'extra' oxygen will react with almost anything, even metallic impurities present in glass.
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Likes Theoden
  • #3
Theoden said:
I have just concentrated some H2O2 from a diluted 3% concentration.

You are again trying to do dangerous things you have no idea abut?
  • #4
  • #5
Borek said:
You are again trying to do dangerous things you have no idea abut?
Nope. I am trying to find out what the white crust is; and how to know what percentage of hydrogen peroxide my solution has.
  • #6
Concentrating H2O2 is dangerous. Apparently you din't know even that.

Topic locked. Sorry, we won't help you hurt yourself.