Solving Space Mechanics Homework: Dry Mass Fraction, F

In summary, a rocket carrying 90T of propellant would have a dry mass of 9T. If the mass ratio of the system had to be 10 to perform a certain ΔV, this would allow the craft to carry 1T of payload. But if F=0.11, the dry mass of the system would be 9.9T and the payload would fall by a factor of 10, to 0.1T. If F=0.12, the dry mass of the vehicle would be 10.8T and the mission would be impossible even without any payload.
  • #1

Homework Statement

The dry mass fraction, F when multiplied by the propellant mass gives the dry mass of the vehicle (not counting its payload). This dry mass faction F, is a function of system design and lightness of the materials employed for its construction. So if F = 0.1, a ship carrying 90 tonnes of propellant would have a dry mass of 9 tonnes. If the mass ratio of the system had to be 10 to perform a certain ΔV, this would allow the craft to carry 1 tonne of payload. But if F = 0.11, the dry mass of the system would be 9.9 tonnes and the payload would fall by a factor of 10, to 0.1 tonne. If F = 0.12, the dry mass of the vehicle would be 10.8 tonnes, and the mission would be impossible even without any payload.

I need help understanding where 0.1 tonne comes from. I know how they got 1 tonne of payload.

Homework Equations

[itex]\frac{M+P}{P}[/itex]= e[itex]^{ΔV/M}[/itex]

M = Dry mass of vehicle without payload
P = Mass of propellant

The Attempt at a Solution

Let x = payload

(9 + 90)/9 - X = 10

X = 1 tonne

(9.9 + 90)/9.9 - X = 10

X = 0.09090909~ tonne
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  • #2
You mean the 0.1T cargo for F=0.01?

mass ratio has to be 10 to make a delta-vee.
then a ship with 90T of fuel can still do the delta-vee if the combined dry-mass and cargo-mass is smaller than a certain amount. What is this amount?

What is the dry-mass for a ship with F=0.01 and 90T of fuel?
How much does this leave for cargo?
  • #3
Simon Bridge said:
You mean the 0.1T cargo for F=0.01?

mass ratio has to be 10 to make a delta-vee.
then a ship with 90T of fuel can still do the delta-vee if the combined dry-mass and cargo-mass is smaller than a certain amount. What is this amount?

What is the dry-mass for a ship with F=0.01 and 90T of fuel?
How much does this leave for cargo?

Sorry, where did you get F=0.01 from? I'm confused.

The amount of payload for a ship with F=0.1 and 90T of fuel will be 1T.

I'm not sure where they came up with 0.1T of cargo for a ship with F=0.11 , 90T of fuel , and 9.9T of dry mass.

The mass ratio is 10 = (M+P)/M right?
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  • #4
F=0.11 is the example given but you seem to have found that confusing. The math is the same for any F. Here's the bit I guessed we were talking about:
But if F = 0.11, the dry mass of the system would be 9.9 tonnes and the payload would fall ... to 0.1 tonne.

mass ratio = R
mass of fuel = P
dry mass = D
cargo mass = C
then mass-ratio is R = (P+D+C)/(D+C)

so for P=90T, D+C=10T to get a mass-ratio: 100/10 = 10
as a consequence: C = 10-D.

If you like: since F=P/D, R=[(1+F)P+C]/[FP+C] solve for C
But the above example does it in 3 steps ... thus:

1. Given R and P you get D+C.
2. Given F and P you get D
3. combine 1 and 2 to get C.
  • #5
Simon Bridge said:
F=0.11 is the example given but you seem to have found that confusing. The math is the same for any F. Here's the bit I guessed we were talking about:

mass ratio = R
mass of fuel = P
dry mass = D
cargo mass = C
then mass-ratio is R = (P+D+C)/(D+C)

so for P=90T, D+C=10T to get a mass-ratio: 100/10 = 10
as a consequence: C = 10-D.

If you like: since F=P/D, R=[(1+F)P+C]/[FP+C] solve for C
But the above example does it in 3 steps ... thus:

1. Given R and P you get D+C.
2. Given F and P you get D
3. combine 1 and 2 to get C.

[itex]\frac{90T + 9.9T + C}{9.9T + C}[/itex] = 10T ?

Then solving for C

C = 0.1T
  • #6
Biosyn said:
[itex]\frac{90T + 9.9T + C}{9.9T + C}[/itex] = 10T ?

Then solving for C

C = 0.1T
Now you know where that 0.1 comes from?
  • #7
Simon Bridge said:
Now you know where that 0.1 comes from?

Yup, but uh..I'm not entirely sure where 10T comes from.

Is D+C always going to be 10T when P=90T?EDIT:
Or is it C = 0.1 because the units cancel out. Therefore that's why the Ratio is equal to [(1+F)P+C]/[FP+C].
Sorry, I think I'm just going around in circles. ._.
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  • #8
There's a bunch of definitions:
Dry mass, and mass ratio. These are separate.
The 10T comes from a mass-ratio of 10, when the propellant mass is 90T.
(You'd think a MR of 10 would mean "10:1" wouldn't you? But it doesn't.)

Using above notation:
if M = D+C+P is the total mass of the craft.
MR = M/(M-P)

So a 100T ship with MR=10 has P=90T and D+C=10T.

Rocket design is actually quite complicated and these wee numbers help engineers make design decisions.

FAQ: Solving Space Mechanics Homework: Dry Mass Fraction, F

1. What is dry mass fraction (F)?

Dry mass fraction (F) is the ratio of the dry mass of a spacecraft or rocket to its total mass. It is an important concept in space mechanics as it affects the performance and capabilities of the spacecraft or rocket.

2. How do you calculate dry mass fraction (F)?

The dry mass fraction (F) can be calculated by dividing the dry mass of the spacecraft or rocket by its total mass. The dry mass can be determined by subtracting the mass of all the propellants and other fluids from the total mass.

3. Why is dry mass fraction (F) important in space mechanics?

Dry mass fraction (F) is important because it directly affects the performance and capabilities of a spacecraft or rocket. A higher dry mass fraction means that a larger percentage of the total mass is available for useful payloads, such as scientific instruments or satellites. It also affects the fuel efficiency and range of the spacecraft or rocket.

4. How does changing the dry mass fraction (F) affect the design of a spacecraft or rocket?

Changing the dry mass fraction (F) can greatly impact the design of a spacecraft or rocket. A lower dry mass fraction may require a larger and more powerful rocket engine to achieve the same amount of thrust, while a higher dry mass fraction may allow for a smaller and more efficient engine. It also affects the amount of fuel and other resources needed for a mission.

5. What are some factors that can affect the dry mass fraction (F) of a spacecraft or rocket?

There are several factors that can affect the dry mass fraction (F) of a spacecraft or rocket, including the type and amount of propellant, the design and materials used in the spacecraft or rocket, and the desired performance and capabilities of the mission. Other factors such as launch requirements, payload mass, and cost constraints may also play a role in determining the optimal dry mass fraction for a given mission.

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