What is the oscillation frequency?

In summary, the problem involves a block being dropped onto a spring and sticking to the top of the spring. The block then oscillates with an amplitude of 10 cm. The question is asking for the frequency of the oscillation. The solution involves using conservation of energy and finding the equilibrium point of the block on the spring.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A spring is standing upright on a table with its bottom end fastened to the table. A block is dropped from a height of 3 cm above the top of the spring. The block sticks to the top end of the spring and then oscillates with an amplitude of 20 cm. What is the oscillation frequency?

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

I tried to use conservation of energy, saying that yo = 0 and the top of the spring

so mg(.03m)= .5k(.10m)^2

k= 6mg then I plugged that into f= (1/2pi)* sqrt (k/m)
But that didn't work. I'm think that maybe since it says "sticks" this is an inelastic collision where energy isn't conserved.

Also if y=0 at the top of the spring, as it compresses to its maximum does this lead to a negative gravitational potential energy in addition to the potential energy in the spring?
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  • #2
bcjochim07 said:
I tried to use conservation of energy, saying that yo = 0 and the top of the spring

so mg(.03m)= .5k(.10m)^2
There's nothing wrong with using conservation of energy (in fact you must). Compare the initial energy (at 3 cm above the spring) to the energy when the spring is maximally compressed. Hint: Measure gravitational PE from the lowest position.
  • #3
So since it compresses .10 cm, is this what I should do:


k= 26 mg

frequency= 1/2pi * sqrt [k/m] frequency = 1/2pi * sqrt [26mg/m] = 1/2pi* sqrt 26g

frequency= 2.54 Hz... hmmm that's not right
  • #4
bcjochim07 said:
So since it compresses .10 cm,
Rethink that. The amplitude is 20 cm. Where is the equilibrium point?
  • #5
I'm not sure I understand what you're saying. The problem says that the amplitude is 10 cm. Isn't the top of the spring the equilibrium point?
  • #6
bcjochim07 said:
I'm not sure I understand what you're saying. The problem says that the amplitude is 10 cm.
In your first post you give the amplitude as 20 cm.
Isn't the top of the spring the equilibrium point?
No. The equilibrium point is where the net force on the mass is zero.
  • #7
I'm not seeing it...I'm sorry Ok yeah the amplitude should be 10 cm
  • #8
The mass will oscillate about the system's equilibrium point. Find that point by finding where the net force on the mass is zero. (Only two forces act on the mass.)
  • #9
so where the kx=mg

that point in the compression is x=k/mg how do I fit this into my expression?
  • #10
.3+k/mg is y=0 ?
  • #11
Well now I tried kinematics and found the velocity of the block before it hits the spring to be .767 m/s. Then I used the amount of compression of the spring to be the distance over which the mass accelerates in the positive direction (slowing down)

v^2=0m/s -2(9.80)(.03)
v= .767m/s


So the force on the block is F=m(3.835)

Fsp=kx k(.10)=(3.835)m

use eqn freq= (1/2pi)*sqrt(k/m) freq= (1/2pi)* sqrt (38.25) = .984 ... not right either
  • #12
bcjochim07 said:
so where the kx=mg

that point in the compression is x=k/mg how do I fit this into my expression?
That point, a distance x below the initial position of the spring, is the equilibrium point. You know the amplitude of the motion, so how far down does the mass compress the spring at the lowest point?
  • #13
Well, if the amplitude is .10m then the maximum compression is .10m below the equilibrium point. I think I'm having a problem visualizing this. So if it's dropped from 3cm above the top of the spring, then does it compress 10 cm to the equilibrium point and then 10 cm below that?
  • #14
bcjochim07 said:
Well, if the amplitude is .10m then the maximum compression is .10m below the equilibrium point.
I think I'm having a problem visualizing this. So if it's dropped from 3cm above the top of the spring, then does it compress 10 cm to the equilibrium point
No. Realize that the distance from the original position of the top of the spring to the equilibrium point is not 10 cm. (It hits the spring with some speed.) You already figured out the distance it must compress to get to the equilibrium point in post #9; use it.
and then 10 cm below that?

(This is a tricky one to visualize; don't give up on it.)
  • #15
So is the initial height above the lowest point( where it is compressed the most) is .03m + k/mg + .10m ? If that's right then would I do this: (.13+ k/mg)mg = .5k(.10m)^2?
  • #16
bcjochim07 said:
So is the initial height above the lowest point( where it is compressed the most) is .03m + k/mg + .10m ?
If that's right then would I do this: (.13+ k/mg)mg = .5k(.10m)^2?
Almost. How much is the spring compressed? (Not just .10 m.)

FAQ: What is the oscillation frequency?

1. What is the "Spring Energy Problem"?

The "Spring Energy Problem" is a physics problem that involves calculating the potential and kinetic energy of a spring system that is undergoing simple harmonic motion. It is a common problem in introductory physics courses.

2. How do you calculate the potential energy of a spring?

The potential energy of a spring can be calculated using the equation U = 1/2kx^2, where k is the spring constant and x is the displacement of the spring from its equilibrium position. This equation represents the energy stored in the spring due to its deformation.

3. What is the relationship between potential and kinetic energy in a spring system?

In a spring system, potential energy and kinetic energy are constantly being exchanged. When the spring is at its equilibrium position, all of the energy is in the form of potential energy. As the spring is compressed or stretched, the potential energy decreases and the kinetic energy increases. At the maximum compression or stretch, all of the energy is in the form of kinetic energy. The total energy of the system remains constant.

4. How does the mass of an object affect the spring energy problem?

The mass of an object affects the spring energy problem in two ways. Firstly, a heavier object will require more force to compress or stretch the spring, resulting in a higher potential energy stored in the spring. Secondly, the kinetic energy of the system will also be affected by the mass of the object, as a heavier object will have a greater inertia and therefore a slower velocity during simple harmonic motion.

5. What are some real-life examples of the "Spring Energy Problem"?

The "Spring Energy Problem" can be observed in many everyday objects, such as a door closing mechanism, a pogo stick, or a diving board. It can also be seen in natural phenomena, such as the motion of a bungee jumper or a pendulum. Understanding this problem can help us better understand the behavior of springs and elastic materials in various applications.

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