Horrors of High School: Low Level of Understanding

In summary: Stupidity is everywhere, lurking in dark corners, ready to ambush you at the most inconvenient of times. But don't worry, because eventually the stupidity catches up with them and they end up in a position where they can't do anything.
  • #1
I think that the students at my high school are getting stupider every year :bugeye:

Maybe it's because I spend so much time on PF. This year I'm happy because in PreCalc, there are no stupid people, nor are there any in AP Biology and AP US history. One class is missing though...physics

People in my physics class just don't understand anything and can't possibly think. They don't understand the most basic "concepts" such as acceleration or velocity. If you tell them that you go at 5m/s for 5 seconds, they wouldn't know how far you traveled. A person at my table hasn't even passed enough math classes to graduate yet :bugeye: . Some people say "I'm not good at math", no, you aren't good at life, DIE NOW!

This is the same as the people who use tip calculators on their cell phones to see how much 15 or 20% of their bill is.

So...why are people stupid? What I would give to have everyone in my classes like you folks :bugeye: Some of these people even whined when they found out we had homework which had 4 average velocity problems(or something like that, but I mean, they were each 6th grade elementary stuff)... Please tell me the stupidity goes away in college
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
moose said:
Please tell me the stupidity goes away in college
No, it doesn't.
  • #3
arildno said:
No, it doesn't.

Graduate school maybe? :rolleyes:
  • #4
moose said:
Graduate school maybe? :rolleyes:
Not there, either..
Stupidity is everywhere, lurking in dark corners, ready to ambush you at the most inconvenient of times..
  • #5
You know if people weren't stupid, they would never enter the college. But don't worry because after awhile they get crazy, so they aren't stupid anymore. :wink:
  • #6
Lisa! said:
You know if people weren't stupid, they would never enter the college. But don't worry because after awhile they get crazy, so they aren't stupid anymore. :wink:

As long as they don't mess up when serving me my steak.
  • #7
moose said:
As long as they don't mess up when serving me my steak.
Don't worry their madness isn't dangerous. Do you remmember the guy in "Rain man" movie? They're like him.
  • #8
Do they at least get less common in (under)graduate school?
  • #9
Smurf said:
Do they at least get less common in (under)graduate school?
Nope, but you've developed an instinct not to poke about in the wrong types of darkened nooks and alleys.
  • #10
  • #11
Most people just don t want to learn, because they have this notion that it is "uncool".
  • #12
A lot of people at my school are like that...especailly in computers science and computer engineering.
  • #13
Smurf said:
Do they at least get less common in (under)graduate school?
Yes, the ratio does improve, and they seem to be concentrated in the administrative offices, but then you only notice them more when you venture outside the campus.

I don't know how some people get as far as they do. I worked with one post-doc who I just wondered how she graduated high school let alone got through graduate school. I was giving the undergrads in the lab more challenging tasks than I could give her to do.
  • #14
Some people are just lazy. I usually have to force myself from Counter-Strike to read books because I really don't feel like doing it.
  • #15
i tried the following to my friends :smile: (but no one could do get it :frown: ):
its a bit interesting though u may have already herard it: :approve:

think of a no (from 0 to 9) :rolleyes:
add 2
multiply by 5
add 10
multiply by 2

NOW add another number :rolleyes: (from 0 to 8)
subtract 31
tell me the ans :biggrin:

NOW i can tell u what u thought!

:bugeye: separate the answer into last digit and other digits. now treat them as 2 different numbers.

add 1 to the last digit of the and subtract 1 from the other. the 2 numbers are the numbers that were thought

like if the answer is 53
then u tell 4 and 4 (5-1and4+1)
like if the answer is 68
then u tell 5 and 9(6-1and8+1) :bugeye: )

gurkha :biggrin:
  • #16
moose said:
Please tell me the stupidity goes away in college

Not unless you confine yourself to the physics department.

I venture out and into say, the arts building area or near the education building and my IQ starts dropping. I start drooling and soon enough lose the ability to walk with one leg. Then some interior design major will walk up to me and tell me her horoscope and i'll go into a seizure.
  • #17
This is how I console myself:

If you believe that people are born with intelligence, then it's not their fault that they're stupid- why would you hold it against them? Surely being irritated with something that they have no power to change is futile. You might as well be irritated with their skin color or gender. Society as we know it now wouldn't function very well if only intelligent people were educated. It allows a greater proportion of people to contribute.

If you believe that intelligence changes as you learn/grow, then education is a good thing and allows them to 'achieve their potential', so to speak.

Streaming of classes (ie. classes according to aptitude or skill) may work at a HS level, but I doubt putting people in boxes that early is wise? Better to put up with it and wait until college, etc. where they independently sieve themselves out a bit.
  • #18
They are not stupid, we are just a hell of a lot smarter :smile:
  • #19
mattmns said:
They are not stupid, we are just a hell of a lot smarter :smile:

no they're stupid.
  • #20
kant said:
Most people just don t want to learn, because they have this notion that it is "uncool".

Yah and its funny in college because its costing them to be trendy lil morons. Oh well, better job market for me. I don't think fermilab hires based on looks :rolleyes:

Man that must really suck in the few socialist countries with free post-secondary education. Now no one has the monetary burden so there must be even mooooooooore idiots to deal with. At least here, a few idiots shy away because there paying maybe a few grand a year.
  • #21
ascky said:
This is how I console myself:

If you believe that people are born with intelligence, then it's not their fault that they're stupid- why would you hold it against them?

Exactly what I'm thinking. Those fortunate enough to be born with talent seem to get some type of malicious pleasure out of belittling those who don't have the same abilities.

Stupid is a relative term anyway... We'd all be considered stupid next to the intellectual giants gone by.
  • #22
Pengwuino said:
Yah and its funny in college because its costing them to be trendy lil morons. Oh well, better job market for me. I don't think fermilab hires based on looks :rolleyes:

Man that must really suck in the few socialist countries with free post-secondary education. Now no one has the monetary burden so there must be even mooooooooore idiots to deal with. At least here, a few idiots shy away because there paying maybe a few grand a year.
... So? I don't know why you wouldn't want that. I'd rather be around slightly more dumbasses and buy a new car than be around a slightly smarter crowd and lose several grand a semester.
  • #23
learningphysics said:
Exactly what I'm thinking. Those fortunate enough to be born with talent seem to get some type of malicious pleasure out of belittling those who don't have the same abilities.
Why do you assume people are 'born' with smarts? You mean you can't learn good study habits? Is it not possible for someone to learn how to do well in school?
  • #24
Smurf said:
Why do you assume people are 'born' with smarts? You mean you can't learn good study habits? Is it not possible for someone to learn how to do well in school?

Yes... some people can... And some people can try their hardest and still do poorly in school.
  • #25
Intelligence is developed at a young age, its not a born trait. People who are stupid just generally don't apply themselves when theyre younger and don't know any better as they get older.

Generally people are smarter in college but you definitely have your share of idiots around. Also depends on what college you are at.

Theres a big difference between intelligence and being smart. Good study habits won't help you become intelligent. They'll help you pass a test.
  • #26
Pengwuino said:
no they're stupid.
Drop the elitist attitude, Pengwuino. It'll get you nowhere quickly. Remember this: however smart you think you are, there are always people smarter than you.
  • #27
Most stupid people I know can't be really smart, but if they tried they would be semi smart. They chose not to and are lazy. Now, there are certain people which just can't be smart, and well, sucks for them :/
  • #28
Manchot said:
Drop the elitist attitude, Pengwuino. It'll get you nowhere quickly. Remember this: however smart you think you are, there are always people smarter than you.
But don't let that get you down pengy. Whenever you meet someone smarter than you, just remind yourself there are hundreds dumber.
  • #29
Manchot said:
Drop the elitist attitude, Pengwuino. It'll get you nowhere quickly. Remember this: however smart you think you are, there are always people smarter than you.

Yes but a large # of people are barely beyond the level fo tieing their shoes. Its not elitiest, its the truth.
  • #30
Smurf said:
... So? I don't know why you wouldn't want that. I'd rather be around slightly more dumbasses and buy a new car than be around a slightly smarter crowd and lose several grand a semester.

Well the thread is about the # of stupid people on campuses, not what country has teh most affordable schooling. Rather defensive eh :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
  • #31
Pengwuino said:
Yes but a large # of people are barely beyond the level fo tieing their shoes. Its not elitiest, its the truth.
I bet that those people also know how to use a spell checker.
  • #32
Manchot said:
I bet that those people also know how to use a spell checker.

I doubt it.

Or wait, did you just show a little elitism? :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
  • #33
Pengwuino said:
Yah and its funny in college because its costing them to be trendy lil morons. Oh well, better job market for me. I don't think fermilab hires based on looks :rolleyes:

Man that must really suck in the few socialist countries with free post-secondary education. Now no one has the monetary burden so there must be even mooooooooore idiots to deal with. At least here, a few idiots shy away because there paying maybe a few grand a year.

Yes it's true that more people go t collage in socialist and post-socialist countrys (I live in a post-socialist one). But as far as the post-socialist country in which I study goes, you just hav eto survive the first year of collage becouse most of the erxams are really hard and and the really stupid classmates don't pass (most qouit after a few weeks).
  • #34
LENIN said:
Yes it's true that more people go t collage in socialist and post-socialist countrys (I live in a post-socialist one). But as far as the post-socialist country in which I study goes, you just hav eto survive the first year of collage becouse most of the erxams are really hard and and the really stupid classmates don't pass (most qouit after a few weeks).

ha! Why would someone just quit after a few weeks. I mean you go through over a decade of school and then when it really starts to count, you just quit? Its not like the school should be much harder then high school! Except of course, the difficulty in only going in certain days and being able to skip classes without anyone caring and only going in for only about half as many hours as high school :rolleyes:
  • #35
Well the reason they qouit is in a few weeks is becouse of the first tasts that take time at that point. While more than 90% of all high school students graduate in there first attempt (and graduaition is supose to be hard(aldo it isn't)) only about 10% (lower% in science higer in social sciences%) of students sucesfuly finish this tasts in there first attempt (at the end of the first year around 40% of students finish these tests) and this discourages theme. Also students seam to reather worke to gain exstra money than study for the thughest subjects which also lowers the number of people whichenter the second year(after that the nuber is more or less constant).