Switchmode power supply question

In summary, SMPS are smaller than linear power supplies because they use high frequency switching to reduce the size of the transformer, inductor, and capacitor. They have two transformers - one at the AC input and one after switching. The first transformer rectifies the 60Hz AC to generate 168V DC, which is then used to power oscillators that generate high frequency AC. The smaller transformer is sometimes used for low power standby voltage. The PWM chip precisely regulates pulses to control the main transformer. NPN transistors or mosfets are used for switching, which is controlled by an oscillator or a PWM chip. This allows for smaller size due to less heat dissipation. Isolation occurs after the main transformer.
  • #1
Why are SMPS smaller than linear power supplies?
I understand when you switch at high frequency, the transformer,inductor and capacitor size reduces. Usually, there are 2 transformers in a smps. One at the AC input and one after switching.
How do they rectify the 60Hz using the first transformer. I am trying to understand this as the transformer is really small.
Is the freq upconverted some how?
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  • #2
First 120V AC input is directly rectified with a bridge rectifier and filtered with capacitors to get something like 168 Volts DC.

The DC voltage is now used to supply power to oscillators which generate the actual high frequency AC at high voltage - there is one oscillator for every transformer.

A transformer down converts high voltage AC to a lower voltage AC. Then the lower voltage AC is rectified and filtered with smaller capacitors (due to high frequency) and that generates the DC voltage.

The smaller transformer is sometimes used to generate a low power DC standby voltage that supplies power to the PWM (Pulse Width Modulator) chip. The PWM in turn precisely regulates pulses which control the main transformer.
  • #3
waht said:
First 120V AC input is directly rectified with a bridge rectifier and filtered with capacitors to get something like 168 Volts DC.
So there is no isolation at the line(60Hz AC)?

A transformer down converts high voltage AC to a lower voltage AC. Then the lower voltage AC is rectified and filtered with smaller capacitors (due to high frequency) and that generates the DC voltage.
By high voltage AC, you mean switched AC or the 60Hz?

The smaller transformer is sometimes used to generate a low power DC standby voltage that supplies power to the PWM (Pulse Width Modulator) chip. The PWM in turn precisely regulates pulses which control the main transformer.
oh! the pwm does load regulation.The whole reason I got the doubt about transformer bcoz I was looking at roomba power supply and it had 2 transformers. Its a 32W power supply. But the transformer near the AC input is so small, it is in no way remotely close to 32w.
3rd pic here - http://www.schneordesign.com/Avi/irobot/roomba_mod1.htm
I just checked my roomba PS, the transformer near the AC line is a common mode filter transformer.

But I wonder how they switch the 168V DC. They probably use mosfets. But I am not sure how to drive the mosfets.
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  • #4
If you use high frequencies, the transformer size can be considerably less. Also, a linear regulator needs to dissipate power in what is, effectively, a variable resistance, whereas a switching regulator will dissipate a vanishingly small amount of power - depending on how fast the switching is achieved (rise and fall times) - because the switch is either on or off (no dissipation in either case) and not some intermediate resistance. Hence it can be built smaller because there is less heat to dissipate.
  • #5
In the pic the smaller transformer near the AC input is not really a transformer but it's an EMI filter. It kills any interference entering the circuit.
So there is no isolation at the line(60Hz AC)?

Isolation occurs after the main transformer.
By high voltage AC, you mean switched AC or the 60Hz?

I meant high voltage, and high frequency switched AC at this stage.

But I wonder how they switch the 168V DC. They probably use mosfets. But I am not sure how to drive the mosfets.

Some designs use mosfets. Most PC power supplies I've seen use NPN transistors.

You could verify this quickly with a multimeter.
  • #6
waht, how do the drive the NPN transistors or mosfets? All they have on-board is 168V DC.
  • #7
likephysics said:
waht, how do the drive the NPN transistors or mosfets? All they have on-board is 168V DC.

That's the job of an oscillator. Supply DC voltage, and it outputs AC. And this can be achieved in a number of ways.

Sometimes a relaxation type of oscillator is used. The transistor is switched by energizing and dumping current in the transformer, and the frequency depends on the inductance of the windings.

Or an independent PWM chip can supply pulses to switch the transistors for better load regulations.

FAQ: Switchmode power supply question

What is a switchmode power supply?

A switchmode power supply is a type of electronic circuit that converts electrical power from one form to another, typically from AC to DC. It uses a switching regulator to control the output voltage and achieve high efficiency.

How does a switchmode power supply work?

A switchmode power supply works by using a high-frequency switching circuit to rapidly turn the power on and off, storing the energy in an inductor or capacitor, and then regulating the output voltage using a feedback loop.

What are the advantages of a switchmode power supply?

Switchmode power supplies have several advantages over traditional linear power supplies. They are more efficient, smaller in size, and lighter in weight. They also have a wider input voltage range and can handle a higher current load.

What are the common applications of switchmode power supplies?

Switchmode power supplies are commonly used in electronic devices such as computers, TVs, and cell phones. They are also used in industrial equipment, telecommunications, and automotive systems.

What are the potential issues with switchmode power supplies?

Some potential issues with switchmode power supplies include electromagnetic interference (EMI), which can affect the performance of nearby electronic devices, and high-frequency noise that can cause issues with sensitive components. Proper design and shielding can help mitigate these issues.
