Temperature ballance, two systems

In summary, the conversation discusses a problem involving a heat source inside a glass cylinder and the need to determine the temperature at which the air inside stabilizes and there is a balance between the inner and outer space. The cylinder is closed on both ends with heat insulating material and the individual is looking for advice on the proper material to use. The conversation also includes a diagram of the cylinder and questions about its size and thickness.
  • #1
Hi, I would like to ask you for advice with a problem, I'm working on.

I have a regular shape object (glass cylinder) in which is the 100W heat source. The heat source is ind the middle of cylinder and radiates heat uniformly throughout it’s height. Heat, of course, gradually moving into surrounding area. Thy cylinder is closed on both ends by heat insulating material. I need to know the temperature at which the air in the cylinder stabilizes and there is a temperature balance between inner and outer space. Please help as I should come to a result. Thank you and please pardon my english.
Science news on Phys.org
  • #2
Is this class work?
  • #3
No, It is real problem I want to solve - I'm trying to develop and later produce something, but I need to determine a proper material for cylinder (right now i consider using PMMA or glass), because of low safe temperature point of PMMA. Thats it
  • #4
Where is the air located? Can you provide a diagram?
  • #5
How big and how thick is the cylinder? Sounds like a light bulb to me...
  • #6

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  • #7
Did I miss the length?

If it isn't too long, the heat transfer will be dominated by radiation and the problem can be made easy...

FAQ: Temperature ballance, two systems

What is temperature balance between two systems?

Temperature balance between two systems refers to the state in which the temperature of both systems is equal. This means that the systems have reached thermal equilibrium, with no net transfer of heat between them.

How is temperature balance achieved between two systems?

Temperature balance can be achieved between two systems through heat transfer. This can occur through three mechanisms: conduction, convection, and radiation. In conduction, heat is transferred through direct contact between the two systems. In convection, heat is transferred through the movement of fluids or gases. In radiation, heat is transferred through electromagnetic waves.

What factors affect temperature balance between two systems?

Several factors can affect temperature balance between two systems. These include the initial temperature of each system, the rate of heat transfer, and the specific heat capacities of the materials involved. The type of contact between the two systems (e.g. solid-solid, liquid-liquid, etc.) can also play a role.

How does temperature balance impact the behavior of the two systems?

When two systems are in temperature balance, there is no net transfer of heat between them. This means that the temperature of each system remains constant. However, this does not necessarily mean that the properties or behavior of the systems will be the same. For example, one system may have a higher heat capacity and thus require more heat to maintain its temperature, while the other may have a lower heat capacity and be more sensitive to changes in temperature.

What are some real-world applications of temperature balance between two systems?

Temperature balance between two systems has many practical applications. In engineering, it is crucial for designing efficient heat exchange systems. In chemistry, it is important for controlling reactions and maintaining consistent conditions in experiments. In everyday life, it is essential for comfortable living and regulating the temperature of our surroundings. Temperature balance is also important in environmental science for understanding the effects of climate change and natural temperature fluctuations.
