Heat balance Definition and 12 Threads

  1. U

    Heat conduction from an isotherm spherical cap

    On the surface of a semi-infinite solid, a point heat source releases a power ##q##; apart from this, the surface of the solid is adiabatic. The heat melts the solid so that a molten pool forms and grows. Let's hypothesize that the pool temperature is homogeneously equal to the melting...
  2. C

    Global Ice melt and heat balance

    Can anyone point to a refereed paper exploring the heat absorbed by melting around 500 GT of ie per year (Antarctic - 127 GT pa; Greenland 286 GT pa; sea ice, glaciers estim. 100 GT pa)? As latent heat of fusion is 333.55 KJoules per Kg, I reckon the heat absorbed per year is around 1.67 X 1023...
  3. B

    Heat transfer for an encapsulated circuit

    Hello, So I am assembling some testing equipment. I have an active circuit, microcontroller, and two battery packs inside a black polypropylene case (which is around 1 ft x 1 ft x 0.5 ft). I was performing a thermal analysis because I want to make sure the electronics do not heat up past around...
  4. G

    Calculation of heat created during compression

    Homework Statement Hello, I have a task to make a heat balance of the evaporator. To do this, I was told to carry a few smaller energy balances in different parts of the evaporator. One of the things I had to calculate was the heat generated during steam compression. -steam is entering...
  5. N

    Temperature ballance, two systems

    Hi, I would like to ask you for advice with a problem, I'm working on. I have a regular shape object (glass cylinder) in which is the 100W heat source. The heat source is ind the middle of cylinder and radiates heat uniformly throughout it’s height. Heat, of course, gradually moving into...
  6. Ugnius

    Heat Balance Homework: Find Final Water Temp

    Homework Statement In heat impervious bowl with unknown volume there are unknown amount amount of water(10 degress celcius). Metal ball with unknown mass / volume / specific heat(ball temperature was 100 degress celcius) - was landed in water and managed to raise temperature to 40 degress...
  7. Ravi Singh choudhary

    I In which case coffee will cool faster?

    Just Qualitative Analysis: There are many ways of cooling a coffee cup. But here I want to understand about concept of fins. So I am using a spoon to enhance the heat transfer rate. Put the spoon vertically in the cup. We have two ways to put the spoon, other one is upside down. I am curious to...
  8. T

    Time for a steel die to reach temperature

    Hello. I will be doing some experiments with boron steel. The idea is to heat a steel specimen (200x20x1,5 mm dimensions) to 950°C and then quickly transfer it from the oven to the die at room temperature. When the specimen reaches the steel die it will supposedly be at around 800°C. At this...
  9. N

    Dry ice sublimation, heat balance

    Homework Statement The problem is this: what is the optimum amount of dry ice inside the Styrofoam pack, if we want to received a frozen dough (temp.-18) after 3 days of transportation in temperature 20 C ? My calculations and data placed in the attached excel file, but I'm not sure if they...
  10. M

    Calculating Heat Balance & Steam kg/kg for Different Variables

    Hello, Im new here, sorry for my english, but I am in desperate need of help regarding my own experiment which i need to finish. I need to calculate steam kg/kg (flash steam maybe in english?). Basically i have entering steam temperature and pressure and exiting steam temp. and pressure from...
  11. V

    Non-dimensionalization - Given heat balance EQ, convert to a dimensionless EQ

    Homework Statement Define a dimensionless radial coordinate as x\,=\,r\,\sqrt{\frac{2\,h}{b\,k}} and introduce y\,=\,T\,-\,T_a, and thus show the elementary equation x^2\,\frac{d^2y}{dx}\,+\,x\,\frac{dy}{dx}\,-\,x^2\,y\,=\,0 describes the physical situation. It gives the "physical...
  12. P

    Solve Heat Balance Problem: 50g, 30 Deg, 530 Sec, 10W, 100g, 16.1W

    Here is the problem. 50g of liquid is heated by 30 degrees in a calorimeter in 530 seconds. The power is 10W. 100g is heated by the same amount in the same time with a power input of 16.1W. What is the s.h.c (Cs)of the liquid. I know that: Cs = (1/mass) x (dH/dt for liquid) + (dH/dt for...