Who Was the Craziest Person You Knew?

  • Thread starter Ivan Seeking
  • Start date
In summary, the crazy person in this story is a man named Ivan who had a lot of interesting experiences in his life. One of the best ones was when he took off on his motorcycle across a blind intersection and crashed into a tree. He eventually found a home with the postal service.
  • #1
Ivan Seeking
Staff Emeritus
Science Advisor
Gold Member
Today I was thinking about a guy I knew in high school. At first he just seemed a little high strung and strange, but after I observed his behavior for awhile, it became evident that this guy was simply wired differently than most people. He was absolutely nuts! I remember him taking off on a motorcycle, full throttle, right across a blind intersection. He took out a toll both with his car while drunk, played soccer on LSD [the coach loved that one], crashed his car into a tree, later, joined the military and got kicked out. Eventually he got into bar fights and was arrested several times. Rumor has it [started by him] that he even might have killed a guy in a bar one night - he couldn't remember.

Here is the best part: He found a home with the postal service.

Okay laughing head removed, but I couldn't help but laugh when I heard. :redface:
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  • #2
One word: Ivan.

  • #3
Why? Are you a fan of the postal service?
  • #4
Craziest person I know? This'll take a while...
  • #5
I have thought long and hard and can not think of any one, crazy people
must live in towns and cities.
  • #6
wolram said:
I have thought long and hard and can not think of any one, crazy people
must live in towns and cities.

:smile: :smile: :smile:

Don't be coy Mr Easy Rider.
  • #7
Blast, but one knows me so that does not count, i think Astronuc has done
some quite crazy things, so i put him in the frame :smile:
  • #8
wolram said:
Blast, but one knows me so that does not count, i think Astronuc has done some quite crazy things, so i put him in the frame :smile:
Now, do I look like I would do 'crazy' things. :biggrin: Yeah, I've had some interesting experiences.
  • #9
Astronuc said:
Now, do I look like I would do 'crazy' things. :biggrin: Yeah, I've had some interesting experiences.

Well; erm, err,
yes, but one can not tell by looks alone, it needs a certain intuition.
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  • #10
Oh, you people are so way inhibited, i will tell about my best crash, in the hope that you follow.

It was the one where i took off on my bike over a hump backed bridge, the
road bore to the right immediatly after the bridge, and a brook ran along side the road, me and bike cleared the brook, the bike only just, me a bit more,
we went quite high as attested by some damaged branches on a tree, the bikes front wheel was embeded in the mud of the far brook bank, i ended up
a few yards further, it took three of us to pull the bike out of the mud, and
i was able to ride it home (slowly), this is the only one i would like to repeat
as i can not remember the flight bit, or would it be the one with all the sparks, that was good too
  • #11
One of the best biker stories that I ever heard came from a 300 pounder named Toot [one guess how he got the name]. To be sure, Toot was not a guy you wanted as an enemy. He had arms as big around as my legs, and when he was a younger guy, he was big time trouble.

At some point, as I imagine was true for many nights in his life, Toot was in a bar and got into a fight. Eventually he found himself on top of another guy and was pounding him into the parking lot. Suddenly he had the strangest sensation: When he to hit the guy, he saw a yellow flash. What the heck was that, he thought. He hit the guy again; yellow flash. Toot hit him again, and again, a yellow flash. Toot finally realized that every time he hit the guy, a cop was hitting him on the head with a nightstick.
  • #12
Ivan Seeking said:
One of the best biker stories that I ever heard came from a 300 pounder named Toot [one guess how he got the name]. To be sure, Toot was not a guy you wanted as an enemy. He had arms as big around as my legs, and when he was a younger guy, he was big time trouble.

At some point, as I imagine was true for many nights in his life, Toot was in a bar and got into a fight. Eventually he found himself on top of another guy and was pounding him into the parking lot. Suddenly he had the strangest sensation: When he to hit the guy, he saw a yellow flash. What the heck was that, he thought. He hit the guy again; yellow flash. Toot hit him again, and again, a yellow flash. Toot finally realized that every time he hit the guy, a cop was hitting him on the head with a nightstick.
:smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:
  • #13
The cops only ever did me over once, but i did not care, the breakfast of
bacon and eggs was the best i ever tasted, i often wonder if the desk copper, took pity on me.
  • #14
Despite my maniac driving as a teen, I managed to never get arrested or kill anyone. When about fourteen I took a buddy's car joyriding and got caught, but I had permission to take the car, so no one pressed charges of any kind. I did have to sell my dirt bike to pay for the bumper I tore from the parked pick-up truck I hit...and the damage to my friends mom's VW. That was my closest brush with the law.
  • #15
Ivan Seeking said:
Despite my maniac driving as a teen, I managed to never get arrested or kill anyone. When about fourteen I took a buddy's car joyriding and got caught, but I had permission to take the car, so no one pressed charges of any kind. I did have to sell my dirt bike to pay for the bumper I tore from the parked pick-up truck I hit...and the damage to my friends mom's VW. That was my closest brush with the law.
My friends compared me to Mario Andretti and Parnelli Jones. :biggrin:

Hey, Ivan, want to race? :smile:

I had a similar situation to Wolram, but without the bridge (although I have been airborne in a car). One winter, on an unfamililar road, I came to a T-intersection, and while gently braking, hit a patch of ice. So I had to let off the brake, slide across the perpendicular road (fortunately no cross traffic) and steer between two large trees. I threaded the needle and missed the trees. Fortunately a guy in a pickup truck had a heavy duty rope to pull me up the embankment.
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  • #16
Craziest person I know is this football player in my class(I'am afraid of him being on the news but not about football but on a legel news show)
  • #17
Ivan Seeking said:
Despite my maniac driving as a teen, I managed to never get arrested or kill anyone. When about fourteen I took a buddy's car joyriding and got caught, but I had permission to take the car, so no one pressed charges of any kind. I did have to sell my dirt bike to pay for the bumper I tore from the parked pick-up truck I hit...and the damage to my friends mom's VW. That was my closest brush with the law.

A dirt bike for a bumper seems so not fair, but we must take the punishment,
Ivan you were very very bad :smile: but it is or was so much fun, i wish i could do it all again, with you and astro we could have a ball.
  • #18
It's hell getting old and responsible. I bought a old Blazer/thrasher 4WD that had a brand new Chev 350 V-8. This was purchased for the sole purpose of thrashing in the hills adjacent to our property. But when push came to shove, I couldn't see ruining a perfectly good engine, so I sold it before I ruined it.
  • #19
I probably couldn't handle the excitement anymore. :smile:
  • #20
,Ops, my bad side has come through, i must say that i no way want to say
that breaking the law is clever, one suffers if one does, i am still suffering the effects, plod never let's go, remember that.
  • #21
Yes, I was worried about this as well after starting the thread. I certainly don't mean to glorify either of the people mentioned or my own actions as a kid, but we all do things we shouldn't, and years later we can look back with a smile if nothing really bad ever happend, but at the time...not so fun when it's happening - getting in trouble, that is.

Astro, I'll race you. Would you like to race to the bathroom or the refrigerator?
  • #22
One should not break the law, but if one does, one should willingly accept the consequences.
  • #23
I know several people with actual mental disorders, not just recklessness or drug-induced permanent reality distortion.
  • #24
Ivan Seeking said:
Astro, I'll race you. Would you like to race to the bathroom or the refrigerator?
:smile: Refrigerator and beer!

Then to the bathroom! :smile: :smile:

Outdoors we could use wheelchair or bicycle.
  • #25
Ivan Seeking said:
Yes, I was worried about this as well after starting the thread. I certainly don't mean to glorify either of the people mentioned or my own actions as a kid, but we all do things we shouldn't, and years later we can look back with a smile if nothing really bad ever happend, but at the time...not so fun when it's happening - getting in trouble, that is.

Astro, I'll race you. Would you like to race to the bathroom or the refrigerator?
I glorified in my actions, every one talked about me, but when push came to shove i was the [Ivan edit:] weiner head, it was me that got hurt, me that had bits of metal holding my bones together, i was so stupid.
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  • #26
My first husband's mother was a bit of a nut. She would buy a carton of milk, drink a glass, then decide she didn't want anymore, so she would walk door to door through the neighborhood trying to sell the used carton of milk. Same thing if she had left over cheese, or part of an un eaten sandwich.

She would go the junk shops and buy absolute garbage, then call me and tell me to come over to see what she'd gotten me. I 'd show up, see a pile of crap and she'd hand me an itemized list with a dollar total and ask me if I was paying her by cash or check?. :rolleyes:

His mother made me crazy.
  • #27
Evo said:
My first husband's mother was a bit of a nut. She would buy a carton of milk, drink a glass, then decide she didn't want anymore, so she would walk door to door through the neighborhood trying to sell the used carton of milk. Same thing if she had left over cheese, or part of an un eaten sandwich.

She would go the junk shops and buy absolute garbage, then call me and tell me to come over to see what she'd gotten me. I 'd show up, see a pile of crap and she'd hand me an itemized list with a dollar total and ask me if I was paying her by cash or check?. :rolleyes:

His mother made me crazy.

Now that is crazy, i mean real crazy, how did you pay :smile:
  • #28
Many people tell me I'm the craziest person they've ever met, but I don't know why.

It's probably the time I tried to hit on a girl at a bar by talking about Lie Groups.
  • #29
wolram said:
Now that is crazy, i mean real crazy, how did you pay :smile:
Check usually. :frown:
  • #30
Evo said:
My first husband's mother was a bit of a nut. She would buy a carton of milk, drink a glass, then decide she didn't want anymore, so she would walk door to door through the neighborhood trying to sell the used carton of milk. Same thing if she had left over cheese, or part of an un eaten sandwich.

She would go the junk shops and buy absolute garbage, then call me and tell me to come over to see what she'd gotten me. I 'd show up, see a pile of crap and she'd hand me an itemized list with a dollar total and ask me if I was paying her by cash or check?. :rolleyes:

His mother made me crazy.

I think the great depression had its toll on her.
  • #31
cyrusabdollahi said:
I think the great depression had its toll on her.
My father refused to vcome to my wedding because of her. He said "no way am I going to be under the same roof with that crazy woman". He used to hang up on her when she called my house.

She got mad that I couldn't spend time with her in the morning before I hads to go to work, so she called my boss and chewed her out about making me arrive at 8am. My boss came out of her office and she was bright red and shaking and told me if that crazy woman ever called again, I was fired.

Oh, the list just goes on and on. I finally drew the line when she wanted me to lie in a bogus lawsuit because she wanted new bedroom furniture. These were well to do people, they had planty of money, she was a loon. Then she ordered my husband to divorce me or she'd never talk to him again. :rolleyes:
  • #32
Evo said:
My father refused to vcome to my wedding because of her. He said "no way am I going to be under the same roof with that crazy woman". He used to hang up on her when she called my house.

She got mad that I couldn't spend time with her in the morning before I hads to go to work, so she called my boss and chewed her out about making me arrive at 8am. My boss came out of her office and she was bright red and shaking and told me if that crazy woman ever called again, I was fired.

Oh, the list just goes on and on. I finally drew the line when she wanted me to lie in a bogus lawsuit because she wanted new bedroom furniture. These were well to do people, they had planty of money, she was a loon. Then she ordered my husband to divorce me or she'd never talk to him again. :rolleyes:

Oh dear, evil and crazy, i guess her money kept her out of the nut house ?
  • #33
Thats one nutter of an inlaw.

I've known a few people to do strange things and then get diagnosed as being ill. But nothing too major.
  • #34
I've known quite a few, but I suppose my middle brother would be the closest. He's spent since the late 60's in and out of institutions (primarily in) for paranoid schizophrenia. That doesn't combine well with a 6'4" solid muscle body. My youngest brother died on Sunday and the other can't even come to the funeral. :frown:
(And don't anybody go getting mushy on me about that. He's been very sick for a long time. Keep the thread on track. )
  • #35
Danger said:
I've known quite a few, but I suppose my middle brother would be the closest. He's spent since the late 60's in and out of institutions (primarily in) for paranoid schizophrenia. That doesn't combine well with a 6'4" solid muscle body. My youngest brother died on Sunday and the other can't even come to the funeral. :frown:
(And don't anybody go getting mushy on me about that. He's been very sick for a long time. Keep the thread on track. )
You have my condolensces - without getting mushy. As you know, I lost my youngest brother, too. :frown: