Who Was the Craziest Person You Knew?

  • Thread starter Ivan Seeking
  • Start date
In summary, the crazy person in this story is a man named Ivan who had a lot of interesting experiences in his life. One of the best ones was when he took off on his motorcycle across a blind intersection and crashed into a tree. He eventually found a home with the postal service.
  • #36
I had a friend who loved to fist-fight. We were at a local redneck joint one night when one of our friends was attacked by a local. Arnold stayed out of it until the local started getting the worst of the exchange and a REALLY big farm-boy got up to help his friend. Arnold got this crazy grin on his face, grabbed the pork-chop by the throat and hoisted him to arm's length, pinning him against the wall with one hand. Arnold asked "are you going to sit down and be good?", and the farm boy nodded and was released.

I have never sought out fights but have had them thrust upon me due to my slight build and because I was younger than most of the kids in my immediate neighborhood (in a VERY rural area). My dad taught me that when a bigger, older kid was punching me out, that I should not stand and box with them, but should take them out with any method at my disposal, and I did. I gained some respect that way, but I also found later that I was being used as a "pit bull" when new kids came into the area, as older kids would try to provoke the new kid to take me on. I was a straight-A student, with lots of "+" marks on my report cards, but sometimes the walk home after school or after a ball game was not pleasant. I never took a beating from any kid near my own size, but I took no pleasure in administering them, either.

As relates to "crazy", I rode my motorcycle over 25 miles in a heavy slushy snow storm to take my road-test on the first possible day that it could be offered. The state trooper administering the tests told me to go home because he could not test me in the snow. The other trooper said "What are you talking about? He rode here in conditions that most bikers couldn't handle - give him his license." but the hard-a$$ had to pretend to road-test me anyway before passing me. When I was about 40, I decided to learn to navigate whitewater in a kayak, and the 14-year-old daughter of couple that I was friends with agreed to teach me. She has since become the world power-lifting champion in her weight class in both amateur and professional competition. I can tell you that navigating class IV and V whitewater in spring runoffs is pretty exciting stuff, and not at all like the controlled-release runs that rafting companies exploit on hydro runs throughout the summer. If you ain't living on the edge, you're taking up too much room.

I am still pressing the limit with my motorcycle riding and routinely do stuff that people half my age (54) don't do. When I hang it up, it won't be from lack of interest.
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  • #37
turbo-1 said:
I am still pressing the limit with my motorcycle riding and routinely do stuff that people half my age (54) don't do. When I hang it up, it won't be from lack of interest.
Right on! :cool:
  • #38
Funny! I was looking through old pics for Zapper's photo contest, and behold, I have a picture of Toot from way, way back; back when he could still lift the rear end of a '55 Chev P/U by himself. I had no idea that I had any pictures from that time. That's also about the last time that I saw him.

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  • #39
The craziest guy I know is known as Crazy Mark. That's what we call him.

Here is one of the things he did.

He took a shot of bleach and then later thought he was talking to God. So, then he believed taking a shot of bleach allows him to talk to God.

Yes, he did check into an institution!
  • #40
He's lucky that he didn't die!
  • #41
JasonRox said:
So, then he believed taking a shot of bleach allows him to talk to God.
Cleanliness is next to Godliness.
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  • #42
Ivan Seeking said:
Funny! I was looking through old pics for Zapper's photo contest, and behold, I have a picture of Toot from way, way back; back when he could still lift the rear end of a '55 Chev P/U by himself. I had no idea that I had any pictures from that time. That's also about the last time that I saw him.

Your friend Toot and my friend Fred-Fred-the-cabbage-head could be brothers/related somehow. While stationed in Japan in the mid-80's FFTCH showed me how you could go into pharmacies and buy cough syrup with codeine off the shelf along with a few things from what I believe was the "zine" family. This saved us some money on beer and liquor but usually made us late for work. I was new to "the world" and quite naive about who I should be hanging out with. FFTCH was the guy in the bar that would bite chunks out of his drink glass and break beer bottles over his own head for fun. If he was feeling randy he would walk down Whisper Alley and repeatedly kick on the aluminum doors until one would invite him in just to stop him. The best times I had over there was when we would buy a few gross of bottle rockets, make cardboard launchers and shoot them at the schoolkids from the roof of our friends apartment bldg all while thick gobs of drool was hanging from our mouths. Kinda makes me wonder how I got this far w/o anything really tragic happening to me.
  • #43
There's this prof in my dept who does the neatest physics demos ever. His finale' usually involves the swallowing of a handful of liquid nitrogen followed by a ginormous burp!
  • #44
Evo said:
My father refused to vcome to my wedding because of her.
:frown: That doesn't exactly make your father sound very good either.
Then she ordered my husband to divorce me or she'd never talk to him again. :rolleyes:
Well, maybe she did have a few good points afterall. :wink:

But, wow, she certainly qualifies as certfiable, huh?
  • #45
When I was floridly manic, I must have offended one of the GWU basketball players. I had been talking to two security guards, alternately laughing hilariously and stifling the outburst. At the time, with me still convulsing, I noticed a couple walk in the dormitory. Apparently the boyfriend, 6 foot 8 inches and pushing 300 pounds, approached me and socked me square in the nose. It sounded as if my skull was a melon. He asked "Do you understand?" to which I responded with a stare. As he walked off in a huff (with his diminutive girlfriend), the security guards informed me that my nose was "probably" broken. When I checked my face in the bathroom mirror, blood was flowing down it.

The guards took me to the university hospital, where I, thinking myself a dignitary, was rushed through the waiting room. A doctor asked me if I heard voices, and I answered "only good ones." Being confined to a room by myself, I eventually found myself wrestling with the usual contingent of 5 orderlies who then tied me to a gurney, put me in an ambulance (where I nearly suffocated) and sent me off to St. Elizabeth's. They treated me as well as the state hospital could be expected to that summer of 1981. No, I wasn't on the forensic unit with John Hinckley.
  • #46
Loren, not a nice experiance, i hope may be the guy that hit you is a beer swilling tub of lard with a nagging wife and unrully kids now.
  • #47
I know a guy who was way out of control in his younger years. one time he went to mexico and snuk cocaine across the border. he always used to drive 95 mph through those EZ pass booths on the highways so that he wouldn't have to pay a toll (if you go fast enough the cameras don't catch you sometimes). once he couldn't fit some furniture that he had in the house out through a door so he took a sledge hammer to the wall and smashed it out until he had enough room. he had sex with random chicks in the basement of his house during parties while his parents were still home.
  • #48
JasonRox said:
The craziest guy I know is known as Crazy Mark. That's what we call him.

Here is one of the things he did.

He took a shot of bleach and then later thought he was talking to God. So, then he believed taking a shot of bleach allows him to talk to God.

Yes, he did check into an institution!

lol that reminds me of a kid in college i know who took shots of lighter fluid and took a paintbrush, dipped it in paint, and ate it because he said "it looked good."