The Grassmanian manifold's topology

In summary, the Grassmanian of k planes in n space is homeomorphic to a CW complex that has one cell in dimensions 0 1 and 2.Milnor's Characteristic Classes has a chapter.
  • #1
Let n <= m and G:=Gr(n,m) be the (real) Grassmanian manifold. I understand the topology of the simplest case, that of projective space, and am wondering if there is a way to interpret the topology of the G to similar to projective space, with the according generalizations needed.

If V^n is an element (vector subspace) of G, then how can I picture a neighborhood of it? The book I have is crap, has no proofs and the author (some Harvard guy) is basically writing for people who know this sh!t already, so in my opinion it defeats the purpose. But back to the question, can anyone help me out here in understand the topology of the Grassmanian, or point me to a good reasonable source where I can read this in?

Thanks in advance!
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  • #2
Yeah, it's exactly like projective space. It's a manifold, so one picture of a neighborhood is just R^n, but I don't think that's quite what you want. A point in the Grassmannian is a plane and a neighborhood of it is just all the "nearby" planes, so all the planes you get by tweaking the position of your original plane by a little bit.

There's some good stuff about Grassmannian manifolds in here:

That's probably your best bet.

Baez has some really interesting stuff about projective spaces in his "This Week's Finds" blog. I was lazy, so you might have to track down more stuff to understand this well enough, but here's one example:

Back when I was studying this stuff, I had a sort of vision for how all the puzzle pieces here should fit together, but I was never quite able to sit down and work it all out completely.
  • #3
One can easily write down a Grassmannian manifold as a coset (of Lie groups). Generically, one has

$$G(k,n)= \frac{O(n)}{O(k) \times O(n-k)}.$$
You can obtain this as follows: the Grassmannian ##G(k,n)## is the set of ##k##-planes through the origin in ##n##-dimensional space. A given ##k##-plane can be rotated into any other ##k##-plane, so we start with the rotation group in ##n## dimensions and mod out by the rotations that leave a ##k##-plane invariant. The manifold obtained has a single point for each ##k##-plane. We must use ##O## groups rather than ##SO## groups because the ##k##-planes are un-oriented.

In the simplest case, you should be able to convince yourself that

$$G(1,n) = \frac{O(n)}{O(1) \times O(n-1)} = \frac{SO(n)}{\mathbb{Z}_2 \times SO(n-1)} = S^{n-1} / \mathbb{Z}_2 = \mathbb{RP}^{n-1}$$
for the projective spaces.

From the coset expression you should be able to compute things like homology groups.
  • #4
A classic description is in terms of Shubert cells. Milnor's Characteristic Classes has a chapter.

Schubert cells form a cell decomposition of the Grassman manifolds. That is: they describe the Grassman as a CW complex, a space constructed from n cells with identifications along their boundaries.

Here is the Shubert cell description of the Grassman of 2 planes in 3 space.

The xy-plane projects to a single point. Call this point, P.

Now consider those planes that contain the x-axis.These project to a 1 cell whose end points are both glued to the point, P. (The planes containing the x-axis have 1 degree of freedom and are parameterized by the unit positive half circle in the yz-plane.) Thus they project to a closed loop with one point attached to the projection of the xy-plane. Call this loop, L

Now consider the planes that intersect the xy-plane in a line. These project to a 2 cell whose boundary circle is attached to the loop,L.

In summary, the Grassman of 2 planes in 3 space is homeomorphic to a CW complex that has one cell in dimensions 0 1 and 2.
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  • #5
Milnor's Characteristic Classes has a chapter.

Hatcher covers that stuff, too, in the book that I linked to.
  • #6
Thanks a lot guys, I especially appreciate the different responses/viewpoints. I'm going to give them all a try and see which fits my mental conception of the manifold best.

Thanks again!
  • #7
Think of your k plane in coordinate n space, and assume it projects isomorphically onto the 1st k coordinate axes (it does project onto some choice of k coordinate axes). then look which vectors of your k plane map onto the standard basis vectors. They form the k rows of a k byn matrix in echelon form. so the remaining entries, which determine the k plane are arbitrary entries in the residual k by (n-k) places at the right end of the matrix. to vary you k plane, just vary those entries, thus a nbhd of your k plane looks like k times (n-k) space. In particular the grassmannian of k planes in n space, has dimension k(n-k).

FAQ: The Grassmanian manifold's topology

What is the Grassmannian manifold?

The Grassmannian manifold is a mathematical concept that represents all possible subspaces of a given vector space. It is denoted as Gr(k,n), where k is the dimension of the subspace and n is the dimension of the original vector space. In other words, the Grassmannian manifold is a space that contains all possible k-dimensional subspaces of an n-dimensional vector space.

What is the topology of the Grassmannian manifold?

The topology of the Grassmannian manifold is that of a compact, smooth, and highly symmetrical space. It can be described as a stratified space, which means that it is made up of distinct layers that are arranged in a specific order. These layers are called Schubert cells, and they play a crucial role in the topology of the Grassmannian manifold.

What are the applications of the Grassmannian manifold?

The Grassmannian manifold has many applications in various fields, including physics, computer science, and statistics. In physics, it is used to describe quantum systems and particle interactions. In computer science, it is used for data compression and dimensionality reduction. In statistics, it is used for modeling and analyzing high-dimensional data sets.

What are the main properties of the Grassmannian manifold?

The Grassmannian manifold has several important properties, including being a compact and smooth space, having a highly symmetric structure, and being a stratified space. It is also a homogeneous space, which means that it looks the same at every point. Additionally, it has a rich algebraic structure, making it an essential object in algebraic geometry.

How is the Grassmannian manifold related to other mathematical concepts?

The Grassmannian manifold is closely related to other mathematical concepts, such as projective spaces, Lie groups, and algebraic varieties. It can be seen as a generalization of projective spaces, and it has a natural connection to Lie groups through their representation theory. It is also a special case of an algebraic variety, which is a solution set of polynomial equations in several variables.

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