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So, I've finally thawed out enough to type, despite getting home about 2 hours ago. My car is once again parked at the row of townhomes below mine because it won't get up my hill, and that was only after getting towed up another hill on the way home (I wouldn't have gotten stuck except someone else got stuck ahead of me, so I had to slow down, and being a steep, uphill, S-curve, once I lost the momentum, that was the end of it). No shoulders there, just ditches. Fortunately, there were also EMTs stuck with their ambulance, so they had the flashing lights on so nobody else ran us over...though it didn't stop several from trying. The tow-truck driver made some good money tonight pulling people up that hill, and I'm glad he came along, because the AAA tow driver was going to be 90 minutes! By then, I could have walked to the farm(I was still within site of it), gotten a shovel, and started digging. I was totally unprepared...hadn't been watching the weather reports, so didn't know to expect snow today. We're supposed to get a lot, and it's supposed to keep coming until Monday too.
I have stuff already started in the lab that I can't leave until Monday...somehow, I have to get there tomorrow. I can just go for a short time and get everything to a point where it CAN wait until Monday, but it's not at that point now.
I think it's time to bite the bullet and start shopping for a vehicle with 4 WD.
I love my little car and the gas mileage it gets, but it just can't handle the type of road conditions we get here. The people with 4WD had no problem navigating the road I was stuck on, even from a complete stop, and I have to go that way to get home. I really just wish I could hunker down and stay home until the snow stops. If I didn't start so much in the lab, I could. Unfortuntely, the stuff I'm doing right now is not something I trust anyone else in the lab to do for me (I'm still teaching them this stuff), so I can't just call someone who comes from a different direction or lives closer or who will be there anyway to do it for me.
Hopefully they clear the roads at least by tomorrow afternoon, which is when I need to be there. The real problem is there seems to be a layer of ice under the snow since we had rain first. At least after I got stuck, I know the police were going to contact the highway department to clear that road. Fortunately, none of us who were stuck skidded off the road into a ditch (they're pretty deep there and probably would have done a lot of damage to land in one...I don't really know why they don't put up a guard rail there or fill in the ditch a bit so when you skid into it, you don't trash the underside of the car so you can just get pulled back out and go on your way...maybe the water run-off just erodes it and they can't do anything about it, but every bad storm we've had, people land in the ditch there. And, nobody was hit by the cars driving around us, so that's good too (I was very nervous about that, and for that reason, was quite happy to pay the tow truck driver who happened to pass through before AAA got anyone out there...talking to the EMTs, it sounded like there weren't many tow trucks left to go around in town, because so many were already being called by the police).
Anyway, since I wasn't prepared for snow, I wasn't really dressed properly for it either (the lab has been "tropical" lately...the heat does whatever it wants, regardless of what the thermostat is set for...we had several days when it was over 80 degrees in the lab), so got home absolutely freezing from just the few minutes I was standing outside to pay the tow truck driver and from talking to the other people stuck on the hill with me...we were making sure everyone had a phone and someone to call, etc.
So, that was my exciting night. The mountains are very pretty, but I think I like them better in the summer! It would be nice to live on flatter ground again in the winter.

I think it's time to bite the bullet and start shopping for a vehicle with 4 WD.
Anyway, since I wasn't prepared for snow, I wasn't really dressed properly for it either (the lab has been "tropical" lately...the heat does whatever it wants, regardless of what the thermostat is set for...we had several days when it was over 80 degrees in the lab), so got home absolutely freezing from just the few minutes I was standing outside to pay the tow truck driver and from talking to the other people stuck on the hill with me...we were making sure everyone had a phone and someone to call, etc.
So, that was my exciting night. The mountains are very pretty, but I think I like them better in the summer! It would be nice to live on flatter ground again in the winter.