Thoughts on holographic universe and existence in general

In summary: I'm glad I have someone in my life that agrees with me on these sorts of things, makes me feel a little less alone in my thoughts.
  • #1
Thoughts on holographic universe and existence in general...

One night i was in a strange mood and wrote this... i don't really remember writing most of it... but i thought i would share with the community here and i am definately searching for any feedback on my ideas that anyone might have!

I am very interested in the holographic universe theory and i am interested in understanding the world more and understanding these ideas better... so please post up your thoughts!

A single energy source… a laser…
Capable of making infinite unique projections…by simply changing the angle…

What if…
There is a big energy field out there…an infinite energy field…
Like a hologram…this energy has infinite projections with infinite variations…

What if…
Every one of those infinite projections was a conscious...a conscious that is an individual...
Us individuals… are merely projections of this greater ONE energy field…

Science has proven…
That everything we see, touch, smell… is merely an electrical impulse going to our brain…
Therefore… The world that we perceive does not necessarily exist…

Is there really such a thing… called time?
Is there a determined future and destiny for us… fate?
Or are we living the moment… the moment…being created that very instant…
Projected by this energy field… through us… no such thing as time… only… The Moment.

The Sub-conscious…
Hypnotherapy… the act talking directly to the sub-conscious…
Hypnotherapy patients can be told not to bleed…and the body will respond accordingly…
The subconsciousefficiently and effectively resolves any task presented to it…
So it is in control!

What if…
This sub-consciousness… is connected to all the other sub-consciousnesses in this energy field… the source…
We are all connected through our sub-consciousnesses… to the collective of consciousnesses…
Being connected with the collective of consciousnesses…we have access to infinite knowledge and wisdom…

What if…
The world we perceive is merely a projection just as we are?
So we, as a collective consciousness, are in control of this projection…
In control… with our subconscious…

Active stress and preoccupation diverts you from successfully accomplishing any task…
The more you stress and worry about it… the harder and harder it becomes to accomplish…
When you cease stressing… a solution to the problem seems to be magically presented to you…
It’s not magic… it’s your subconscious taking over the problem and efficiently resolving it…

People pray… to some unknown entity... to have their problems fade away…
By praying… one lifts the burden from their shoulders… or so they believe…
Stress and preoccupation are lessened… because now… it is in someone else’s hands…
NO! It is not in someone else’s hands… it is up to your subconsciousnow…

The Collective Consciousness
This source energy… an infinite collection of sub-consciousnesses… a collective…

An unknown entity creating solutions… or an infinite collective of individuals?
Space news on
  • #2
That was the first thing I've read in this forum that I totally agree with.

You have a beautiful mind, and I understand every word you said.

Rock on. Send more thoughts when you get the chance. You've got me interested.
  • #3
cool! its great to hear that someone thinks the same way! i haven't been thinkin about this stuff much lately... too much on my mind being a full time student and working 54 hours a week...

i will deff post up more when i get a chance to do sum thinking of my own... someone told me that plato has a theory where we are all projections and that if we saw what reality really is...we wouldn't understand it... i find that pretty fascinating and its right along my lines of thinking... I am going to see if i can find something on plato which i am capable of reading... u should look too and let me know if u find sumthin good! hehe
  • #4

I haven't been doing much thinking lately either. Heck, I'm only in high school, but the Chemistry is some pretty tough stuff. :)
  • #5
I think what your saying ties in closely to jung's collective consciousness theory and also with eastern philosophy, and the holographic universe theory of course ; )
Your definitely right about the subconscious, it alway does have the right answer when you let it in the driving seat so to speak.
And as for the idea of a pool of knowledge and wisdom goes, from personal experience id say your probably right again. I once had an experience of the collective consiousness or what you might call a widening if my perception of the imediate consciousness around me. Pretty icredible stuff, very much like the scene in the matrix where neo is hooked up to the computer and can download or acess any skill or bit of knowledge he really was just like that.
  • #6
yea people have mentioned jung to me...telin me that his ideas are similar to mine... could you recommend a book or sumthing that i could read/watch to learn more about jung?

when did you have that experience? did it just kind of spontanously happen?

i have been noticing a lot lately that whenver me and my friends come up with our own unique words... even tho we don't say them... they end up turning up in rap songs or in other ppl... which makes me think even more that everything is interconnected!

i wish i could figure out a way to put my subconscious in the driver seat more often
  • #7
rody084 said:
yea people have mentioned jung to me...telin me that his ideas are similar to mine... could you recommend a book or sumthing that i could read/watch to learn more about jung?

when did you have that experience? did it just kind of spontanously happen?

i have been noticing a lot lately that whenver me and my friends come up with our own unique words... even tho we don't say them... they end up turning up in rap songs or in other ppl... which makes me think even more that everything is interconnected!

i wish i could figure out a way to put my subconscious in the driver seat more often
Sorry i don't really know any good jung books, i just know about his theories from friends and surfing the net. :cool:
As for letting the subconscious in the drivers seat more offen, yeah i wish i knew how to as well. I think the key is when say, you have a problem, is to do nothing about it but at the same time be aware at the back of your mind that's it something you'd like to solve. That useally does trick with me, couple of days latter and i have the answer. And sometimes the anwer doesn't actually come from me it comes from someone else. Which certainly does lead me to think that everything is inter-connected.
As for my experience it happened when i was in a club, id done an e (which id done plenty of times before) but this time everything felt very different, i can only assume there must have been some ket in it :wink:
I sat down and shut my eyes i felt linked with everyone in the room, if i had say wanted to enter someone elses head i felt this would be entirely possible but i didnt want to scare myself by attempting this or anyone else more to the point lol. While in this state a wide range of 'revelations' came to me one of which was a warning about a family memember which came true a month latter. I am sure a lot of people would say i was mearly hallucinating as i was on drugs, but id say that was reductionist crap. There are several quantum scientists exploring the possibility that your mind can be retuned to percieve new information when taking drugs and i feel this is exactly what happened to me. Id really like to get hold of some more ket in the future as it fascilitated one of the most beautiful experiences of my life...
  • #8
i know exactly what you mean!

i feel that our minds have are really restrained... at some point in our evolution we shut everything out.

scientists have done experiments with LSD... they will have 2 ppl... in completely different rooms (cant communicate at all) and they will show one of the persons something and the person i nthe other room can tell you wht it is.

deffinitly read The Holographic Universe by Michael Talbot. its about the theory that the universe is one giant hologram... its a really really good book which got me started thinking this way.

i think our subconscious is always trying to tell us something... i think it has infnite wisdom... just that we don't listen/dont know how to listen to it.

im sure dreams are when we connect with everyone else but we just don't know how to interpret these messages so in the translation they get screwed up and turned into things that seem completely strange and random... this happens during awake state too...but since our conscious mind has so much going on in it... we don't hear/notice it as much.

i guess when u were on E... you opened back up to the subconscious and you understood what it was trying to tell you about ur family member.
  • #9
feel that our minds have are really restrained... at some point in our evolution we shut everything out.

I once had an experience of the collective consiousness or what you might call a widening if my perception of the imediate consciousness around me. Pretty icredible stuff,

Me too! every now & then I seem to have a revelation of sorts and a certain subject or problem (once impossible) just opens up to me. If I stop thinking so intensly everything comes to me easier.

im sure dreams are when we connect with everyone else but we just don't know how to interpret these messages so in the translation they get screwed up and turned into things that seem completely strange and random...

This may or may not have bearing, but I take a lot of medications and I see things in dreams far more clearly when I"m on these. Maybe they open the sub-c a little more than usual. My dreams also have a massive amount of emotion to them, sometimes even physical sensations but that's another story.
  • #10
rody084 said:
someone told me that plato has a theory where we are all projections and that if we saw what reality really is...we wouldn't understand it

"To them, I said, the truth would be literally nothing but the shadows of the images" -Plato, The Republic (Book VII).
  • #11
jade fox This may or may not have bearing said:
maybe medications help unlock those aspects of us which we have repressed over time... maybe they help us return to our more primitive states.
  • #12
  • #13
the experience that pocebokli had in that thread seems pretty much identical to this conscious energy field theory...
he described his window as a "roof of the universe" in which he's watching himself from his own "ego". very interesting...
  • #14
Here is an interesting tidbit of info I found online recently dealing with the Holographic principle and the human brain.

In the 1950s, while conducting research into the beliefs of LSD as a psychotherapeutic tool, Grof had one female patient who suddenly became convinced she had assumed the identity of a female of a species of prehistoric reptile. During the course of her hallucination, she not only gave a richly detailed description of what it felt like to be encapsuled in such a form, but noted that the portion of the male of the species's anatomy was a patch of colored scales on the side of its head.

What was startling to Grof was that although the woman had no prior knowledge about such things, a conversation with a zoologist later confirmed that in certain species of reptiles colored areas on the head do indeed play an important role as triggers of sexual arousal.

The woman's experience was not unique. During the course of his research, Grof encountered examples of patients regressing and identifying with virtually every species on the evolutionary tree (research findings which helped influence the man-into-ape scene in the movie Altered States). Moreover, he found that such experiences frequently contained obscure zoological details which turned out to be accurate.

Regressions into the animal kingdom were not the only puzzling psychological phenomena Grof encountered. He also had patients who appeared to tap into some sort of collective or racial unconscious. Individuals with little or no education suddenly gave detailed descriptions of Zoroastrian funerary practices and scenes from Hindu mythology. In other categories of experience, individuals gave persuasive accounts of out-of-body journeys, of precognitive glimpses of the future, of regressions into apparent past-life incarnations.

In later research, Grof found the same range of phenomena manifested in therapy sessions which did not involve the use of drugs. Because the common element in such experiences appeared to be the transcending of an individual's consciousness beyond the usual boundaries of ego and/or limitations of space and time, Grof called such manifestations "transpersonal experiences", and in the late '60s he helped found a branch of psychology called "transpersonal psychology" devoted entirely to their study.

whole article here.
  • #15
Stan Grof

Yeah I read Grof's book, "The Holotropic Mind". The book is heavy in spirtualism. His ideas portrayed in the book are shared by others as to how the brain seems to store information like a holgram would, more or less evenly across the brain. He points out if someone loses hearing in one ear they can still do sound location with just one ear showing that the sense of sound operates holographically.
I also read Micheal Talbot's book, "The Holographic Universe" and liked it. It too like "The Holotropic Mind" is deep in mysticism. Physicist David Bohm was, like myself, big on the idea of a holographic universe
It sounds logical to me that the universe is wave interference.
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  • #16
what you proposed sounds very reasonable, but i disagree with what you said about prayer. it is not our sub-concsious we are praying to, or taking over. in that case there is a bigger force involved. maybe God is the one who helps us find our sub-concsious, which, in tern, solves our prob.
  • #17
Hi everyone, wanted to reopen this discussion to see if anyone had any further thoughts on the topic and to see if we can get any new thoughts in.
  • #18
I am a deep believer in the holographic model of the universe. It is very symmetrical and the fact that at its basic level it depends on wave interference makes it very attractive.
-The universe is a mirror from head to foot- a sufi mystic
  • #19
I spoke about this just yesterday with a professor of mine. She gave me some videos to watch on String Theory. Explain something to me.

My professor said that with the holographic universe theory, it is proposed that each part of the universe contains all of the universe within it. What do you make of this?
  • #20
Barbie said:
My professor said that with the holographic universe theory, it is proposed that each part of the universe contains all of the universe within it. What do you make of this?

What I remember from reading the book The Holographic Universe, is that the way holograms work is that every piece of it contains all the information for the entire hologram... so that if you split it into peices, each individual piece would still be able to project the entire hologram.

So i think this applies to what you said about the universe containing all of the universe within it. Maybe someone with a little more knowledge of holograms could expand on this?


FAQ: Thoughts on holographic universe and existence in general

1. What is the holographic universe theory?

The holographic universe theory suggests that the three-dimensional reality we experience is actually a projection of information stored on a two-dimensional surface, much like a hologram. This theory proposes that the universe is essentially a giant hologram, with all the information needed to create our reality stored on its surface.

2. How does the holographic universe theory explain existence?

The holographic universe theory suggests that our existence is a product of the information stored on the surface of the universe. This means that everything we perceive as reality is actually a projection from this holographic surface, and our thoughts and experiences are also a part of this projection.

3. What evidence supports the holographic universe theory?

One piece of evidence for the holographic universe theory is the discovery that black holes have a maximum amount of information that they can hold. This is similar to the maximum amount of information that can be stored on a two-dimensional surface. Additionally, the theory is supported by studies in quantum mechanics and string theory.

4. How does the holographic universe theory relate to consciousness?

The holographic universe theory suggests that consciousness arises from the information stored on the surface of the universe. This means that our thoughts and experiences are a product of this information, and that our consciousness is a projection from this holographic surface.

5. What are some potential implications of the holographic universe theory?

If the holographic universe theory is true, it could have significant implications for our understanding of reality and our place in the universe. It could also lead to advancements in technology, as we may be able to harness the information stored on the surface of the universe. Additionally, it could change our understanding of consciousness and the nature of existence itself.
