Thrust & Pressure: Physics Simulation for Hovercrafts

In summary: C. LaFollette wrote an essay on the effects of altitude on thrust in his book "The Physics of Flight" He discusses the effects of altitude on thrust and how to compensate for them. He also has a website with more information on the topic:In summary, the thrust a vertical propeller style thruster produces is reduced the higher the altitude the craft is flying. This reduction in thrust is due to the fact that the atmosphere at high altitudes is less dense than at lower altitudes, causing the thrust force to be less than what it would be at lower altitudes.
  • #1
Hi there.
I am trying to create a realistic physics simulation for testing thrust based hovering vehicle designs and i am stuck.

I understand basic physics like moment of inertia and forces and the like but thrust is something i am having trouble with.
Currently if i place a vertical thruster at each corner of a rectangular craft, when the thrust force overcomes the weight of the craft it just kind of floats streight up forever.
As it is, the thrust force is just a variable being incremented and added to the rest of the force calculations.
The thrusters are supposed to be propeller style things expelling air at high speed.

The main problem is that i expected the craft to reach an equallibrium for a given amount of thrust rather than just floating on out into space. There is a huge hole in my knowledge of physics here and if you can provide any links to good resources or have any comments of your own, i would be most grateful for any help.
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  • #2
Originally posted by Nemos
Currently if i place a vertical thruster at each corner of a rectangular craft, when the thrust force overcomes the weight of the craft it just kind of floats streight up forever.
As it is, the thrust force is just a variable being incremented and added to the rest of the force calculations.
The thrusters are supposed to be propeller style things expelling air at high speed.

The main problem is that i expected the craft to reach an equallibrium for a given amount of thrust rather than just floating on out into space.
There is an equilibrium altitude, the problem is that the atmosphere is (depening on your definition) about 450,000 feet high, so the pressure/density gradient isn't very steep on the scale of a tabletop experiment. It may well be that a 1.01 thrust:weight ratio at sea level will take your craft to 1,000 feet before it drops to 1.00. The loss of thrust with altitude, however, is different for every engine.
  • #3
You will need to model an altitude control system.

If you don't mind oscillation about the desired point, something as simple as:

Thrust = (desired-actual)/desired * Full_Thrust

may do the trick.
  • #4
Hi there.
Thanks for you input chaps.

Very helpful indeed.

I will try some of this out tonight now that i have some idea of what should be going on.

Thanks again.:0)
  • #5
Would ground effect be a factor as well, or is that a factor only applicable to fixed-wing aircraft? I once watched a show on hovercraft and vertical takeoff craft on the history channel and believe it was mentioned but forget in what context.


FAQ: Thrust & Pressure: Physics Simulation for Hovercrafts

1. What is thrust and how does it work in a hovercraft?

Thrust is the force that propels an object in a particular direction. In a hovercraft, thrust is generated by a propeller or fan, which pushes air down and out of the bottom of the craft, creating a cushion of air that lifts the craft off the ground and allows it to move forward.

2. How is pressure related to thrust in a hovercraft?

Pressure is an important factor in generating thrust in a hovercraft. The air pushed down by the propeller or fan creates a high pressure area under the craft, while the surrounding air creates a lower pressure area. This pressure difference creates a force that lifts the hovercraft and propels it forward.

3. How does the shape and size of a hovercraft affect its thrust and pressure?

The shape and size of a hovercraft can greatly impact its thrust and pressure. A larger hovercraft will need a larger propeller or fan to create enough thrust to lift and move it. The shape of the hovercraft also affects the amount of air that is pushed down and the resulting pressure difference, which can impact the stability and control of the craft.

4. What are some real-life applications of understanding thrust and pressure in hovercrafts?

Understanding thrust and pressure is essential for designing and operating hovercrafts for various purposes. Hovercrafts are used for transportation, search and rescue operations, military operations, and even for recreational activities. Knowledge of thrust and pressure helps in designing efficient and safe hovercrafts for these applications.

5. How can simulations help in understanding thrust and pressure in hovercrafts?

Simulations provide a virtual environment in which the principles of thrust and pressure can be visually and interactively explored. Through simulations, different designs and conditions can be tested and compared, allowing for a better understanding of how thrust and pressure affect the performance of hovercrafts. This can ultimately lead to improvements in design and operation of real hovercrafts.

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