How fast does the student need to drive to save the melting ice cream?

In summary, the conversation discusses a problem where a student needs to drive back to her school to deliver ice cream before it melts. The known values consist of the speed at which the student can drive (40 mph), the time it takes for the ice cream to melt (5 minutes), and the distance between the restaurant and the school (7.5 miles). The equations used to solve the problem involve the change in time, proper interval, and the ratio of distance to velocity. The correct answer is 36.55 mph, which can be found by using the correct time interval of 7.5/v instead of 7.5/40.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Now, suppose the student wishes to bring back some ice cream from the restaurant for her friends at school, but since it is such a hot day, the ice cream will melt away in the car in only 5 minutes. How fast will the student have to drive back to get the ice cream to her friends before it completely melts?

C=40mph(for these problems)
Time=5 minutes
Distance=7.5 miles

Homework Equations

Dt= change in time
p= proper interval
Dt-p= d/v

Dt-p=Dt/lambda or dt/sqrt(1-v^2/c^2)

The Attempt at a Solution


.1875=(5minutes/60minutes per hour)/sqrt(1-v^2/40^2)

rearranging it becomes:

v=sqrt( -((.083hr/.1875hr)^2-1)*40^2)

answer I get is 35.8mph

The online homework tells me I am wrong either by sig figs or by bad rounding.
Physics news on
  • #2
Well then, don't round until you get to the final answer, and try out different numbers of sig figs. Have you tried 36 mph?
  • #3
I have tried 36, 35.8,35.83

I went back and put 37 and it said I was correct, the correct answer was actually 36.6. I haven't the faintest clue as to how it is 36.6 mph.
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  • #4
aft_lizard01 said:
I have tried 36, 35.8,35.83

I went back and put 37 and it said I was correct, the correct answer was actually 36.6. I haven't the faintest clue as to how it is 36.6 mph.

Yes, the correct answer is 36.55 mph. The problem is not with the number crunching but with the set-up of the equations. The correct time interval for fetching the ice-cream in the Earth's frame is 7.5/v not 7.5/40. The student does not travel at the speed of "light."

FAQ: How fast does the student need to drive to save the melting ice cream?

What is time dilation?

Time dilation is a phenomenon in which time appears to pass at different rates for objects moving at different speeds. This is a prediction of Einstein's theory of relativity and has been confirmed through various experiments.

How does time dilation relate to a car?

Time dilation can occur in a car when it is traveling at high speeds. As the car accelerates, time will appear to slow down for objects inside the car compared to objects outside the car. This effect becomes more significant as the car approaches the speed of light.

What is the equation for time dilation?

The equation for time dilation is t = t0 / √(1 – v^2 / c^2), where t is the observed time, t0 is the proper time (time measured by a stationary observer), v is the velocity of the moving object, and c is the speed of light.

Can time dilation be observed in everyday life?

Yes, time dilation can be observed in everyday life, but the effects are extremely small at everyday speeds. However, time dilation is taken into account in GPS systems, as satellites are moving at high speeds and their clocks would run slower compared to clocks on Earth if not corrected.

Are there any practical applications of time dilation?

Aside from its role in GPS systems, time dilation also plays a crucial role in particle accelerators. By accelerating particles to high speeds, scientists can observe the effects of time dilation and study the properties of matter at extreme speeds.
