How High Must a Toy Car Start to Complete a Frictionless Loop?

In summary, the height at which the toy car must start from rest at in order to make it through the loop with a radius of r is 5/2 times the radius, or 2.5r. This is due to the conservation of energy and the forces acting on the car at the top of the loop, where the normal force must be greater than zero to keep the car on the track.
  • #1
A toy car rolls down a hill at with a height of h and goes through a loop with a radius r. What is the height the toy car has to start off from rest at, if everything is frictionless and is able to make it throught the loop.

I believe the answer it 2r because of the energy involved. If everything is frictionless, then the toy car must start from the height of the top of the loop. My professor wants equations, but i don't know how to break this one down. Thanks for the help.
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  • #2
xXmarkXx said:
I believe the answer it 2r because of the energy involved. If everything is frictionless, then the toy car must start from the height of the top of the loop.
That would give the car zero speed at the top of the loop--which is not enough for it to maintain contact. (It would have fallen away from the track before it made it to the top.) Hint: Consider the forces acting on the car at the top of the loop and the acceleration of the car.
  • #3
Doc Al said:
That would give the car zero speed at the top of the loop--which is not enough for it to maintain contact. (It would have fallen away from the track before it made it to the top.) Hint: Consider the forces acting on the car at the top of the loop and the acceleration of the car.

Ok, that makes sense. so h>2r? So how would i achieve that answer by using equations. Gravity is acting on the car at the top of the loop, and a normal force.
  • #4
Apply Newton's 2nd law.
  • #5
Doc Al said:
Apply Newton's 2nd law.

ok...i know the formula. How do i apply it though. I don't have mass, i don't have acceleration. What are you talking about. I'm dealing with potential energy.
  • #6
Energy methods alone will not solve this problem. Another hint: What kind of motion is the car undergoing as it loops the loop?
  • #7
Doc Al said:
Energy methods alone will not solve this problem. Another hint: What kind of motion is the car undergoing as it loops the loop?

+ and - motion?? i don't understand what your asking.
  • #8
Yet another hint: It's going in a circle!
  • #9
Doc Al said:
Yet another hint: It's going in a circle!

yeah...ok. I know it's going in a circle which is why I'm given a radius=R. I don't know where you are going with this.
  • #10
The sum of the forces must keep the car in a circle. But what is the minimum force acting at the top of the loop?
  • #11
turdferguson said:
The sum of the forces must keep the car in a circle. But what is the minimum force acting at the top of the loop?

The normal force
  • #12
how do you get that normal force?
  • #13
mybsaccownt said:
how do you get that normal force?

By the gravitational force or weight. But in this case. Wouldn't N be just barely over zero or zero because both of the forces are pointed downward?
  • #14
well, if you had the car upright on a flat surface, yes the normal force would be the one that's caused by gravity

but in this case, the car is upside-down, if gravity wants to pull it off the track...what is resisting that?

certainly not the weight of the car, right?

you can't have N = 0 if you want the car to stay on the track, otherwise it's just in freefall, right? if gravity is the only thing acting on'll do what it wants

so, something is causing a force through the previous posts (doc al's hints) carefully

and keep Newton's second law in mind
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  • #15
I'm doing this same problem, and have approached it like this-

At the beginning, the car has potential energy = mgh. At the bottom, this potential has been converted into kinetic energy, 1/2mv^2.

1/2mv^2=mgh, or, 2mgh=mv^2.

During the loop, the car will undergo circular motion, where the net forces are equal to = (mv^2)/r. At the very top of the loop, the car will only feel two forces- normal force and the force of gravity.


N + mg = mv^2/R

Subsititue 2mgh in for mv^2, which gives us

N + mg = 2mgh/R

N=2mgh/R - mg

N=(mg)(2h/R - 1)

Now, this is where I am not positive what I'm doing is legal- I rewrite normal as mg

mg = (mg)(2h/R-1)

1 = 2h/R - 1
2= 2h /R

Which would mean that the height only needs to be as tall as the radius of the loop? Am I to assume, then, that inertia is what carries the car through the rest of the loop? Or have I made a silly mistake?
  • #16
Luke1294 said:
I'm doing this same problem, and have approached it like this-

At the beginning, the car has potential energy = mgh. At the bottom, this potential has been converted into kinetic energy, 1/2mv^2.

1/2mv^2=mgh, or, 2mgh=mv^2.

During the loop, the car will undergo circular motion, where the net forces are equal to = (mv^2)/r. At the very top of the loop, the car will only feel two forces- normal force and the force of gravity.


N + mg = mv^2/R

Subsititue 2mgh in for mv^2, which gives us

N + mg = 2mgh/R

N=2mgh/R - mg

N=(mg)(2h/R - 1)

Now, this is where I am not positive what I'm doing is legal- I rewrite normal as mg

mg = (mg)(2h/R-1)

1 = 2h/R - 1
2= 2h /R

Which would mean that the height only needs to be as tall as the radius of the loop? Am I to assume, then, that inertia is what carries the car through the rest of the loop? Or have I made a silly mistake?

I'm fairly positive you have made a silly mistake. I know the answer is 5/2R but I'm trying to figure out why. The answer is not just R. If the height was only half of the loop, do you actually think it would make it though the whole loop?? doubt it.
  • #17
Luke1294 said:
At the very top of the loop, the car will only feel two forces- normal force and the force of gravity.


N + mg = mv^2/R Or have I made a silly mistake?

what is the N in this equation?
  • #18
mybsaccownt said:
what is the N in this equation?
N was meant to stand for the normal force.
  • #19
The way you set up the problem, h is the height above the top of the loop, which makes the total height 3R. Youre wrong, though, and not with the algebra. The minimum centripetal force is not N + mg
  • #20
turdferguson said:
The way you set up the problem, h is the height above the top of the loop, which makes the total height 3R. Youre wrong, though, and not with the algebra. The minimum centripetal force is not N + mg
I guess I don't see what other forces are acting on the car at the very top of the loop. It would seem at the top, the point I am looking at, there would only be gravity and the normal force. What other forces would be acting on it at this point?
  • #21
Luke1294 said:
I guess I don't see what other forces are acting on the car at the very top of the loop. It would seem at the top, the point I am looking at, there would only be gravity and the normal force. What other forces would be acting on it at this point?

no,your right luke, there are only two forces
  • #22
luke, you are actually very close

but try this instead

consider the energy at the top of the loop

it will have some potential and some kinetic right?

so Ui + Ki = Uf + Kf

and, at the top of the loop, you want the car's weight to be equal to the force due to the normal acceleration

mg = mv^2/r

rearrange, to solve for mv^2, and plug this into your energy equation and that's that
  • #23
Okay, I think I got it! Just check me real quick to make sure I'm not wayyy off base.

I solved mg = mv^2/r to be mgr = mv^2.

Ui + Ki = Uf + Kf

mgh(i) + 0 = mgh(f) + .5mv^2(f)


mgh(i) = mgh(f) + .5mgr(f)

I divided everything by mg, giving me

h(i) = h(f) + .5r

Well, the top of the loop is the same as the diameter from the ground to the top of the loop, or two radii, so...

h(i) = 2r + .5r

h(i) = 5/2r

Look right to everyone?
  • #24
Yes, at the top of the loop there's only weight

FAQ: How High Must a Toy Car Start to Complete a Frictionless Loop?

1. What is the "toy car loop physics problem"?

The "toy car loop physics problem" is a popular physics problem that involves a small toy car being released at the top of a loop-the-loop track and traveling around the loop without falling off.

2. What are the key factors that affect the success of the toy car loop?

The success of the toy car loop is affected by factors such as the height of the loop, the speed of the car, the size and shape of the loop, and the amount of friction between the car and the track.

3. How does the height of the loop affect the toy car's motion?

The height of the loop affects the toy car's motion by determining the amount of potential energy the car has at the top of the loop. The higher the loop, the more potential energy the car has, which allows it to complete the loop without falling off.

4. What is the role of speed in the toy car loop physics problem?

Speed plays a crucial role in the toy car loop physics problem. If the car is released with too little speed, it will not have enough energy to make it around the loop and will fall off. On the other hand, if the car is released with too much speed, it may have enough energy to make it around the loop but will likely fall off once it reaches the top due to the force of gravity.

5. How can friction affect the toy car's motion in the loop?

Friction can greatly affect the toy car's motion in the loop. If there is too much friction between the car and the track, it will slow down the car and may prevent it from completing the loop. On the other hand, if there is not enough friction, the car may slip and fall off the loop.
