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a particle of weight W is attached by 2 light inextensible strings each of length a to 2 fixed points,A and B, distant a apart in a horizontal line. write down tension in either string.
one of the strings is now replaced by an elastic string of the same natural length and it is found that in the new position of equilibrium this string has stretched to a length 5a/4. prove modulus of elasticity of this string is 7W/(rt(39)
first part is done.
for second part:
i have triangle with sides a,a,5a/4
let fixed points be A and B and weight at C so AB=BC=a AC=5a/4
using cos rule i find cos CAB =5/8 so
sin CAB= rt(39)/8
define PE=0 at the line AB so here pe=epe=ke=0
at equilibrium
h/(5a/4)=sin CAB
so h=5a(rt{39})/32}
hence PE=-(W5a(rt(39))/32
natural length of string =a
at equilibrium length =5a/4 so extension= a/4
epe=[itex]\lambda[/itex]x^2/2a = [itex]\lambda[/itex]a/32
then PE+EPE=0 by conservation of energy
as can be seen, this is nowhere near the answer. Now i can do this by reolving foces but the question is from an energy work chapter so as i can't do it i have not understood energy very well. Can anyone explain my errror? Have i missed work done, energy, or other forces?
If the problem is too messy to do by energy can someone explain how they know this so in future i will be able to spot when to stick with resolving.
this is not a one off question as I am also having problems with the following too. i won't post all my working, but i am miles away from the answer here too. any hints with this will be appreicated.
BAC is a rigid fixed rough wire and BAC is 60 degrees,. P and Q are 2 identical rings of mass m connected by a light elastic string of naturla length 2a and modulus of elasticity mg. If P and q are in equilibrium when PA=AQ=3a and the perp to PQ from A splits BAC is half,find the least coefficient of friction between the rings and the wire.
in the diagram they have wire in shape of a triangle with base BC (BC not joined) and apex A
P is 3a down from A along AB Q is 3a down from A along AC
here i have let PE=0 at the top (point A) so EPE+PE=0
worked out h at equilibrium point
worked out PE and EPE at equi point.
work done by friciton +(PE+EPE at equilibrium)=(PE+EPE at top)=0
from work done =forcexdistance i can work the friction force
then F=[itex]\mu[/itex]R should give the answer but NO :(
one of the strings is now replaced by an elastic string of the same natural length and it is found that in the new position of equilibrium this string has stretched to a length 5a/4. prove modulus of elasticity of this string is 7W/(rt(39)
first part is done.
for second part:
i have triangle with sides a,a,5a/4
let fixed points be A and B and weight at C so AB=BC=a AC=5a/4
using cos rule i find cos CAB =5/8 so
sin CAB= rt(39)/8
define PE=0 at the line AB so here pe=epe=ke=0
at equilibrium
h/(5a/4)=sin CAB
so h=5a(rt{39})/32}
hence PE=-(W5a(rt(39))/32
natural length of string =a
at equilibrium length =5a/4 so extension= a/4
epe=[itex]\lambda[/itex]x^2/2a = [itex]\lambda[/itex]a/32
then PE+EPE=0 by conservation of energy
as can be seen, this is nowhere near the answer. Now i can do this by reolving foces but the question is from an energy work chapter so as i can't do it i have not understood energy very well. Can anyone explain my errror? Have i missed work done, energy, or other forces?
If the problem is too messy to do by energy can someone explain how they know this so in future i will be able to spot when to stick with resolving.
this is not a one off question as I am also having problems with the following too. i won't post all my working, but i am miles away from the answer here too. any hints with this will be appreicated.
BAC is a rigid fixed rough wire and BAC is 60 degrees,. P and Q are 2 identical rings of mass m connected by a light elastic string of naturla length 2a and modulus of elasticity mg. If P and q are in equilibrium when PA=AQ=3a and the perp to PQ from A splits BAC is half,find the least coefficient of friction between the rings and the wire.
in the diagram they have wire in shape of a triangle with base BC (BC not joined) and apex A
P is 3a down from A along AB Q is 3a down from A along AC
here i have let PE=0 at the top (point A) so EPE+PE=0
worked out h at equilibrium point
worked out PE and EPE at equi point.
work done by friciton +(PE+EPE at equilibrium)=(PE+EPE at top)=0
from work done =forcexdistance i can work the friction force
then F=[itex]\mu[/itex]R should give the answer but NO :(