True or False? Every infinite group has an element of infinite order.

In summary: I think you're getting confused by the notation. In a quotient group you're not multiplying the elements of the set, you're multiplying the cosets. The operation is really defined on cosets but it doesn't matter what representative of the coset you choose to write in front. So if you want to multiply ##qZ## and ##q'Z## you're multiplying the coset ##qZ## with the coset ##q'Z##. The result is ##qq'Z##. That's not what Euler's theorem says. I was trying to look for an easy example you knew but...I think you're getting confused by the notation. In a quotient group you're not multiplying the elements of the set,
  • #1

Homework Statement

True or False? Every infinite group has an element of infinite order.

Homework Equations

A group is a set G along with an operation * such that
if a,b,c [itex]\in[/itex] G then
there exists an e in G such that a*e=a
for every a in G there exists an a' such that a*a'=e

The order of an element is the smallest number of times it needs to be operated with itself to become equal to the identity.

The Attempt at a Solution

The back of the book says this is false. But I am having a hard time thinking of an infinite group where every element has finite order. Perhaps maybe the group of integers under subtraction? This is indeed a group because for a,b in Z, a-b is in Z. And a-0=a. and a-a=0 so a is its own inverse.

So every element in Z has order 2 but the group is infinite because there are infinite integers ... Is this right?

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  • #2
Consider the unit circle group of complex numbers, can you think of finite subgroups to this?
  • #3
robertjordan said:

Homework Statement

True or False? Every infinite group has an element of infinite order.

Homework Equations

A group is a set G along with an operation * such that
if a,b,c [itex]\in[/itex] G then
there exists an e in G such that a*e=a
for every a in G there exists an a' such that a*a'=e

The order of an element is the smallest number of times it needs to be operated with itself to become equal to the identity.

The Attempt at a Solution

The back of the book says this is false. But I am having a hard time thinking of an infinite group where every element has finite order. Perhaps maybe the group of integers under subtraction? This is indeed a group because for a,b in Z, a-b is in Z. And a-0=a. and a-a=0 so a is its own inverse.

So every element in Z has order 2 but the group is infinite because there are infinite integers ... Is this right?


Z under subtraction most certainly is not a group. The operation is not necessarily associative unless you only take the positive integers.

Speaking of the positive integers let's consider the following.

Take the group of quotients under addition, let's call it Q+. Then the group of positive integers call it Z+ is a subgroup of the quotients under addition ( You can verify this yourself ).

Now consider the factor group Q+/Z+. What does the most general element of this group look like? What is it's order? What is the order of Q+/Z+?
  • #4
Zondrina said:
Z under subtraction most certainly is not a group. The operation is not necessarily associative unless you only take the positive integers.

Speaking of the positive integers let's consider the following.

Take the group of quotients under addition, let's call it Q+. Then the group of positive integers call it Z+ is a subgroup of the quotients under addition ( You can verify this yourself ).

Now consider the factor group Q+/Z+. What does the most general element of this group look like? What is it's order? What is the order of Q+/Z+?

The most general element looks like Z+q={qz: q is in Q+}? The identity of this group is just Z+, right? So the order of Z+q is the order of q? But what if q has infinite order?

I know what I wrote above is probably wrong in many ways but I'm confused. :(
  • #5
robertjordan said:
The most general element looks like Z+q={qz: q is in Q+}? The identity of this group is just Z+, right? So the order of Z+q is the order of q? But what if q has infinite order?

I know what I wrote above is probably wrong in many ways but I'm confused. :(

If you want a simpler example you could think of an infinite product of cyclic groups. I think what Zondrina is describing is basically the same thing fortissimo was hinting at. A circle group of rational points like Q/Z.
  • #6
Dick said:
If you want a simpler example you could think of an infinite product of cyclic groups.

but would they still all have the same operation? What would that operation be?

I think what Zondrina is describing is basically the same thing fortissimo was hinting at. A circle group of rational points like Q/Z.

Isn't Q/Z={qZ:q is in Q}? How are those elements of finite order? For q' being a specific element in Q isn't qZ={q+z: z is in Z} (because the operation is addition)? So how is that set of finite order? How do you operate a set with itself anyway?
  • #7
robertjordan said:
but would they still all have the same operation? What would that operation be?
Isn't Q/Z={qZ:q is in Q}? How are those elements of finite order? For q' being a specific element in Q isn't qZ={q+z: z is in Z} (because the operation is addition)? So how is that set of finite order? How do you operate a set with itself anyway?

If you don't know quotient groups then try the group consisting of the numbers ##e^{2 \pi i q}## under multiplication where q is a rational.
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  • #8
Dick said:
If you don't know quotient groups then try the group consisting of the numbers ##e^{2 \pi i q}## under multiplication where q is a rational.

So ##e^{2 \pi i qd}##=##e^{2 \pi qd}## by euler's theorem, but I don't see how that can be the identity for any natural number d? Isn't the identity of this group e^0=1?

I was also wondering if you (or someone) could help answer my questions in the previous posts of this thread about where I am going wrong in trying to work with quotient groups?
  • #9
robertjordan said:
So ##e^{2 \pi i qd}##=##e^{2 \pi qd}## by euler's theorem, but I don't see how that can be the identity for any natural number d? Isn't the identity of this group e^0=1?I was also wondering if you (or someone) could help answer my questions in the previous posts of this thread about where I am going wrong in trying to work with quotient groups?

That's not what Euler's theorem says. I was trying to look for an easy example you knew but I'm failing. Ok, go back to the quotient group. Sure, an element q is given by the equivalence class {q+z: z an element of Z}. That's an infinite set but it represents a single element in the quotient Q/Z. If p is another rational then it's equivalence class is {p+z: z an element of Z}. You add them by adding together the elements in the equivalence classes. So p+q={p+q+z: z an element of Z}. So notice things like 1=0 in the sense that the have the same equivalence class. Making any sense?
  • #10
Dick said:
That's not what Euler's theorem says.

Oh whoops! I was doing [itex]e^{2\pi i+pd}[/itex] rather than [itex]e^{2\pi i(pd)}[/itex].
So what euler's theorem actually says is:

[itex]e^{2\pi i(pd)}=cos(2(pd)\pi)+isin(2(pd)\pi)[/itex] and if we let d be the denominator of p, pd will be an integer so [itex]cos(2(pd)\pi)+sin(2(pd)\pi)=1+0=1[/itex]. so letting d be the denominator of p shows that elements in the group consisting of [itex]e^{2\pi i(p)},\hspace{5pt}p\in{\mathbb{Q}}[/itex] all have finite order (because 1 is the identity).

Furthermore since [itex]cos((.0001)2\pi)+isin((.0001)2\pi)\neq cos((.000001)2\pi)+isin((.000001)2\pi)\neq\hspace{7pt}\text{etc. etc.}[/itex] the group consisting of [itex]e^{2\pi i(p)},\hspace{5pt}p\in{\mathbb{Q}}[/itex] is infinite. So you have indeed shown a counterexample!

Dick said:
I was trying to look for an easy example you knew but I'm failing. Ok, go back to the quotient group. Sure, an element q is given by the equivalence class {q+z: z an element of Z}. That's an infinite set but it represents a single element in the quotient Q/Z. If p is another rational then it's equivalence class is {p+z: z an element of Z}. You add them by adding together the elements in the equivalence classes. So p+q={p+q+z: z an element of Z}. So notice things like 1=0 in the sense that the have the same equivalence class. Making any sense?

Yes that makes sense. Thanks. So all the nonnegative integers have the same equivalence class (is that the same thing as their coset being the same?), and I believe this coset is the identity of the group you have constructed, because for any rational r, we know {r+z: z is an integer}= {r+z+1: z is an integer}={r+z+2: z is an integer}={r+z+1000: z is an integer}= etc. etc. etc. (by the way, would we call the set {r+z: z is an integer} rZ or r+Z? How about the set {r+z+100: z is an integer}? Would that be rZ+100Z? Or (r+Z)+(100+Z)?)...

The inverse for the element rZ (r+Z?) of this group (where r is an arbitrary rational) would be (-r)Z.

Now this group has infinite order because .01Z would be different from .001Z would be different from .00000000001Z etc. etc., and if we have a coset rZ where r=a/b, then if we add rZ to itself b times, we will get the identity coset. So this means each element in our group has finite order.

I hope this is right... If so, I have one more question... Why did we need to restrict ourselves to the positive integers? Where would negative integers have led to a problem?
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  • #11
robertjordan said:
Oh whoops! I was doing [itex]e^{2\pi i+pd}[/itex] rather than [itex]e^{2\pi i(pd)}[/itex].
So what euler's theorem actually says is:

[itex]e^{2\pi i(pd)}=cos(2(pd)\pi)+isin(2(pd)\pi)[/itex] and if we let d be the denominator of p, pd will be an integer so [itex]cos(2(pd)\pi)+sin(2(pd)\pi)=1+0=1[/itex]. so letting d be the denominator of p shows that elements in the group consisting of [itex]e^{2\pi i(p)},\hspace{5pt}p\in{\mathbb{Q}}[/itex] all have finite order (because 1 is the identity).

Furthermore since [itex]cos((.0001)2\pi)+isin((.0001)2\pi)\neq cos((.000001)2\pi)+isin((.000001)2\pi)\neq\hspace{7pt}\text{etc. etc.}[/itex] the group consisting of [itex]e^{2\pi i(p)},\hspace{5pt}p\in{\mathbb{Q}}[/itex] is infinite. So you have indeed shown a counterexample!
Yes that makes sense. Thanks. So all the nonnegative integers have the same equivalence class (is that the same thing as their coset being the same?), and I believe this coset is the identity of the group you have constructed, because for any rational r, we know {r+z: z is an integer}= {r+z+1: z is an integer}={r+z+2: z is an integer}={r+z+1000: z is an integer}= etc. etc. etc. (by the way, would we call the set {r+z: z is an integer} rZ or r+Z? How about the set {r+z+100: z is an integer}? Would that be rZ+100Z? Or (r+Z)+(100+Z)?)...

The inverse for the element rZ (r+Z?) of this group (where r is an arbitrary rational) would be (-r)Z.

Now this group has infinite order because .01Z would be different from .001Z would be different from .00000000001Z etc. etc., and if we have a coset rZ where r=a/b, then if we add rZ to itself b times, we will get the identity coset. So this means each element in our group has finite order.

I hope this is right... If so, I have one more question... Why did we need to restrict ourselves to the positive integers? Where would negative integers have led to a problem?

Yes, it's right. You don't want to restrict to positive integers. I didn't. The Z in Q/Z is all integers, Zondrina was the one putting all of the pluses in. And the coset is r+Z. Not rZ. The operation here is addition. rZ isn't a coset.

FAQ: True or False? Every infinite group has an element of infinite order.

1. Is the statement "Every infinite group has an element of infinite order" true or false?

The statement is true. This is known as the Infinite Order Theorem, which states that every infinite group must have at least one element that has infinite order.

2. What is an infinite group?

An infinite group is a mathematical structure that consists of a set of elements and a binary operation, such as multiplication or addition, that follows specific rules and properties. Unlike finite groups, which have a limited number of elements, infinite groups have an infinite number of elements.

3. Can you provide an example of an infinite group with an element of infinite order?

One example of an infinite group with an element of infinite order is the group of integers under addition. The element 1, for example, has an infinite order because 1 + 1 + 1 + ... will always result in a larger integer and will never repeat or reach a limit.

4. Are there any exceptions to the Infinite Order Theorem?

Yes, there are some exceptions to the theorem. For example, the trivial group, which contains only the identity element, does not have an element of infinite order. Also, some non-abelian groups, such as the Quaternion group, do not have any elements of infinite order.

5. How is the concept of infinite order relevant in mathematics?

The concept of infinite order is relevant in various branches of mathematics, including group theory, number theory, and algebra. It helps to classify and understand different types of infinite groups and their properties. The Infinite Order Theorem is also useful in proving other theorems and solving mathematical problems.
