Two distinguishable particles space-spin wavefunctions

In summary, the conversation discusses a system of two non-interacting electrons in an infinite square well. The spins and space-spin wavefunctions for the state with the lowest two energy eigenvalues are discussed, with the ground state having S=0 and the non-ground state having S=1. The non-ground state is a degenerate state and the system can be found in one of its three states with a certain probability.
  • #1

Two (distinguishable) non-interacting electrons are in an infinite square well with hard walls at x=0 and x=a, so that the one particle states are
[tex]\phi_n(x)=\sqrt{\frac{2}{a}} sin(\frac{n\pi}{a}x), E_n=n^2K[/tex] where [tex]K=\pi^2\hbar^2/(2ma^2)[/tex]

My question is what are the spins and space-spin wavefunctions for the state with the lowest two energy eigenvalues?

The answer for the ground system is:

[tex] S=0[/tex]

[tex]\phi_1(x_1,x_2)=\frac{2}{L} sin(\frac{\pi x_1}{L}) sin(\frac{\pi x_2}{L}) * \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} (\chi_{up}(1)\chi_{down}(2) - \chi_{down}(1) \chi_{up}(2)) [/tex]

(the first part denotes the space wave function, the second part denotes the spin wavefunction)

[tex] E = 2 K[/tex] where
[tex] K = \frac{\pi^2\hbar^2}{2mL^2}[/tex]

Is this becuase since the wavefunction is symmetric, the spin wavefunction must be antinsymmetric (singlet). Therefore, the electrons are in opposite spins and S=0. However, I'm confused about how to find the spin-state of the non-ground system. I know that S=1 and it must be a symmetric configuration but there are three of them. How do I know which one it is in?
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  • #2
If I well understood, you have a state with a given energy but three different wave functions (a degenerate state). Then, the system reaches all these states with a certain probability. The total wave function will be a linear combination of those three functions:


The system can be found in one of its degenerate state with a PROBABILITY given by coefficients c1, c2 and c3.
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  • #3

You are correct in your understanding that for a symmetric wavefunction, the spin part must be antisymmetric (singlet) for the overall wavefunction to be symmetric. This means that the two electrons must have opposite spins, resulting in a total spin of S=0. As for the non-ground system, there are indeed three possibilities for a symmetric spin configuration with S=1. These are known as the triplet states, with spin wavefunctions of \chi_{up}(1)\chi_{up}(2), \chi_{down}(1)\chi_{down}(2), and \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}(\chi_{up}(1)\chi_{down}(2) + \chi_{down}(1)\chi_{up}(2)). The specific spin configuration in this case will depend on the particular energy eigenvalue and the corresponding space wavefunction. I recommend consulting with your instructor or textbook for further clarification on determining the specific spin state for a given energy eigenvalue.

FAQ: Two distinguishable particles space-spin wavefunctions

1. What are "Two distinguishable particles space-spin wavefunctions"?

"Two distinguishable particles space-spin wavefunctions" refer to the mathematical description of the quantum states of two particles that have different spatial positions and spin orientations. This includes the position and spin wavefunctions of the particles, which determine their probabilities of being in certain locations and orientations.

2. How are the space-spin wavefunctions of two particles related?

The space-spin wavefunctions of two particles are related through the Pauli exclusion principle, which states that two particles cannot occupy the same quantum state. This means that the total wavefunction of the two particles must be antisymmetric, meaning it changes sign when the positions and spins of the particles are swapped.

3. What is the significance of distinguishable particles in space-spin wavefunctions?

Distinguishable particles in space-spin wavefunctions allow for the description of a wider range of quantum systems, as not all particles are identical in terms of their spatial positions and spin orientations. This is important in understanding the behavior of complex systems, such as atoms and molecules.

4. How do space-spin wavefunctions contribute to the study of quantum mechanics?

Space-spin wavefunctions are a fundamental part of quantum mechanics and are used to describe the behavior of particles on a microscopic level. They allow for the calculation of probabilities and observables, and are essential in understanding the principles of superposition and entanglement.

5. What are some real-world applications of space-spin wavefunctions?

Space-spin wavefunctions have a wide range of applications in fields such as quantum computing, materials science, and chemistry. They are used to model and predict the behavior of particles in various systems, which can lead to the development of new technologies and materials with unique properties.

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