Exploring Thermodynamic Work: PV, Mechanical, and Non-Mechanical

W_{grav}=-Mgdh, \delta W_{chem}= \mu dN, \delta W_{nucl}= -\mu dN, where \delta W denotes work done, \phi denotes potential, d denotes differential quantity, B denotes magnetic flux density, M denotes magnetization, g denotes acceleration due to gravity, h denotes height, \mu denotes chemical potential, and N denotes mole number.In summary, mechanical work, macroscopic work, and ∫pdV work all refer to the same concept of measurable work in thermodynamics, while non-mechanical work includes other forms of work such as electrical, magnetic, gravitational, and chemical work.
  • #1
In thermodynamics, what is the relationship between the terms, "pressure–volume work", "mechanical work", "non-mechanical work", "∫pdV", and "-∫Vdp"?
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  • #2
Nick9 said:
In thermodynamics, what is the relationship between the terms, "pressure–volume work", "mechanical work", "non-mechanical work", "∫pdV", and "-∫Vdp"?
Hi Nick9. Welcome to PF!

Mechanical work, macroscopic work, ##\int PdV## work all refer to the same thing: measureable work due to pressure acting through a change in volume done by or on a thermodynamic system. It is distinguished from microscopic work done on or by individual molecules by or on other molecules due to intermolecular collisions. That kind of energy transfer (due to molecular collsions) is called heat flow.

  • #3
Some examples of non-PV-work: [itex]\delta W_{elec}= \phi dQ[/itex], [itex]\delta W_{mag}= B dM[/itex]

FAQ: Exploring Thermodynamic Work: PV, Mechanical, and Non-Mechanical

1. What is thermodynamic work?

Thermodynamic work is the transfer of energy from one system to another through the application of a force. It is a fundamental concept in thermodynamics and is used to describe the changes in energy and state of a system.

2. What are the different types of thermodynamic work?

The three main types of thermodynamic work are mechanical work, electrical work, and chemical work. Mechanical work involves the transfer of energy through a mechanical force, such as pushing or pulling. Electrical work is the transfer of energy through an electric current. Chemical work involves the transfer of energy through chemical reactions.

3. How is thermodynamic work related to heat?

Thermodynamic work and heat are both forms of energy transfer, but they differ in how they transfer energy. Work transfers energy through the application of a force, while heat transfers energy through a temperature difference. In some cases, work can be converted into heat and vice versa.

4. Can thermodynamic work be negative?

Yes, thermodynamic work can be negative. This occurs when the system is doing work on its surroundings, rather than the other way around. For example, when a gas expands against a piston, the gas is doing work on the piston, resulting in a negative work value.

5. How is thermodynamic work calculated?

The calculation of thermodynamic work depends on the type of work being done. For mechanical work, it is calculated as the product of the force applied and the distance over which it is applied. For electrical work, it is calculated as the product of the voltage and current. For chemical work, it is calculated as the change in free energy of a reaction. In all cases, the work is measured in joules (J).
