Understanding Magnetic Interactions in Current Carrying Wires

In summary, the conversation discusses the application of the right-hand rule to determine the direction of magnetic force exerted on a current-carrying wire by another current-carrying wire passing through a specific point. The person is having trouble determining the direction of the force and suggests that it may be straight down based on the other currents canceling out. They are also advised to investigate the classic "force between current carrying wires" scenario to gain a better understanding.
  • #1

Homework Statement

2b. Suppose the a third wire, carrying another current i0 out of the page, passes through point P. Draw a vector on the diagram to indicate the magnetic force, if any, exerted bon the current in the new wire at P. If the magnitude of the force is zero, indicate that explicitly. Explain your reasoning.

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

For problem 2 I drew the currents around all three wires using the right-hand rule and immediatly got confused on how to determine the direction vectors. I want to say it will be straight down since the left wire will cancel out with the right wire thus leaving only the top wire to exert a magnetic force.


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  • #2
Check your right hand rule results: Can you state in words the right-hand rule for this application?

It might be worthwhile to investigate (via a web search or in your textbook or class notes) the classic "force between current carrying wires" scenario (The Hyperphysics website comes to mind for this). Take the wires in pairs to determine the individual interactions.