Unit Load Method for curved determinate structure

In summary: Therefore, the expressions for the vertical and horizontal displacements and rotation at end A can be derived using the unit load method, as shown in the given solution.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A uniform curved beam ABC of radius R is fixed at C and is free at end A, and carries a vertical load W at B, as shown in Fig. 3.2. Considering only bending action of W, derive expressions for the vertical and horizontal displacements as well as the rotation at end A in terms of W, R and flexural rigidity EI of the beam. Ignore the self-weight of the beam.

Use unit load method, 1.  U * .

Homework Equations

I had uploaded the qns and solution provided, but there is one part where moment about AB =0 which i do not understand.

The Attempt at a Solution

I understand the whole solution except for one part, which is moment about AB for real load analysis.Why is it 0 and not WRcostheta? Thanks in advance : )


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  • #2

I would approach this forum post by first acknowledging the importance of understanding the solution provided and addressing any confusion or questions about it. In this case, it is important to clarify the concept of moment and how it applies to this specific problem.

Moment is a measure of the tendency of a force to rotate an object about an axis. In this problem, the moment about AB is the tendency of the load W to rotate the beam about the fixed point C. However, in this case, the beam is fixed at C and therefore cannot rotate about that point. This means that the moment about AB is zero.

To further understand this concept, we can consider the equilibrium of forces and moments at point B. The vertical force W is balanced by the reaction force at point C, and the horizontal reaction force at point C creates a moment that counteracts the moment created by W. This results in a net moment of zero about point B.

In summary, the moment about AB is zero because the beam is fixed at point C and cannot rotate about that point. The horizontal reaction force at point C creates a moment that balances the moment created by the load W, resulting in a net moment of zero about point B.

FAQ: Unit Load Method for curved determinate structure

What is the Unit Load Method for curved determinate structure?

The Unit Load Method is a structural analysis technique used to determine the internal forces and reactions of a curved determinate structure. It involves dividing the structure into smaller sections and applying a unit load at different points to calculate the corresponding forces and reactions.

How is the Unit Load Method different from other structural analysis methods?

The Unit Load Method is unique in that it is specifically designed for curved structures, which can be more complex and difficult to analyze using traditional methods. It also provides a simplified approach, making it easier to understand and apply.

What are the main advantages of using the Unit Load Method?

The Unit Load Method has several advantages, including its ability to handle curved structures, its simplicity, and its accuracy in determining internal forces. It also allows for easy visualization of the structural behavior and can be applied to both statically determinate and indeterminate structures.

What are the limitations of the Unit Load Method?

While the Unit Load Method is suitable for many curved determinate structures, it may not be applicable to all types of structures. It also assumes a linear elastic response of the structure and does not account for other factors such as material nonlinearity or geometric imperfections.

How is the Unit Load Method applied in practice?

The Unit Load Method is typically applied using a step-by-step process, starting with dividing the structure into smaller sections, applying unit loads, and calculating the corresponding forces and reactions. This is often done using computer software, but can also be done manually with the appropriate equations and diagrams.

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