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Logan Rudd
- 15
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As an experimentalist, I am very excited to be taking my first upper division physics lab next semester! The course covers basic electronics (filters, diodes, transistors, op-amps, analog & digital circuits, D/A conversion, and LabView Programming, etc.) and measurement techniques with an approved Final Project of your choice. I was hoping to get some good ideas from the online physics community on what I might do my final project on. I've listed below some of the final project suggestions for the class to give you an idea of what previous people have done, but I'm trying to find something new/original to do. I'm interested in exploring experimental particle physics and the development of particle detectors in particular so any ideas that would relate to that area or ideas you think would teach me a lot in general about instrumentation and measurement would be awesome, but I'm open to any suggestions. I also have and Intel Edison starter kit plus ( https://software.intel.com/en-us/iot/devkit ) that I've been playing around with that I'd like to incorporate as well if possible. Let me know if you have any ideas. Thanks!
Previous projects:
Whistler Receiver/Recorder: Detect the signals from Global Electrical activity. May require a field trip. Automatic ON switch.
Bat Detector/Recorder: Covert ultrasonic bat sonar to audio. Heterodyne analog or digital. Automatic on switch.
Ultrasonic Voice Transmission: Voice transmission above the range of human hearing. Transmitter Receiver/Annoy your dog! (Ask staff for Ultrasonic transmitter & Receivers)
Digital Walkie-Talkie using a laser to transmit the signal.
Distortion Pedal: Classic tube distortion or Heavy Metal Thunder.
Digital Reverb: Delay and combine audio signals.
LED/Laser Transmission: Direct Audio Modulation/ AM transmission
Graphic Equalizer: Several bands of filters and detectors. Graphical display of power for each band using LabView.
Switches and Controls:
Ultrasonic Motion Detector: Use changes in reflected sound to detect motion.
Clapper: Two claps on/off. Add three and 4 clap sequences for multiple devices. Your neighbors will think you are insane.
Combination Lock: Push button switches must be pushed in order to open lock/ turn on light, whatever.
Telephone tone control: Use telephone tones to control remote devices. Hum a tune to unlock door.
IR remote control: Control your TV. Use you remote to turn on LEDs.
Possibly useful stuff:
Brainwave controller: control electronics or Labview with your brainwaves, etc.
Calculator: +,- , 4 bits should be enough extra credit for *,/
Serial Digital Data Transmission: Over Wire/Light or ultrasound.
Digital Alarm clock: Seconds/Minutes/Hours + Alarm
Automatic Phone Dialer: Push a button and dial a number. Just like your phone, but with lots of wires hanging off it.
Moth Robot: Follow Light: Turret or Car Follow dark line.
Slot Machine: Three Random number generators: Three identical numbers give jackpot/ or flashing LED.
Brainwave video game: Use the amplitude of your Brainwaves to control a LED display. May be useful in treating attention defect disorder.
Metal detector: Find Buried Treasure. An exciting new career awaits you. Bermuda shorts optional.
Radio direction finder: Find hidden bugs, you know they are listening. Maybe not, so you will need to build a bug to test it.
Walkie Talkies: Communicate with radio waves.
Radio Control: LED, spy plane, whatever.
Test and Measurement:
Autoranging DMM: Measure millivolts to volts without turning a knob.
Capacitance meter: Use frequency of an oscillator to determine capacitance.
Frequency Counter: Digital display of audio frequencies.
Digital Thermometer: ADC and Digital Readout. Degrees K or Degrees C. Add a heater/peltier junction to make a temperature controller.
Speedometer: Digital Display of speed of rotating wheel
Ultrasonic Range finder: Digital Display of distance to objects. Could put on turret to make room mapper, but would require your own laptop.
Ultrasonic Sonar Velocity: Digital Display of the speed of moving objects. Use doppler shift of reflected waves.
Speed of sound: Ultrasonic or audio sound speed measurement.
Speed of light: Use LED or LASER to measure speed of light.
Previous projects:
Whistler Receiver/Recorder: Detect the signals from Global Electrical activity. May require a field trip. Automatic ON switch.
Bat Detector/Recorder: Covert ultrasonic bat sonar to audio. Heterodyne analog or digital. Automatic on switch.
Ultrasonic Voice Transmission: Voice transmission above the range of human hearing. Transmitter Receiver/Annoy your dog! (Ask staff for Ultrasonic transmitter & Receivers)
Digital Walkie-Talkie using a laser to transmit the signal.
Distortion Pedal: Classic tube distortion or Heavy Metal Thunder.
Digital Reverb: Delay and combine audio signals.
LED/Laser Transmission: Direct Audio Modulation/ AM transmission
Graphic Equalizer: Several bands of filters and detectors. Graphical display of power for each band using LabView.
Switches and Controls:
Ultrasonic Motion Detector: Use changes in reflected sound to detect motion.
Clapper: Two claps on/off. Add three and 4 clap sequences for multiple devices. Your neighbors will think you are insane.
Combination Lock: Push button switches must be pushed in order to open lock/ turn on light, whatever.
Telephone tone control: Use telephone tones to control remote devices. Hum a tune to unlock door.
IR remote control: Control your TV. Use you remote to turn on LEDs.
Possibly useful stuff:
Brainwave controller: control electronics or Labview with your brainwaves, etc.
Calculator: +,- , 4 bits should be enough extra credit for *,/
Serial Digital Data Transmission: Over Wire/Light or ultrasound.
Digital Alarm clock: Seconds/Minutes/Hours + Alarm
Automatic Phone Dialer: Push a button and dial a number. Just like your phone, but with lots of wires hanging off it.
Moth Robot: Follow Light: Turret or Car Follow dark line.
Slot Machine: Three Random number generators: Three identical numbers give jackpot/ or flashing LED.
Brainwave video game: Use the amplitude of your Brainwaves to control a LED display. May be useful in treating attention defect disorder.
Metal detector: Find Buried Treasure. An exciting new career awaits you. Bermuda shorts optional.
Radio direction finder: Find hidden bugs, you know they are listening. Maybe not, so you will need to build a bug to test it.
Walkie Talkies: Communicate with radio waves.
Radio Control: LED, spy plane, whatever.
Test and Measurement:
Autoranging DMM: Measure millivolts to volts without turning a knob.
Capacitance meter: Use frequency of an oscillator to determine capacitance.
Frequency Counter: Digital display of audio frequencies.
Digital Thermometer: ADC and Digital Readout. Degrees K or Degrees C. Add a heater/peltier junction to make a temperature controller.
Speedometer: Digital Display of speed of rotating wheel
Ultrasonic Range finder: Digital Display of distance to objects. Could put on turret to make room mapper, but would require your own laptop.
Ultrasonic Sonar Velocity: Digital Display of the speed of moving objects. Use doppler shift of reflected waves.
Speed of sound: Ultrasonic or audio sound speed measurement.
Speed of light: Use LED or LASER to measure speed of light.
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