How Does Differentiability Imply the Existence of Partial Derivatives?

In summary, a vector partial derivative is a mathematical concept used to calculate the rate of change of a vector function with respect to one of its input variables. It is calculated by taking the derivative of each component of the vector function while holding all other variables constant. The main difference between a vector partial derivative and a regular partial derivative is that the former is applied to a vector-valued function and considers the direction of change, while the latter is applied to a scalar-valued function and only considers the magnitude of change. A vector partial derivative is commonly used in fields such as physics, engineering, and economics to analyze the effects of multiple variables on a vector quantity. The geometric interpretation of a vector partial derivative is that it represents the slope of a tangent
  • #1

Homework Statement

A function f(x) : Rn ->R is said to be differentiable at point [tex]\vec{a}[/tex] provided that there exists a constant vector [tex]\vec{c} = (c_1, ... , c_n)[/tex] such that

[tex]lim_(\vec{h} -> 0) \frac{f(\vec{a}+\vec{h}) - f(\vec{a}) - \vec{c}*\vec{h}}{||\vec{h}||}[/tex]

Prove that if the multivariable function f(x) (here [tex]x = x_1, ..., x_n)[/tex] is differentiable at [tex]a = (a_1, ..., a_n)[/tex] then its first order partial derivatives at a exist.

Homework Equations

I know that the partial derivative definition is

The Attempt at a Solution

I've tried a few things but I've encountered a road block of sorts. I think what I have to do is provide the vector c such that the given equation somehow turns into the definition of the first order partial derivative. That means that instead of having f(a1+h1, a2+h2, ...) I need to make all the h's 0 except one, [tex]h_i[/tex] so the term would turn into [tex]f(a1, a2,..., a_i+h, a_{i+1}...)[/tex] But I'm not sure how to do that with the vector c... I may be way off base...

Thank you for any hints/advice.
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  • #2
You want to put [itex]\vec h[/itex] equal to [itex]h \vec {e_i}[/itex]. Where e_i is the ith basis vector and take the limit as the real number h approaches 0. Does that help? You can't pick c. That's a given. You can pick a particular form of h.
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  • #3
Thank you for the response. What exactly is an "ith basis vector" though?
  • #4
e_i=(0,0,0,...,1,..0,0,0) with the 1 in position i. The same i as in your problem setup.

FAQ: How Does Differentiability Imply the Existence of Partial Derivatives?

1. What is a vector partial derivative?

A vector partial derivative is a mathematical concept used in multivariable calculus to calculate the rate of change of a vector function with respect to one of its input variables. It measures how much the vector changes in a particular direction as the input variable changes.

2. How is a vector partial derivative calculated?

A vector partial derivative is calculated by taking the derivative of each component of the vector function with respect to the input variable, while holding all other variables constant. The resulting derivatives are then combined to form a vector representing the partial derivative.

3. What is the difference between a vector partial derivative and a regular partial derivative?

The main difference between a vector partial derivative and a regular partial derivative is that the former is applied to a vector-valued function, while the latter is applied to a scalar-valued function. Additionally, a vector partial derivative considers the direction of change in the vector, while a regular partial derivative only considers the magnitude of change.

4. When is a vector partial derivative used?

A vector partial derivative is used in fields such as physics, engineering, and economics to analyze how a vector quantity changes in response to changes in its input variables. It is particularly useful in situations where multiple variables are involved and their effects on the vector must be analyzed separately.

5. What is the geometric interpretation of a vector partial derivative?

The geometric interpretation of a vector partial derivative is that it represents the slope of a tangent line to the curve traced by the vector function in the direction of the input variable. It can also be thought of as the rate of change of the vector's magnitude and direction with respect to the input variable.

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