Does Vector Angle Affect Magnitude? Need Help!

In summary, the angle of a vector does not directly influence its magnitude. A vector is a combination of magnitude and direction, so changing the angle would result in a different vector with a different magnitude. The original statement may be confusing due to the conflation of vectors with other physical factors. Vectors simply describe an object's movement at a specific moment in time and do not directly dictate its future actions.
  • #1
i have a question on vector.

does the angle of a vector influence its magnitude?

so if a vector is moved from 30 degrees to 60 degrees does its magnitude change as well ?

any help will be appreciated.
Physics news on
  • #2
No. The magnitude does not change. The components are a different story.
  • #3
The concept of a vector is the combination of magnitude and direction, though.
So, two vectors with the same magnitude with different directions are different vectors. This makes the original statement somewhat nonsensical (no offense, just trying to explain the problem here). If you move the angle of the vector, then it's a different vector.

All of that being said, "does the angle of a vector influence its magnitude?" seems to be the real question here. Don't conflate vectors with anything else. A vector is simply a vector, it isn't directly influenced by other physical factors. I'm guessing that the thinking behind the question here is whether or not forces such as gravity or friction will influence a vector, but the vector is simply a description of what an object is doing at a moment in time. Vectors, by themselves, don't say anything about what an object will do. Make sense?

FAQ: Does Vector Angle Affect Magnitude? Need Help!

What is a vector?

A vector is a mathematical object that has both magnitude (size) and direction. It is commonly represented by an arrow in a coordinate plane.

How is a vector's magnitude calculated?

The magnitude of a vector is calculated using the Pythagorean theorem: the square root of the sum of the squared components. For example, if a vector has components of (3,4), its magnitude would be √(3²+4²) = 5.

Does vector angle affect magnitude?

Yes, the angle of a vector does affect its magnitude. The magnitude of a vector is calculated using the cosine function, which takes into account the angle between the vector and its horizontal component.

How does changing the angle of a vector affect its magnitude?

Changing the angle of a vector will change its magnitude. As the angle increases, the magnitude decreases and vice versa. When the angle is 0 or 180 degrees, the magnitude is at its maximum, while at 90 or 270 degrees, the magnitude is 0.

Why is it important to understand the relationship between vector angle and magnitude?

Understanding the relationship between vector angle and magnitude is important because it allows us to fully understand and work with vectors. It also helps in solving real-world problems involving forces, motion, and other physical quantities.
