Closedness of Matrices Under Addition & Multiplication

In summary, the conversation discusses proving closure under addition and scalar multiplication for different sets of matrices. The first set, M, is closed under both operations due to the definition of symmetry and the use of matrix transposition. The second set, W, is not closed under addition and scalar multiplication as it includes matrices of different sizes. The third set, W, is closed under scalar multiplication and addition as shown through mathematical proof.
  • #1

Homework Statement

1. Show that the set M of symetric matrices is closed under addition and scalar multiplication.
2. Show that the set W diagonal matrices is not closed under addition and scalar multiplication.
3. Show that the set W of matrices such that transpose(A) = -A is closed under scalar addition and multiplication.

The Attempt at a Solution

ok, for the first one, they have given me the solution but I don't understand why they did that:
Let A and B be in M. then transpose(A)=A and transpose(B)=B.
transpose(A+B)=transpose(A)+transpose(B)=A+B. therefore, M is closed under addition. why do they use matrix transposition?? I don't understand the proof

as for 2 and 3, i have no idea what to do. I don't know how to do it "mathematically", if you can understand what I mean :confused:

thank you
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  • #2
For 1, what does it mean for a matrix to be symmetric? I.e., what's the definition? That's where the transpose comes in.
For 2, if the matrices in set W are a specified size, addition and scalar multiplication are closed. Since there is no mention of the size of the matrices in W, I interpret this to mean that W includes diagonal matrices of different sizes.

For 3, take two matrices (A and B) in your set W and show that A + B is in W. Also show that if A is in W, then kA is also in W, where k is a scalar. BTW, you want to show that W is closed under addition and scalar multiplication, not scalar addition and multiplication.

FAQ: Closedness of Matrices Under Addition & Multiplication

What does it mean for matrices to be closed under addition and multiplication?

When we say that matrices are closed under addition and multiplication, it means that when we add or multiply two matrices, the resulting matrix is also a matrix. In other words, the operation does not take us out of the set of matrices.

Why is it important for matrices to be closed under addition and multiplication?

The closure property is important because it allows us to perform operations on matrices without having to worry about whether the resulting matrix is still a valid matrix. This makes it easier to manipulate and analyze matrices in various mathematical and scientific applications.

How can we prove that matrices are closed under addition and multiplication?

To prove that matrices are closed under addition and multiplication, we need to show that the resulting matrix has the same properties as the matrices being added or multiplied. For addition, we need to show that the resulting matrix has the same dimensions as the matrices being added, and for multiplication, we need to show that the resulting matrix has the same number of rows as the first matrix and the same number of columns as the second matrix.

Are all matrices closed under addition and multiplication?

No, not all matrices are closed under addition and multiplication. For example, non-square matrices with different dimensions cannot be added or multiplied together. However, square matrices with the same dimensions are always closed under addition and multiplication.

How does the closure property apply to other mathematical operations on matrices?

The closure property also applies to other mathematical operations on matrices, such as scalar multiplication, matrix inversion, and matrix transposition. In all these cases, the resulting matrix will still be a valid matrix, as long as the original matrix is a valid matrix. This makes the closure property an important concept in matrix algebra and linear algebra.

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