Solving Smoke Ring Mysteries: Exploring Fluid Motion

In summary, vortex rings are circular patterns of rotating fluid governed by fluid dynamics principles. The speed of propagation varies inversely with the radius of the ring, and the air in the center is sucked through at a speed of 4 times the propagation speed.
  • #1
Hi all,

I'm trying to answer the following questions related to a project on smoke rings.

We are in an introductory class, so this project is more for fun and just applying the little we have learned about point, rigid body, and fluid motion to something less understood like vortex rings.

Essentially we have contsructed a smoke ring device that, guessed it, blows smoke rings. I have already experimentally shown that by blowing two different sized rings, you can find that the larger ring moves at a slower pace than the smaller (radius) ring.

However, I am having trouble answering the following questions:

8. Explain mathematically why the speed of propagation of the
ring should vary roughly as the reciprocal of its radius.

9. Show (from calculations) that the air in the center of the
ring is sucked through at a speed of 4 times the propagation
of the ring itself (it's like some weird flying, sucking thing!)

Any help is greatly appreciated, even just a quick explanation off the top of your head.

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  • #2

Hi there,

I would be happy to help answer your questions about smoke rings. First, let's start with the concept of vortex rings. These are circular patterns of rotating fluid, such as smoke or water, that are created when a fluid is pushed through a small opening or nozzle. The motion of the fluid and the resulting vortex ring is governed by the principles of fluid dynamics, specifically the conservation of momentum and energy.

Now, let's address your first question about the relationship between the speed of propagation and the radius of the ring. As you have observed, the larger ring moves at a slower pace than the smaller ring. This is because of the conservation of momentum - as the ring expands, its mass increases, which requires more force to maintain the same speed. Mathematically, this can be represented by the equation v = rω, where v is the speed of propagation, r is the radius of the ring, and ω is the angular velocity. As the radius increases, the angular velocity decreases, resulting in a slower speed of propagation.

For your second question, let's consider the air in the center of the ring. As the ring expands, it creates a low pressure area in the center due to the conservation of energy. This low pressure area acts as a suction, pulling air towards it at a speed of 4 times the propagation speed of the ring. This can be calculated by using the Bernoulli's equation, which describes the relationship between pressure, velocity, and elevation in a fluid.

I hope this helps to answer your questions and provide a better understanding of the physics behind smoke rings. Keep exploring and experimenting - that's what science is all about!

FAQ: Solving Smoke Ring Mysteries: Exploring Fluid Motion

What is the purpose of studying fluid motion?

The study of fluid motion is important for various fields of science, including meteorology, oceanography, and engineering. By understanding how fluids move, we can better predict weather patterns, currents in the ocean, and design more efficient structures.

What is a smoke ring and why is it considered a mystery?

A smoke ring is a ring-shaped vortex of air created by the rapid expulsion of air through a circular opening. It is considered a mystery because for many years, scientists were unable to fully explain the physics behind its formation and maintenance.

How do scientists investigate the mysteries of smoke rings?

Scientists use various techniques, such as high-speed cameras and computer simulations, to capture and analyze the fluid motion of smoke rings. They also conduct experiments in controlled environments to observe how different variables, such as air pressure and temperature, affect smoke ring formation.

What have scientists discovered about smoke rings?

Through their investigations, scientists have discovered that smoke rings are formed through a combination of buoyancy, pressure differentials, and vortices. They have also found that smoke rings can maintain their shape and travel long distances due to their low air resistance.

How can understanding smoke rings benefit society?

Understanding the physics of smoke rings can have practical applications in industries such as aerodynamics, weather prediction, and pollution control. It can also inspire new technologies and innovations in fluid dynamics. Additionally, the study of smoke rings can help us better understand the complex and beautiful patterns found in nature.
