How to Compute the Little Group Matrix in Weinberg's QFT Trilogy?

  • Thread starter merius
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    Qft Text
In summary, the speaker is struggling with computing a little group element for a Lorentz transformation in a specific problem. They are looking for a simpler method than the given formula and mention that the rotation is about the x1 axis. It is suggested to start by writing the little group element as a product of L-1 and Q, which can be simplified by noting that some elements of Λ and L are equal to 1.
  • #1
Hi. I am new to this discussion group, so forgive me if this is not the appropriate forum for this question. A friend of mine and I are going through the first volume of Weinberg's QFT trilogy. My question regards the first problem at the end of chapter two. I think I completely understand the procedure for computing a Lorentz transformed positive definite spin state, but I can't seem to compute the little group element corresponding to the Lorentz transformation given in this problem. The matrix multiplication is very lengthy and I really get caught up in the algebra. Is there an easier way to compute the little group matrix than his formula (W = L^(-1)(lambda*p)*Lambda*L(p))? I would like to hear from someone who has done this problem already and, if possible to see their solution. The little group for mass positive definite spin states is the 3-d rotation group and I know the rotation for this particular problem is about the x1 axis, but the algebra is ridiculous. I have spent a lot of time on this problem and would greatly appreciate some help. Thanks.
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  • #2
Originally posted by merius
I can't seem to compute the little group element corresponding to the Lorentz transformation given in this problem. The matrix multiplication is very lengthy and I really get caught up in the algebra. Is there an easier way to compute the little group matrix than his formula (W = L^(-1)(lambda*p)*Lambda*L(p))?

It's not so bad. Since Λ is a boost along the z-axis, it's only non-vanishing elements are

Λ11 = Λ22
Λ33 = Λ00
Λ03 = Λ30.

Since p is in the y-direction, the only non-vanishing elements of L(p) are

L11 = L33
L02 = L20

One way to start off is by writing the little group element as

W(Λ,p) = L-1(Λp)Q(p)

where Q(p) ≡ ΛL(p) and note that the above immediately yields

Q1ν = Λ11L1ν
Q2ν = Λ22L2ν
Q0ν = Λ00L0ν + Λ03L3ν
Q3ν = Λ30L0ν + Λ33L3ν.

Noting that Λ11 = Λ22 = L11 = L33 = 1 simplifies things even further. Finally, L-1(Λp) = L(p') in which p'i = -Λiνpν.
  • #3

Hi Merius, welcome to the discussion group! The first volume of Weinberg's QFT trilogy can be quite challenging, so it's great that you have a friend to work through it with. As for your question about the little group element, I understand how the algebra can get overwhelming. I would suggest trying to break down the matrix multiplication into smaller steps and using properties of matrix multiplication to simplify the calculations. Another helpful resource would be to look for online forums or communities specifically for QFT students where you can ask for guidance from others who have also worked through Weinberg's problems. I'm sure there are many people who have encountered the same difficulties and would be willing to share their solutions with you. Best of luck with your studies!

FAQ: How to Compute the Little Group Matrix in Weinberg's QFT Trilogy?

1. What is Weinberg's QFT text about?

Weinberg's QFT (Quantum Field Theory) text is a comprehensive and rigorous textbook that covers the fundamental principles and mathematical techniques of quantum field theory. It is widely considered to be one of the most authoritative and influential texts on the subject.

2. Who is the intended audience for Weinberg's QFT text?

The text is primarily aimed at advanced undergraduate and graduate students in physics, although it is also widely used by researchers and professionals in the field.

3. What makes Weinberg's QFT text stand out from other textbooks on the subject?

One of the main strengths of Weinberg's QFT text is its emphasis on the mathematical foundations of quantum field theory. It also covers a wide range of topics, including both perturbative and non-perturbative methods, making it a comprehensive and in-depth resource for students and researchers.

4. Is Weinberg's QFT text suitable for self-study?

While the text is quite dense and challenging, it is possible for motivated individuals to use it for self-study. However, it is recommended to have a solid background in classical mechanics, electrodynamics, and quantum mechanics before tackling the text.

5. Can Weinberg's QFT text be used as a reference book?

Yes, the text is often used as a reference book by researchers in the field. It contains a wealth of information and serves as a valuable resource for understanding and applying quantum field theory principles and techniques.

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