What are resonances in quantum field theory?

In summary, resonances in quantum field theory refer to unstable states that appear as peaks in the scattering amplitude and are associated with the formation of intermediate particles during interactions. They typically represent particles that exist for a brief time before decaying into other states, playing a crucial role in understanding particle interactions and the dynamics of fields. Resonances help explain phenomena such as particle production and decay processes, and their properties are characterized by mass, width, and coupling strength to the surrounding fields.
  • #1
TL;DR Summary
I am currently learning about the coalescence model and femtoscopy, and am very confused about what resonances are. I read here (https://www.quantamagazine.org/how-...pes-reality-20220126/?utm_source=pocket_saves) that they are, as all particles, an excitation of the field in the quantum field theory; but then why do they decay, how is the decaying process exactly; and what makes resonances not a particle, but a resonancy, if both are an excitation of the field?
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  • #2
You can see them as extremely short-living particles. There is no sharp dividing line between these two. Their large decay width makes them more complicated to study and approaches we use for more long-living particles (J/ψ is longliving in this context, for example) don't work well for them.
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Likes vanhees71 and topsquark
  • #3
Strictly speaking resonances are not particles in the modern sense of relativistic QFT. Particles are the asymptotic free one-quantum Fock states of the corresponding fields.

A resonance is defined by a scattering process, where there is a pole of the corresponding propagator in the complex plane with a not too large imaginary part (defining the width/inverse lifetime) in the corresponding Green's function.
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Likes ohwilleke and topsquark
  • #4
Except that these days it has become a synonym for "particle". If a postdoc at a seminar talks about discovering a resonance and you ask him about phase shifts and Argand plots odds are he won't know what you are talking about.
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  • #5
You won't believe, how difficult it can get, if you don't keep in mind that a resonance must be carefully defined by the in and the outstate. E.g., the rho-meson as it occurs in the particle data booklet is defined as the corresponding resonance in the cross section ##\mathrm{e}^+ + \mathrm{e}^- \rightarrow \text{hadrons}##.

Now, from the point of view of effective hadronic field theories, the working horse in my field of relativistic heavy-ion collisions, of course a "##\rho## meson" is produced rather in hadronic interactions. At first glance it's a two-pion excitation, but you also have the creation via baryonic resonances of all kinds, and already "in the vacuum" (i.e., in pp collisions) you get an entirely different "line shape" of the ##\rho## meson than in the PDB definition of the ##\rho##-meson.

Have a look at Fig. 5 in

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  • #6
vanhees71 said:
A resonance is defined by a scattering process, where there is a pole of the corresponding propagator in the complex plane with a not too large imaginary part

Is there really a formal requirement that the width not be too large? I.e. is something different in the maths in that case? Are there examples of poles in propagators that are not considered resonances because their imaginary part is too large?
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Likes vanhees71
  • #7
If the width is "too large", you don't see a clear peak in the corresponding cross section, i.e., it's more like a continuum. One of the paradigmatic measurements is ##\text{e}^+ + \text{e}^- \rightarrow \text{hadrons}##, which is a measurement of the electromagnetic (or electroweak) current-current correlation function. There you also see prominent peaks, the light vector mesons ##\rho##, ##\omega##, and ##\phi##. Then a continuum and then the charmonia (##\text{J}/\psi## et al) and bottomonia (##\Upsilon## et al).
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Likes topsquark and Dr.AbeNikIanEdL

FAQ: What are resonances in quantum field theory?

What are resonances in quantum field theory?

Resonances in quantum field theory refer to unstable particles or states that are formed during interactions and have a relatively short lifetime. They are characterized by a peak in the scattering cross-section as a function of energy, indicating an increase in the probability of a particular interaction occurring at specific energy levels. These resonances correspond to the poles of the scattering amplitude in the complex energy plane.

How do resonances relate to particle decay?

Resonances are closely related to particle decay in that they represent intermediate states that can form during particle interactions before decaying into other particles. The lifetime of a resonance is inversely related to its decay width, which quantifies how quickly it decays. A narrow resonance has a long lifetime, while a broad resonance decays quickly, affecting the observable properties in experiments.

What is the significance of the width of a resonance?

The width of a resonance is significant because it provides information about the stability and lifetime of the particle associated with the resonance. A smaller width indicates a more stable resonance with a longer lifetime, while a larger width suggests a less stable state that decays rapidly. The width is also related to the uncertainty principle, which connects the energy and time characteristics of the resonance.

How are resonances experimentally observed?

Resonances are experimentally observed through scattering experiments where particles collide, and the resulting interaction products are analyzed. By measuring the scattering cross-section as a function of energy, physicists can identify peaks corresponding to resonances. These peaks indicate the presence of unstable states that can be associated with specific particles or interactions in quantum field theory.

Can resonances exist outside of particle physics?

Yes, resonances can exist in various areas of physics beyond particle physics, including condensed matter physics and atomic physics. In these contexts, resonances can refer to phenomena such as energy levels of atoms, phonons in solids, or collective excitations in many-body systems. The underlying principles of resonances, involving energy levels and interactions, are applicable across different fields of physics.

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