What experiements were done to figure out law of gravitation

In summary, scientists discovered the law of gravity by conducting various experiments and observing the motion of celestial bodies. This law, represented by F = GMm / r^2, is derived from Newton's Second and Third Laws, Kepler's Laws, and centripetal acceleration. The value of the gravitational constant, G, was determined through experiments such as the Cavendish-like apparatus and modern versions. However, determining G from Earth's gravity is difficult due to the need for knowing Earth's mass independently.
  • #1
Okay, i know people saw that Earth is pulling everything towards each other and infact every other object is attracting each other. So there must be a force. But how did they discover the law i.e. F = GMm / r^2.
They must have done some experiements to figure out this law and determine the gravitational constant. What were those experiments?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
You just need to have Newton's Second and Third Laws, Kepler's Laws, and cnetripetal acceleration. You can derive gravity from these. So the experiments would be these on accelerated masses and observations of motion of the celestial bodies.
  • #3
here's a url http://www.physicsclassroom.com/class/circles/u6l3b.cfm .

the inverse-square nature is what was needed to be compatible with astronomical observation, particularly the The Law of Equal Areas . the value of G is determined by a Cavendish-like apparatus, e.g. a modern version: http://arxiv.org/abs/gr-qc/0006043v1 . the problem with determining G from acceleration of gravity on Earth is that it requires knowing Earth's mass independently.

FAQ: What experiements were done to figure out law of gravitation

1. What is the law of gravitation?

The law of gravitation, also known as Newton's law of universal gravitation, states that every particle in the universe attracts every other particle with a force that is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.

2. Who discovered the law of gravitation?

The law of gravitation was first discovered by Sir Isaac Newton in 1687. He developed the theory after observing the motion of the planets and their moons.

3. What experiments were done to figure out the law of gravitation?

Newton conducted various experiments to figure out the law of gravitation. One of his most famous experiments involved using a pendulum and a falling apple to demonstrate the constant acceleration due to gravity.

4. How did the law of gravitation change our understanding of the universe?

The law of gravitation revolutionized our understanding of the universe by providing a mathematical explanation for the motion of celestial bodies and the force of gravity. It also helped to explain the behavior of objects on Earth and the movement of tides.

5. Is the law of gravitation still relevant today?

Yes, the law of gravitation is still relevant and widely accepted in modern physics. It forms the basis for understanding the motion of objects in space, and it is also used in various fields such as astronomy, engineering, and navigation.
