What is a Borel Set? Explained with Examples

  • Thread starter hassman
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In summary: Thank you for adding that. In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of Borel sets and their definition as the smallest σ-algebra on a topological space that contains all open subsets. It is noted that for finite or countable metric spaces, all subsets are Borel sets. However, for more complex spaces, not all subsets may be Borel sets. The conversation also suggests exercises and a book for further understanding of Borel sets. It is concluded that open sets, complements, and sets obtained through unions and intersections of Borel sets are also Borel sets.
  • #1

I have searched but the explanations that are given are too abstract. Why is it so difficult to use an example to show what a Borel set is?

Assume X = {1, 2, 3}. Then the power set of X is a topology. Borel set is defined on topologies right?

So what would be then a Borel set?

Or perhaps someone could explain to me without the above example, but in clearer terms what a Borel set is?
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  • #2
The abstract definition is "the smallest σ-algebra on X that contains all the open subsets of X". So in this case, since a σ-algebra on X is a subset of the power set of X, and since the set of all open subsets of X is the power set (by your choice), the set of Borel sets is the power set. With this topology, a set is Borel if and only if it's open.

I suggest you look at exercises 1.9.3 and 1.9.8 in this book, and that you also read the comments after the exercises.
  • #3
So, as noted, the Borel sets for a finite (or even countable) metric space turn out to be *all* subsets, so there is no need for a separate study of them. The best place to investigate Borel sets is the metric space of the real line. In that case, NOT every set is a Borel set.
  • #4
thank you. i will buy that book probably. looks pretty good. i cannot make the exercises though as i lack the fundamentals.
  • #5
So, as noted, the Borel sets for a finite (or even countable) metric space turn out to be *all* subsets

No, this is true only for the trivial (full) topology. For an extreme couterexample, consider the other trivial topology [itex]\left\{\emptyset,X\right\}[/itex].
  • #6
JSuarez said:
No, this is true only for the trivial (full) topology. For an extreme couterexample, consider the other trivial topology [itex]\left\{\emptyset,X\right\}[/itex].
That cannot be the topology of a metric space, though, unless X is empty or a single point.
  • #7
It's been some time since I last saw them, so someone correct me if I am wrong in thinking that these are precisely the Borel sets:
- open sets are Borel
- any set obtained from other Borel sets via unions and intersections is Borel
  • #8
RoNN|3 said:
It's been some time since I last saw them, so someone correct me if I am wrong in thinking that these are precisely the Borel sets:
- open sets are Borel
- any set obtained from other Borel sets via unions and intersections is Borel

complements, too

countable intersections

countable unions

but keep repeating these operations (finitely many repetitions may not be enough...)
  • #9
Indeed, I forgot the complements.

FAQ: What is a Borel Set? Explained with Examples

What is a Borel Set?

A Borel set is a type of set in mathematics that is commonly used in the study of real numbers and their properties. It is named after French mathematician Emile Borel and is defined as a set that can be formed by starting with open intervals and performing a countable number of operations of union, intersection, and complement.

What is the importance of Borel sets?

Borel sets play a crucial role in measure theory, which is the branch of mathematics that deals with the concepts of size, distance, and volume. In particular, Borel sets are used to define the Borel measure, which is a way to assign a numerical value to subsets of a given space. This measure is essential in many areas of mathematics, including probability theory, analysis, and topology.

Can you provide an example of a Borel set?

One example of a Borel set is the set of all real numbers between 0 and 1, denoted as [0,1]. This set can be formed by starting with the open interval (0,1) and taking the union of all the half-open intervals [0,1/n] for n = 1, 2, 3, ... . This set is also a Borel set because it can be formed by a countable number of operations on open intervals.

How are Borel sets related to open and closed sets?

Borel sets are closely related to open and closed sets. In fact, every open set is a Borel set, and every closed set is also a Borel set. This means that Borel sets are a generalization of open and closed sets, allowing for more complex and diverse sets to be formed.

Are Borel sets unique?

No, Borel sets are not unique. There are infinitely many Borel sets, and different operations can be performed on them to create new Borel sets. Additionally, for a given space, there can be different Borel sets that have the same Borel measure. This non-uniqueness can make studying Borel sets challenging but also allows for a wide range of applications in mathematics.

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