What is at the Edge of a Closed Universe?

In summary: The galaxies and stars we see are not in the same state as they are right now. We are seeing the state of the galaxies and stars as they were in a previous era of the universe.In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of the edge of the universe and how it is affected by the expansion of the universe. The evidence suggests that the universe is flat and accelerating, and therefore there is no definitive edge. The conversation also mentions the limitations of our ability to see distant objects due to redshift and the potential of the Next Generation Space Telescope to improve our understanding. Ultimately, the conversation concludes that the concept of the edge of the universe may be a moot point, as we may never be able to reach it due to the
  • #1
Hello, first post here, I hope someone can help me with this.

While not having studied physics myself, I am reasonably familiar with many key topics, in this case I found myself thinking about the standard Big Bang model.

The question is simple - 'What is at the edge of the Universe'.

My understanding was that spacetime was curved such that the universe was 'closed' The result was that the universe had no edge and that if one traveled in one direction long enough, one would return to ones starting point.

This, I realized, can not be true though because such a universe would effectively be infinite (like being in a mirrored elavator) which would result in the Earths sky being as bright as the Sun from horizon to horizon as stated under Olbers paradox.

My gut feeling is that my understanding of what a closed universe is is flawed, but if not - what is at the edge of the universe?

Thanks in advance
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  • #2
Oh wait...

Is it because the light wouldn't have had time to reach us yet from stars viewed in the 'mirror universes'? I think I have answered my own question! Comments still welcome!

  • #3
Most or less correct Monoxide, and Welcome to these Forums!

Olbers Paradox says that if the universe were
1. Infinite,
2. Eternal (infinitely old) and,
3. Static

then the sky at night should be burning bright.

The fact that it is expanding will dilute the radiation so that it is not bright but dark at night as observed, also it is (probably) not eternal, so there has not been enough time to circumnavigate the universe.

Finally, as the universe is expanding, light will never be able to complete the circumnavigation it in the first place.

The end result? The sky is dark at night!

  • #4
But what of this issue of the edge of the Universe - is the closed universe idea I mentioned valid (that by going straight in one direction onwe ends up at the starting point)?

Or is it a moot point as expansion means that we would never reach the edge even if we set off at light speed?

I tried explaining BB to a friend who immediately asked what is beyond the edge - a reasonable question that I struggle to find a reasonable answer to.
  • #5
Monoxide said:
But what of this issue of the edge of the Universe - is the closed universe idea I mentioned valid (that by going straight in one direction onwe ends up at the starting point)?

No. So far, the evidence points to a flat, accelerating universe.

Monoxide said:
Or is it a moot point as expansion means that we would never reach the edge even if we set off at light speed?


Monoxide said:
I tried explaining BB to a friend who immediately asked what is beyond the edge - a reasonable question that I struggle to find a reasonable answer to.

The farther we look, the greater the redshift. Hubble Constant*Distance=Recession Velocity. The value of "Distance" is the distance from the original state (the big bang singularity). Since no location can necessarily claim to be the center of the universe (Cosmological Principle), it is ok to pick any location as the center point. Two things affect how far we can see. First is the Recession Velocity. Where recession velocity equals c, objects are redshifted so much that we cannot see them any more. The equation for redshift as a function of recession velocity (in special relavitity) is this:


While v<<c, the value of z is finite


1.37720275 × 10^10 light years

The rate of expansion of the space-time continuum can exceed the speed of light.

The second thing that affects how far we can see the brightness of the light of the era of the universe we are looking at. So far, we can image individual galaxies and their structure at a distance exceeding 13 billion light years. However, we cannot image clearly individual stars of those distant galaxies. Also, Hubble's instrumentation does not detect ultra high redshifts at sharp enough resolution to image the first stars. The resulting demand is the Next Generation Space Telescope (NGST), or James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) which will have a resolution higher than Hubble at the infrared range.

If you look at the light from the very distant galaxies at the same position you are right now, there would be no way of seeing these galaxies as they are right now, because all of these galaxies have already rushed beyond the edge of the universe. Their comoving distance is greater than 1.37720275 × 10^10 light years. One by one, the entirety of a galaxy passes a region where it is 1.37720275 × 10^10 light years from us. 1.37720275 × 10^10 light years after a galaxy or star goes beyond that we cannot see it or reach it any more.
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Related to What is at the Edge of a Closed Universe?

1. What exactly is a closed universe?

A closed universe is a theoretical concept in cosmology that describes a universe that is finite in size and has a finite amount of matter. This means that the universe has a specific boundary or edge and that the matter within it will eventually stop expanding and begin to contract.

2. What does it mean for a universe to have an edge?

Having an edge in a closed universe means that there is a definite boundary or limit to the universe, beyond which there is nothing. This is different from an open universe, where there is no boundary and the universe is thought to be infinite.

3. Is there any evidence that our universe is closed?

Currently, there is no definitive evidence that our universe is closed. The shape and structure of the universe is still a topic of ongoing research and debate among scientists. Some theories suggest a closed universe, while others suggest an open or even a flat universe.

4. What is believed to exist at the edge of a closed universe?

It is currently unknown what exactly exists at the edge of a closed universe, if it does indeed have an edge. Some theories suggest that there may be other universes or dimensions beyond the edge, while others propose that it may simply be a boundary beyond which there is nothing.

5. How does the concept of a closed universe fit into the Big Bang theory?

The Big Bang theory is the prevailing scientific explanation for the origin and evolution of the universe. In this theory, a closed universe is one of the possible outcomes, where the universe eventually stops expanding and begins to contract. However, the exact shape and structure of the universe is still uncertain and there are other theories that propose different outcomes.

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