WHat is better in a particle beam collider.

In summary, when two particle beams meet head on, more energy is available than when the particle beam is directed at a fixed target. This is because of the conservation of momentum.
  • #1
When two particle beams meet head on, more energy is available than when the particle beam is directed at a fixed target. Why is this??
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Because of the conservation of momentum.

If you collide a fast particle with one at rest, then the center of mass has a large momentum. This is conserved in the collision. Therefore the center of mass of all the particles created in the collision also has to move with the same momentum. I.e. they have to have quite a lot of kinetic energy.

If you collide particle head-on, then the center of mass is at rest. Hence no energy is "wasted" on the kinetic energy of the resulting particles to keep the center of mass moving after the
  • #3
ehabmozart said:
When two particle beams meet head on, more energy is available than when the particle beam is directed at a fixed target. Why is this??

Forget about particle beams. Can you do the reasoning when it is two cars colliding head on versus one hitting a wall?

  • #4
The car analogy may not a good one. A car hitting a immovable wall experiences the same trauma as a car hit head on by an identical car (in both cases the car is stopped dead in its tracks).
In the particle accelerator case, the "target" is either a similar particle in motion in a head on collision, in which case it may be stopped dead in its tracks, or a particle (atom?) at rest in the target material, in which case both will carry momentum in the direction of the original particle.
  • #5
I think the car example is a good one, because the assumption is that you either have a car hitting a wall at 60mph, or two cars head on, each at 60mph so their impact is as if each hits a brick wall at 120mph. Of course, with the energy of particle beams, you have to take relativity into account and the speeds aren't additive.
  • #6
M Quack said:
Because of the conservation of momentum.

If you collide a fast particle with one at rest, then the center of mass has a large momentum. This is conserved in the collision. Therefore the center of mass of all the particles created in the collision also has to move with the same momentum. I.e. they have to have quite a lot of kinetic energy.

If you collide particle head-on, then the center of mass is at rest. Hence no energy is "wasted" on the kinetic energy of the resulting particles to keep the center of mass moving after the

ZapperZ said:
Forget about particle beams. Can you do the reasoning when it is two cars colliding head on versus one hitting a wall?


Ok, change that to "versus hitting a parked car", and these two are saying the same thing. The real energy gain is in the fact that no target can remain fixed in a particle collsion (as the_EMI_guy was saying).
  • #7
daveb said:
.. or two cars head on, each at 60mph so their impact is as if each hits a brick wall at 120mph.

No, two cars hitting head on at 60mph is the same impact as one hitting a brick wall at 60mph. The brick wall does the same thing as the head on car, it stops the first car dead in its tracks (final momentum = 0, final kinetic energy = 0).
  • #8
the_emi_guy said:
No, two cars hitting head on at 60mph is the same impact as one hitting a brick wall at 60mph. The brick wall does the same thing as the head on car, it stops the first car dead in its tracks (final momentum = 0, final kinetic energy = 0).

You are missing the point that I was asking the OP. I wanted to know if he/she understands the difference in the INITIAL conditions of the two scenarios. This is basic classical mechanics. Does he/she understand the total energy BEFORE each of the collisions.

When someone asks a question like this, it is IMPERATIVE that one first investigates what the person asking the question knows and doesn't know!

  • #9
While the car model can show that there is some difference (hit a parking cair vs. hit a moving car), the cars have an energy factor of just 2. This would not be a reason to build particle colliders. It is way easier to hit a solid target instead of another beam.

However, relativistic effects severly limit the energy of fixed-target experiments: There, the available energy just scales with the square root of the beam energy. In colliders, it is proportional to the beam energy.

FAQ: WHat is better in a particle beam collider.

1. What is the purpose of a particle beam collider?

A particle beam collider is a type of particle accelerator that collides two beams of subatomic particles at high speeds in order to study the fundamental building blocks of matter and their interactions. The collisions produced in a particle beam collider can help scientists better understand the structure of matter and the forces that govern it.

2. How does a particle beam collider work?

A particle beam collider consists of two main components: an injector and an accelerator. The injector supplies the particles and accelerates them to high energies, while the accelerator uses powerful magnets to steer the particles into the collision point. The particles are then collided at extremely high speeds, allowing scientists to study the resulting reactions and particles produced.

3. What makes a particle beam collider better than other types of particle accelerators?

Particle beam colliders are able to produce collisions at much higher energies than other types of accelerators, such as linear accelerators or synchrotrons. This allows for the production of new particles and the study of high-energy interactions that cannot be observed in other types of experiments. Additionally, the beams in a particle beam collider are focused to a smaller size, increasing the likelihood of collisions and enabling more precise measurements.

4. What are the benefits of using a particle beam collider in scientific research?

Particle beam colliders have been instrumental in advancing our understanding of the fundamental nature of matter. They have played a crucial role in the discovery of new particles, such as the Higgs boson, and have provided valuable insights into the laws of physics. Additionally, the technology developed for particle beam colliders has many practical applications, such as in medical imaging and cancer treatment.

5. Are there any risks associated with operating a particle beam collider?

While particle beam colliders operate at very high energies, the risks associated with their operation are minimal. The beams are highly controlled and the collisions occur in a vacuum, minimizing any potential hazards. However, extensive safety measures and protocols are in place to ensure the safety of both the operators and the surrounding environment.

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