What is the density in atoms per unit volume of most nebulas?

In summary, density is a measure of the mass per unit volume of a substance, and in nebulas, it is measured in atoms per unit volume. Nebulas have a much lower density compared to stars, planets, and interstellar gas clouds. The density of nebulas can be affected by factors such as temperature, pressure, and composition, and it can also change over time as nebulas evolve and interact with other objects. Scientists determine the density of nebulas using methods such as spectroscopy and mathematical models.
  • #1
Gold Member
Or is it Nebulae...anyways

What is the density in atoms per unit volume of most nebulas? I am just looking for a rough estimate to help me picture it..

And what would it look like if u were inside one..would u even see anything?
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Astronomy news on Phys.org
  • #2
Good question with an interesting answer.
excerpt from http://itss.raytheon.com/cafe/qadir/q1929.html

"density of only a few hundred atoms per cubic centimeter, most nebula are better then the best vacua we can make on the earth"
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FAQ: What is the density in atoms per unit volume of most nebulas?

1. What is density and how is it measured in nebulas?

Density is a measure of the mass per unit volume of a substance. In nebulas, density is typically measured in atoms per unit volume, which is the number of atoms present in a given volume of space.

2. How does the density of nebulas compare to other objects in the universe?

The density of nebulas can vary greatly, but in general, they are much less dense than stars and planets. They are also less dense than interstellar gas clouds, which can have a density of up to 1000 atoms per cubic centimeter.

3. What factors affect the density of nebulas?

The density of nebulas can be influenced by factors such as temperature, pressure, and composition. For example, colder nebulas may have a higher density due to the atoms being closer together.

4. Can the density of nebulas change over time?

Yes, the density of nebulas can change over time as they evolve and interact with other objects in the universe. For example, as a nebula collapses and forms a star, its density will increase.

5. How do scientists determine the density of nebulas?

Scientists use various methods to determine the density of nebulas, such as spectroscopy, which involves analyzing the light emitted or absorbed by atoms in the nebula. They can also use mathematical models and simulations to estimate the density based on other observed properties of the nebula.

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