What is the purpose of computing the transpose of a matrix?

  • #1
I am told to compute \(\displaystyle C^T\) .. what is this implying? I'm guessing maybe the transpose? Is this correct? Also should I post matrix related questions here or in the pre-calculus forum? This is a discrete mathematics class I am using these things in by the way.
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  • #2
The transpose of an $m$-by-$n$ matrix $A$ is the $n$-by-$m$ matrix $A^T$ (also denoted $A^{tr}$ or $^tA$) formed by turning rows into columns and vice versa.

Matrices are generally not considered part of discrete mathematics as far as I have seen. They are more an algebraic topic, used in elementary form in algebra, or more advanced use in linear algebra.

Your previous question about matrices fell into the former category I felt, and that's why I moved it to the Pre-Calculus forum. I will move this one there as well. :D
  • #3
The first row becomes the first column, the second row becomes the second column, etc.

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