What would you do if you knew you could not fail?

  • Thread starter Math Is Hard
  • Start date
In summary, Ivan would try to write and publish a novel, cruise nightclubs to interview people who have failed relationships for research, and try to create world peace. If he can't do any of those things, he would try to cure all disease, feed everyone, and ask MIH to marry him.
  • #36
Danger said:
Husband? Oh, great... another sexual fantasy blown to hell...

Since when husbands/boyfriends prohibit sexual fantasies?

Unless you hoped MIH is a virgin :smile:
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #37
Borek said:
Since when husbands/boyfriends prohibit sexual fantasies?

Unless you hoped MIH is a virgin :smile:

best one I've heard all year
  • #38
Hmmm, how about this: answer every Physics Forum homework question with "I believe you'll figure it out if you think about it a little more."

Evo said:
Play the lottery.

Actually, that's the first thing I thought of too.
  • #39
Redbelly, I love the festive headgear!
  • #40
Evo said:
Redbelly, I love the festive headgear!

Aren't those worms?
  • #41
I am not sure I like the idea of green worms on my head
  • #42
Oh its a Borek tribute now. Sorry. :redface:
  • #44
Once a year it happens to everyone.
  • #45
tribdog said:
best one I've heard all year

Don't make me get the gun.

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  • #46
I would prove the Riemann Hypothesis ;-)

Along with making a great contribution to the mathematical community, I'd win the Clay Mathematics Institute $1,000,000.00 award, and probably the Fields Medal and maybe even a Nobel Prize (if they could apply that to something other than pure mathematics).
  • #47
Evo said:
Redbelly, I love the festive headgear!
Don't you recognize Borek's green foil wig?
  • #48
Borek said:
Since when husbands/boyfriends prohibit sexual fantasies?
Since the last time I had a gun shoved up my nose by one. (Okay, see... I always try to live out my fantasies...)

Borek said:
Unless you hoped MIH is a virgin :smile:

For some unfathomable reason, that absolutely never crossed my mind.
  • #49
Re: What would you do if you knew you could not fail?

Something stupid, like seeing if it nonfailure could include convincing myself I would fail.
  • #50
  • #51
It would be boring if you knew you would succeed. It would take the challenge out of everything. Half the satisfaction of succeeding at anything is knowing that there was a chance that you could have failed, and you didnt. I think I would waste away if that ever came to be.
  • #52
  • #53
chaoseverlasting said:
It would be boring if you knew you would succeed. It would take the challenge out of everything. Half the satisfaction of succeeding at anything is knowing that there was a chance that you could have failed, and you didnt. I think I would waste away if that ever came to be.

It would be nice to not face any obstacles any more. And remember only you can't fail there will still be plenty of failure around you to keep things excited.
  • #54
chaoseverlasting said:
It would be boring if you knew you would succeed. It would take the challenge out of everything. Half the satisfaction of succeeding at anything is knowing that there was a chance that you could have failed, and you didnt. I think I would waste away if that ever came to be.
Perhaps it would be less fulfilling.

On the other hand, one could try to fail at other tasks to which tribdog alluded. :rolleyes:

But then if one tries to fail, and succeeds in failing, it that success?
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  • #55
realistically: id apply to berkeley haha

other wise, if i knew i couldn't fail, id try to fail. making me succeed at failing thus creating some sort of paradox. correct? sorry, its way to early :(
  • #56
tribdog said:
It would be nice to not face any obstacles any more. And remember only you can't fail there will still be plenty of failure around you to keep things excited.

:-p I ace all my exams with a perfect score. It would completely ostracize me from the rest of my class, but then that's more or less already happened. :-p
  • #57
hmmm...seeking the secret of living healthy & happy forever!
  • #58
I'd bring it up but Cy would smite me.
  • #59
Be an ologist of oligies (are they words)? or just be able to remember stuff.
  • #60
Math Is Hard said:
What would you do if you knew you could not fail?

I think I would try to write and publish a novel.

How about you?

Love people with all my heart.
  • #61
If I truly couldn't fail at anything I attempted?

I'm sure all kinds of geopolitical things would bend my attention eventually, but in terms of the more selfish pursuits: I'd solve the Riemann Hypothesis, prove P != NP, and get married.
  • #62
wolram said:
Be an ologist of oligies (are they words)? or just be able to remember stuff.

Being able to understand Wolie's posts:biggrin:
I meant all of them since I already get some of them!
  • #63
- Get the power and organization required to set the new full time hours standard down to 24 hours per week :biggrin:
  • #64

1) get up at 8am every day
2) make the world a global monarchy with me as king.

Not sure which, yet. I'd be a kind and generous king though, no worries.
  • #65
noumed said:
Love people with all my heart.
Wait a second, you can do that now, can't you? :bugeye:

All of you! All of you can start following your dreams now! You want to get up at 8 am every day and not fail? Do it tomorrow! Write a published novel? I'm sure you've already got some ideas for it or themes that are close to your heart that you would want to incorporate. Prove the Riemann Hypothesis? Well, you can try, and I don't know the specifics of it, but perhaps you should be open to disproving it as well!

We act as if we just get through today, or this week or year then tomorrow our dreams will come back to us and just happen. It doesn't happen to work that way. You have to do the things you love regardless of if you know it will completely work out, and you have to start doing them now, whether it is building and preparing your thoughts and resources or putting on some music and making the time to draw up some designs now.

Uh, anyway guys, I'm going to go have a ham sandwich.
  • #66
Mk said:
Uh, anyway guys, I'm going to go have a ham sandwich.
How did it go? You beat me by one post. I was going so say:
Become a software engineer, marry my sweetheart and have a couple of kids.
  • #67
Just for fun, I'd run for office with Sarah Palin as my running mate. Though that didn't seem to work so well for the last person to try that...
  • #68
If I couldn't fail, I would attempt to turn myself into a Q, and do it again.
  • #69
Take over the world.
  • #70
JasonRox said:
Take over the world.

Go ahead, its messed up enough as is. Best of luck staying in charge :biggrin:.