What's the worst date that you know of , or can imgine

  • Thread starter land_of_ice
  • Start date
In summary: I canceled.In summary, the person went on a date with a girl, they went to a nice restaurant, but as he was walking down the stairs he tripped and fell. The fire department had to come and fix his brace.
  • #36
Borg said:
I was playing craps in a casino once when I was about 25. A woman next to me began asking all kinds of questions about how to play the game. Next thing I know, she starts rubbing her knee suggestively against mine. That wouldn't have been such a bad thing if she had been closer to my age and hadn't looked exactly like my grandmother.
Wow...just, wow.

The worst I've heard of prior to reading this thread is people going on dates in video games. But getting vomited on definitely tops the list so far.
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  • #37
Borg said:
I was playing craps in a casino once when I was about 25. A woman next to me began asking all kinds of questions about how to play the game. Next thing I know, she starts rubbing her knee suggestively against mine. That wouldn't have been such a bad thing if she had been closer to my age and hadn't looked exactly like my grandmother.

  • #38
Once on a 1st date when I was 22 I told a chick that if aliens came to Earth they wouldn't be able to tell the difference between male and female humans right away except that females wear make-up, kind of like we can't tell the difference in male and female Gorillas right away. Well I didn't get a 2nd date.
  • #39
Worst date? having nothing to talk about, why? because attractive girl doesn't dig you so she does not want to help you.

No matter how shy a girl is if she likes you she will help you.
  • #40
The_Professional said:
Worst date? having nothing to talk about, why? because attractive girl doesn't dig you so she does not want to help you.

No matter how shy a girl is if she likes you she will help you.

Running out of conversion definably leads to a stale evening. That doesn't just apply to dates.
  • #41
hypatia said:
The worse date I recall, started out good. A new linen dress with matching sandals, dinner at a exclusive Italian eatery, drinks and dancing on the beach. I guess I underestimated how many drinks this guy had, cause at the end of the night, laying on a blanket under a perfect starry sky, he sat up, and threw up all over my lap, {new dress} as I jumped up it ran down my leg on to my new sandals.

He never got a second date.

*screams**faints**gets up**screams again**faints*
OMG that is gross times a thousand! I wish this never happened to you. OMG I would have thrown some Zest in the ocean and jumped in! *faints* But that is even more gross because then the vomit would be floating around O<M<G I feel nauseous. *signs off*
  • #42
HeLiXe said:
*screams**faints**gets up**screams again**faints*
OMG that is gross times a thousand! I wish this never happened to you. OMG I would have thrown some Zest in the ocean and jumped in! *faints* But that is even more gross because then the vomit would be floating around O<M<G I feel nauseous. *signs off*
It wouldn't be a nastiest thing floating around that I can think of.
  • #43
HeLiXe said:
*screams**faints**gets up**screams again**faints*
OMG that is gross times a thousand! I wish this never happened to you. OMG I would have thrown some Zest in the ocean and jumped in! *faints* But that is even more gross because then the vomit would be floating around O<M<G I feel nauseous. *signs off*

Thank you for that imagery.

On the other hand, it could have happened on a beach in the Gulf.
  • #44
I was at a Led Zeppelin concert. That cute guy I liked was there. Apparently he did a hit of heroine, threw up, felt better, came back and kissed me.
  • #45
I asked a really cute girl out (red hair, heart-shaped face, very toned body), and she asked if I could bring someone along for her sister to go out with. I said "sure" and brought my best friend. What I didn't know was that her older sister had designs on me. I didn't know her, but if you play in bands, lots of people get to see you whom you don't know. The younger sister conspired to hook me up with the older sister, and she had absolutely no interest in my friend. The whole date was an absolute waste of time, with the older sister clinging to me like a morning-glory vine, and the object of my attention just "along for the ride". Teenaged girls can come up with some really Byzantine traps. The older sister was quite pretty, too, but I was smitten by the red-head.
  • #46
BobG said:
Thank you for that imagery.

On the other hand, it could have happened on a beach in the Gulf.
Massive vomit slick caused by a leaking vomit well under the ocean?

Evo said:
I was at a Led Zeppelin concert. That cute guy I liked was there. Apparently he did a hit of heroine, threw up, felt better, came back and kissed me.
All I can say to that is yuck.
  • #47
Lancelot59 said:
It wouldn't be a nastiest thing floating around that I can think of.

:smile: I wouldn't dare ask what you can think of!
  • #48
BobG said:
Thank you for that imagery.

On the other hand, it could have happened on a beach in the Gulf.

Even worse, the guy could have been the president of BP!
  • #49
turbo-1 said:
The older sister was quite pretty, too, but I was smitten by the red-head.

So...the older sister should have smote you?

All jokes aside though, that is not cool. I don't understand how she thought it would work,,,and why would the sister still want you if she knows you are attracted to her sister?...oddddd
  • #50
HeLiXe said:
So...the older sister should have smote you?

All jokes aside though, that is not cool. I don't understand how she thought it would work,,,and why would the sister still want you if she knows you are attracted to her sister?...oddddd
Li'l sis was doing a favor for big sis. I guess they had discussed me prior to my asking her out and the older one really wanted to date me. Eventually, I dated the younger one a bit, but by that time, I was in college and had other fish to fry. Very odd situation.
  • #51
HeLiXe said:
Even worse, the guy could have been the president of BP!
Zing! Nice one.
  • #52
Apropos from Dr Gregory House:
The slutty party girl is fun until she pukes on her shoes -- then she's just a pain in the ***.
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  • #53
Dinner with a guy that I had liked for soooo long. He is a prof in the math department at the school I'm getting my second degree at, so he was off limits while I took my first intro courses. Partway through, he started looking kind of pale and sweaty. I asked if he was OK and he insisted he was fine. Not too long after, he sort of started sitting oddly and holding his side. Then it hit me: "wow, he looks kinda like one of my patients that comes in with kidney stones!" (I'm an ER nurse)

Sure enough... I was like, not to be weird, but have you been having blood in your urine lately?" Nice, right? He didn't answer me, and I was like, "that's it, you have kidney stones. We're going to the ER!"

Fast-forward to me attempting to drive his stick shift (with lots of jerking back and forth, him howling in pain) I texted a doctor that I work with in the ER and said I was bringing him in and would start an IV on him for morphine if he would be so kind as to come take a look at him and maybe order a renal ultrasound.

The night ended with me having to call his mom and explain that he was at the hospital while he slept off the morphine. Bonus: at least my diagnosis was correct.
  • #54
SouthGoingZax said:
Dinner with a guy that I had liked for soooo long. He is a prof in the math department at the school I'm getting my second degree at, so he was off limits while I took my first intro courses. Partway through, he started looking kind of pale and sweaty. I asked if he was OK and he insisted he was fine. Not too long after, he sort of started sitting oddly and holding his side. Then it hit me: "wow, he looks kinda like one of my patients that comes in with kidney stones!" (I'm an ER nurse)

Sure enough... I was like, not to be weird, but have you been having blood in your urine lately?" Nice, right? He didn't answer me, and I was like, "that's it, you have kidney stones. We're going to the ER!"

Fast-forward to me attempting to drive his stick shift (with lots of jerking back and forth, him howling in pain) I texted a doctor that I work with in the ER and said I was bringing him in and would start an IV on him for morphine if he would be so kind as to come take a look at him and maybe order a renal ultrasound.

The night ended with me having to call his mom and explain that he was at the hospital while he slept off the morphine. Bonus: at least my diagnosis was correct.
So, was there a 2nd date?
  • #55
Lancelot59 said:
Zing! Nice one.

  • #56
hypatia said:
e at the end of the night, laying on a blanket under a perfect starry sky, he sat up, and threw up all over my lap, {new dress} as I jumped up it ran down my leg on to my new sandals.

That's technique #718 from the guy's dating manual to get a woman to take her clothes off at the end of the evening:)
  • #57
brainstorm said:
That's technique #718 from the guy's dating manual to get a woman to take her clothes off at the end of the evening:)

  • #58
brainstorm said:
That's technique #718 from the guy's dating manual to get a woman to take her clothes off at the end of the evening:)

HEY. You do not talk about the manual.
  • #59
cronxeh said:
HEY. You do not talk about the manual.

Did you even bother to check my post against your manual before saying this? I would never divulge information from the real manual . . . but maybe the throwing up idea should be added.
  • #60
DaveC426913 said:
Worst date I can think of?

January 28, 1996. I'm too young for November 22, 1963.
I'm not- I actually was on a date on November 22, 1963. Kind of a bummer.

But January 28, 1996? You were a Pittsburg Steelers fan? Not exactly the same thing!

Surely you are not too young to remember Sept. 11, 2001!

(Yes, I understand you are using the word "date" in a completely different sense.)
  • #62
cronxeh said:
HEY. You do not talk about the manual.
The first rule of the guy's manual is that you do not talk about the guy's manual with females around. It's an injury prevention system as far as I can remember.
  • #63
Lancelot59 said:
The first rule of the guy's manual is that you do not talk about the guy's manual with females around. It's an injury prevention system as far as I can remember.

Afraid of getting a high heel in the eye are you?
  • #64
HeLiXe said:
Afraid of getting a high heel in the eye are you?
Or in another much more unpleasant location. A hit in the eye would be pretty difficult as I'm 6'3...unless my attacker happens to be able to do a really high kick.
  • #65
That's why they invented spiked heels and low cut dresses.
  • #66
  • #67
Chronos said:
That's why they invented spiked heels and low cut dresses.

Don't give them any ideas! It'll spell the end for men all over the world! You've doomed us all!
  • #68
I don't think this example ought to count as a date, per se; considering it was an open invitation to anyone in the SHU Physics Department, for my birthday dinner. Still, the only person who didn't back out on me--and at the last minute, mind you--was my lab partner Kathleen (who is now a Physics lab professor).

In retrospect, I think she probably didn't want to give me the wrong impression (like she was interested in me other than as her lab chum); so, the whole time was sort of like pulling teeth with her, to order something even vaguely delicious.

It was my birthday, it was dinner, and I invited her; so, I had every intention--and I said so upfront--of paying whatever it turned out to be (there was only 2 of us for crying out loud). But basically, she only ended up ordering a hamburger--and it didn't even have cheese on it; and she drank water the whole time!

This was an Irish cuisine restaurant (certainly, no place for a plain, ordinary hamburger--or so I thought!); and I initially, I figured that I did the right thing by her, considering she was very Irish herself. Still, no dice. Frankly, I don't even remember her having dessert. :(

So Ladies, please let this be a lesson to you: your lab partner WILL ACTUALLY FEED YOU, without expectations!
  • #69
FrancisZ said:
I don't think this example ought to count as a date, per se; considering it was an open invitation to anyone in the SHU Physics Department, for my birthday dinner. Still, the only person who didn't back out on me--and at the last minute, mind you--was my lab partner Kathleen (who is now a Physics lab professor).

In retrospect, I think she probably didn't want to give me the wrong impression (like she was interested in me other than as her lab chum); so, the whole time was sort of like pulling teeth with her, to order something even vaguely delicious.

It was my birthday, it was dinner, and I invited her; so, I had every intention--and I said so upfront--of paying whatever it turned out to be (there was only 2 of us for crying out loud). But basically, she only ended up ordering a hamburger--and it didn't even have cheese on it; and she drank water the whole time!

This was an Irish cuisine restaurant (certainly, no place for a plain, ordinary hamburger--or so I thought!); and I initially, I figured that I did the right thing by her, considering she was very Irish herself. Still, no dice. Frankly, I don't even remember her having dessert. :(

So Ladies, please let this be a lesson to you: your lab partner WILL ACTUALLY FEED YOU, without expectations!

Some people are very shy about splurging on someone else's bill. This may have nothing to do with their feelings toward the person paying. They may just dislike accepting gifts, and especially feel uncomfortable to choose more lavish gifts when it is their choice. Often women are especially sensitive to the feeling of being "treated" by a man because they are sensitive to inequality. The same person may feel a lot more comfortable getting whatever they want on their own bill than someone else's.
  • #70
brainstorm said:
Some people are very shy about splurging on someone else's bill. This may have nothing to do with their feelings toward the person paying. They may just dislike accepting gifts, and especially feel uncomfortable to choose more lavish gifts when it is their choice. Often women are especially sensitive to the feeling of being "treated" by a man because they are sensitive to inequality. The same person may feel a lot more comfortable getting whatever they want on their own bill than someone else's.

Well, that makes sense. It's just that I was taught--at risk even of offending someone--never to be a cheapskate.

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