Where are the missing de-broglie waves?

  • Thread starter AlienUFO
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In summary, de-broglie waves do not exist in real spacetime, so when masses are moving together, their waves should be different. However, when experiments are carried out in a moving train, the waves of the particles are found to be the same. This suggests that the waves are not caused by the movement of the masses, but by something else.
  • #1
Imagine that different of massed particles of a planet moving together by orbitation and rotation, shouldn't they produce different wave that could be orservable? Instead of refer to our reference observer (in lab)?

I mean, when we say 'a mass with velocity v and mas m will produce wavelength lamda' when the mass we study already has its wave respect to planet's movement?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
The de Broglie waves you are thinking about do not exist in real spacetime. Nor is it a wave that propagates through spacetime like sound waves or electromagnetic waves.

The waves they refer to are vectors in Hilbert space. To fully understand this, you need to study quantum mechanics.
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  • #3
masudr said:
The de Broglie waves you are thinking about do not exist in real spacetime.

This is weird, I though every mass that are moving will produce wave.
  • #4
AlienUFO said:
This is weird, I though every mass that are moving will produce wave.

You need to be VERY careful in interpretating words and phrases from any area of science. The word may be identical to what you have been using, but the MEANING may be very different.

In QM, these "waves" are NOT real physical waves that you are familiar with. As has been said, at some point, these are waves in what is known as "configuration space", and they are not something you detect directly.

  • #5
ZapperZ said:
In QM, these "waves" are NOT real physical waves that you are familiar with. As has been said, at some point, these are waves in what is known as "configuration space", and they are not something you detect directly.


What I mean here is de-broglie wave.

What I want to ask is something like this: 'Inside a moving train there are different kind of masses particle. Judging their movement relative to train, they should have different de-broglie wavelength, which should be noticeable by 'indirect detection' (I donno if is it that's you're meaning about). But when experiment carried in the train, we do our wave-particle experiment on these particles and found their respectively de-broglie wave respect to velocity adjust by experiment its own. Then, where are the missing de-broglie wave respact to the train?

FAQ: Where are the missing de-broglie waves?

1. Where do de-broglie waves come from?

De-broglie waves are a concept in quantum mechanics that describe the wave-like behavior of all particles, including matter. They were first proposed by physicist Louis de Broglie in 1924.

2. Why are de-broglie waves important?

De-broglie waves are important because they offer a way to understand the dual nature of particles, which can behave like both waves and particles. This concept is crucial in understanding the behavior of subatomic particles and has led to significant advances in quantum mechanics.

3. How are de-broglie waves related to the wave-particle duality?

De-broglie waves are one of the key pieces of evidence for the wave-particle duality of particles. They show that particles can have both wave-like and particle-like properties, depending on how they are observed or measured.

4. Can de-broglie waves ever be observed directly?

No, de-broglie waves cannot be observed directly. They are a mathematical concept that describes the behavior of particles, similar to how we use mathematical equations to describe the behavior of other physical phenomena. However, their effects can be observed through experiments and measurements.

5. What happens to de-broglie waves in a classical, macroscopic world?

In a classical, macroscopic world, de-broglie waves are negligible and do not play a significant role. They are most relevant in the quantum realm, where particles have extremely small wavelengths and exhibit wave-like behavior. In the macroscopic world, particles behave more like classical objects with well-defined positions and momenta.

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