Who's Online? Discover How to See Every Member on the Site in Real Time!

  • Thread starter Gale
  • Start date
In summary, Gale17 has returned and has a new photo. Wiffleball is better than hackey sack, and Hacky sack is a fun game to play.
  • #1
Woah, so guess what I've just discovered. I can see where every member visiting the site is! woah huh? like i can tell what forum everyone is in right now, without going to each forum and seeing who's name's in the corner! its cool...
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Yes, actually that's how I browse the Forums! I go to the "Who's Online" page, and if 4 or 5 people are at a topic I check it out first because, like, it *must* be interesting. I mean, 4 or 5 people can't be wrong, right?

ps...wiffleball is better than hackey sack
  • #3
Originally posted by Tom
Yes, actually that's how I browse the Forums! I go to the "Who's Online" page, and if 4 or 5 people are at a topic I check it out first because, like, it *must* be interesting. I mean, 4 or 5 people can't be wrong, right?

ps...wiffleball is better than hackey sack

Oh well aren't you little mr. quick... pssh... if i wanted to i could have realized that page existed forever ago... i was just going to be cool and wait...

ps... you must be retarded, hacky sack is awesome!
  • #4

  • #5
Gale17 is back and she has a new photo! WOOT!

ps...only cycloptic midgets with an eye patch play wiffleball and hackey sack
  • #6
Originally posted by Tom
I mean, 4 or 5 people can't be wrong, right?
Probably not, but if there were any zeroes to the right of those numbers I'd certainly have to be suspicious. :smile:

I want to see the look on Gales face when she discovers the button where you can view the members at their computers as they browse PF...
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  • #7
Originally posted by dduardo
Gale17 is back and she has a new photo! WOOT!

ps...only cycloptic midgets with an eye patch play wiffleball and hackey sack

aww thanks love. No one's even mentioned a thing bout my absence... but yes I'm back. And yes that's a different photo, but its not recent. My recent ones aren't very nice quality. I'll need to take some more.
  • #8
Originally posted by BoulderHead
Probably not, but if there were any zeroes to the right of those numbers I'd certainly have to be suspicious. :smile:

I want to see the look on Gales face when she discovers the button where you can view the members at their computers as they browse PF...

hmm... i must be the most gullible person alive... i thought you were for real until i began to reply and i realized what i was saying sounded stupid...
  • #9
LOL that's amusing...poor Gale! oh yeah...whats hackey-sack and wiffleball? sound like odd made up sports to me!...well hackey-sack sounds kinda..ya know...dodgy..
  • #10
Originally posted by Zantra


because I'm whispering

Originally posted by jimmy p
oh yeah...whats hackey-sack and wiffleball? sound like odd made up sports to me!...well hackey-sack sounds kinda..ya know...dodgy..

Wiffleball is a game like baseball, but there is no running of the bases. The base you are on depends on how far you hit the ball. It is ideal for those who do not wish to put down their beer while playing outside.

Hackey sack is a game in which a bunch of granola-eating hippies stand around in a circle and spastically kick around a small bean bag. Accomplished players typically move like Elaine Benes (from Seinfeld) when she is dancing.
  • #11
That's what hackey-sack is! I thought it was a slang term for castration?

  • #12
Originally posted by Njorl
That's what hackey-sack is! I thought it was a slang term for castration?


hahaha... i never even thought people mightn't know what it was... Its definately not that. Its not "dodgy" either Jimmster

wiffle ball is similar to base ball... cept either really little kids play it, (since the ball goes slow and doesn't go far) or fat drunk guys...

Hacky sack is like the best thing ever. You gently tap (hack) a little sack of beans or beads. There's like a ton of ways to hack... some might look elaine... But the good people look wicked cool. Its awesome when you get a good circle going, and when everyone hits it, its called a full hack. And there's tons of moves too... gestures and stalls and all sorts of stuff. Its a great harmless way to pass time... and it has nothing to do with granola or hippies...
  • #13
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  • #14
hey...Jimmster, i like it! Those games sound way too hard to play for me! give me soccer (no dammit i should call it football cos I am english) any day! oh well thanks for the info...i remember why it sounded dodgy - Hackey Sack, happy sack...lol

(please don't ask me to explain!) :smile:
  • #15
well jimster... glad you like it cause i do too... hacky sack is actually similar to soccer. I know most of our school's soccer team hacks. Its a lot like juggling a ball...

so what happens if we ask you to explain happy sack? what is that?
  • #16
hackey sack is just like keepie uppies but with a smaller ball. I think[?]
  • #17
ok if you really must know Gale, a happy sack is...what a man keeps his testicles in. I'm sorry you had to ask because if you ask me, it means the world will explode soon (in the next couple of weeks)!...its your own fault!

FAQ: Who's Online? Discover How to See Every Member on the Site in Real Time!

1. How can I see who is currently online on the site?

To see who is currently online on the site, you can use the "Who's Online" feature. This feature allows you to see a real-time list of all members who are currently active on the site.

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Yes, the "Who's Online" feature is available on all pages of the site. You can access it by clicking on the "Who's Online" link in the navigation menu or by using the designated shortcut key.

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Yes, the "Who's Online" feature not only shows you a list of active members but also displays the amount of time they have been online. This can give you an idea of how recently they have been active on the site.

4. Can I search for a specific member using the "Who's Online" feature?

No, the "Who's Online" feature does not have a search function. It simply displays a list of all active members on the site. However, you can use the search bar on the site to look for a specific member.

5. Can I turn off the "Who's Online" feature if I do not want to be seen by other members?

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