Why is it that acceleration has multiple components in SHM?

In summary, the conversation discusses the use of the binomial theorem in approximating trigonometric expressions in a slider-crank mechanism. This affects the calculation of displacement, acceleration, and inertial forces in an internal combustion engine, leading to different orders and components of forces. The choice of mathematical function expansions can greatly impact the balance and performance of an engine.
  • #1
I am trying to understand why in a SHM, the acceleration has multiple components(when actually we create such expressions mathematically by approximating the trigonometric expressions using the binomial theorem).I will explain what I mean to ask below with an example.

In a internal combustion engine(slider-crank mechanism), when I calculate the expression for displacement,I arrive at a expression like so:
$$s=r(cos \theta +\frac{l}{r}cos \phi)$$
where,s-distance between crank centre and piston centre
Therefore, using the Pythagoras theorem,
$$cos \phi=\sqrt{1-(\frac{r}{l})^2 sin^2 \theta}$$
Expanding the above expression using 'say'... the binomial theorem(its my choice and that's the problem) :
$$cos \phi=1-\frac{1}{2}(\frac{r}{l})^2sin^2\theta-\frac{1}{8}(\frac{r}{l})^4sin^4\theta$$

This is the part that makes it look like the "various harmonic components originate from the choice of approximation by the mathematician i.e binomial theorem" .

And hence,also the different orders of forces originate in the ICE. 1st order forces fluctuate at the speed of the crank and 2nd order forces fluctuate at 2 times crank rpm.

So,what is to say a mathematician used some other method of approximation of the cos(phi) expression on top and we arrived at a different magnitude of the accelerations,this would spoil our whole engine balance act,wouldn't it?
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  • #2
All models are wrong, some are useful.
  • #3
It is a bit hard to visualize inertial forces(unbalanced because the gas force exists irregularly- only once in 4 cycles for a 4 stroke) morphing into this whole bunch of primary,secondary,tertiary components.
  • #4
How are you using the binomial theorem to expand that into your result? Can you post your math?
  • #5

First,I can expand the expression derived from the pythagoras theorem([itex]cos\phi=(1-(\frac{r}{l}sin\theta)^2)^\frac{1}{2}[/itex]) using the binomial theorem as follows:

The powers of sin(theta) can be further expanded using the multiples of angles, like so:

How I expand the above expressions can be explained by using the DeMoivre's theorem.For instance:
$$\begin{align}\sin^4 \theta &= (\sin^2\theta)^2\\ &= \left(\frac12-\frac12\cos(2\theta)\right)^2\\ &= \frac14 \left(1 - \cos(2\theta)\right)^2\\ &= \frac14\left(1 - 2 \cos(2\theta) + \cos^2(2 \theta)\right)\\ &= \frac14\left(1 - 2 \cos(2 \theta) + \frac12(\cos (4\theta) + 1)\right)\\ &= \frac14\left(\frac32 - 2\cos(2\theta) + \frac12\cos(4 \theta)\right)\\ &= \frac38 - \frac12\cos(2\theta) + \frac18\cos(4\theta).\end{align}$$

So,now you can see the math clearly and as as result of the above expansions,one substitutes [itex]cos\phi[/itex] in the expression for piston stroke(displacement) [itex]s=r(cos\theta +\frac{l}{r}cos\phi)[/itex]from which one can arrive at the expression for acceleration and hence=>intertial forces in a IC engine, which are now split into primary,secondary and more components BECAUSE of the choice of expansion we chose i.e the binomial theorem[itex]F=mr\omega^2(cos\theta+\frac{r}{l}cos2\theta+...)[/itex].
Note:the coefficient of theta is referred to as 'order of the harmonic'.

As you might know,engineers choose to balance these forces(+the unbalance due to gas forces also) based on the magnitudes derived from the expressions above. Please tell me what will happen if I choose to expand in another way.

It looks like mechanical engineers are assuming that the inertial forces in an engine will have different components(how and why these components arise in reality when there are only 4 links in a slider-crank mechanism still intrigues me),all based on the choice of mathematical function expansions-the binomial theorem.
Was my question clear?
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FAQ: Why is it that acceleration has multiple components in SHM?

1. Why does acceleration have multiple components in SHM?

The reason for this is that SHM, or simple harmonic motion, involves the oscillation or back-and-forth movement of an object around a equilibrium point. This type of motion can occur in any direction, leading to multiple components of acceleration.

2. How do the multiple components of acceleration affect SHM?

The multiple components of acceleration determine the direction and magnitude of the oscillation in SHM. These components work together to create a harmonic motion that is characteristic of SHM.

3. Can you explain the relationship between velocity and acceleration in SHM?

In SHM, velocity and acceleration are directly related. As the object moves away from the equilibrium point, acceleration is directed towards the equilibrium point, causing the object to slow down. As the object approaches the equilibrium point, acceleration is directed away from the equilibrium point, causing the object to speed up. This creates a sinusoidal pattern of velocity and acceleration.

4. How does the amplitude of SHM affect the multiple components of acceleration?

The amplitude of SHM affects the magnitude of the acceleration components, but not the direction. As the amplitude increases, the acceleration components also increase, but they still remain directed towards and away from the equilibrium point.

5. Are there any real-life examples of SHM with multiple acceleration components?

Yes, there are many real-life examples of SHM with multiple acceleration components. Some examples include the motion of a pendulum, the vibrations of a guitar string, and the movement of a mass on a spring. In all of these examples, the object experiences multiple components of acceleration as it oscillates around a equilibrium point.
