Why is the limit of ln(x)/arctan(x) as x approaches 0 from the right, not zero?

In summary, the limit of ln(x)/arctan(x) as x approaches 0 from the right is not zero because the limit of ln(x) approaches negative infinity while the limit of arctan(x) approaches 0. This contradicts L'Hopital's rule, which does not apply in this case. To prove this, it must be shown that the function gets arbitrarily close to the specific number, which in this case it does not. It is possible for a function to turn from being around -13 million at x=0.000001 to 0 at x=0, but this would be a very unusual function.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Why is the limit of [tex]ln(x)/arctan(x)[/tex] as x approaches 0 from the right, not zero?

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

I used L'hopital's rule and got zero. But question specifically states that is not the answer.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
$$\lim_{x \rightarrow 0^+} \ln(x) = -\infty$$
$$\lim_{x \rightarrow 0^+} \arctan(x) = 0$$
so L'Hopital's rule does not apply.
  • #3
As jbunniii said, L'Hopital's rule does not apply here. Notice that If x= .000001, we have
[tex]\frac{ln(.000001)}{arctan(.000001)}= \frac{-13.8155}{.000001}= -13815510[/tex]
not anywhere near 0!
  • #4
Thank you!

But, that's all there is to it? I don't have to simplify anything? Just plug in values?
  • #5
No, I didn't say that. In order to prove that a limit is a specific number you have to prove that it gets arbitrarily close to that number. My point was that for x very close to 0, the function value is very far away from 0. It is theoretically possible that a function would turn from being around -13 million at x= .000001 to 0 at x= 0, but that would be a very strange function!
  • #6
It's so obviously unbounded that it's rather a strange question. Are you sure you've stated it correctly?

FAQ: Why is the limit of ln(x)/arctan(x) as x approaches 0 from the right, not zero?

1. Why is this limit not zero?

This limit is not zero because it is approaching a specific value or point that is not equal to zero. The limit represents the output of a function as the input approaches a certain value, and that value may not necessarily be zero.

2. What factors can affect a limit from approaching zero?

Several factors can affect a limit from approaching zero, including the behavior of the function at the specific value, the existence of any asymptotes or discontinuities, and the presence of any vertical or horizontal shifts or stretches in the function.

3. Can a limit ever be equal to zero?

Yes, a limit can be equal to zero if the function approaches zero as the input approaches the specific value. This means that the output of the function becomes closer and closer to zero as the input gets closer and closer to the specific value.

4. How do we determine if a limit is equal to zero or not?

To determine if a limit is equal to zero or not, we can use various techniques such as direct substitution, factoring, or applying algebraic manipulations. We can also use graphical methods or tables to approximate the limit and see if it approaches zero or a different value.

5. Why is it important to understand why a limit is not zero?

Understanding why a limit is not zero is crucial in many mathematical and scientific applications. It helps us analyze the behavior of functions, identify any points of discontinuity or asymptotes, and make predictions about the output of a function at a specific value. This knowledge is essential in fields such as calculus, physics, and engineering.

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