Wiring Boolean Gates: Invert & AND Gates

  • Thread starter eax
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In summary, a 'NOT' gate is one of the main gates, typically represented by a sideways triangle with a circle at the end. It can be easily created using a single transistor and appropriate resistors. When the input voltage is high, the output voltage is low, and vice versa. It cannot be created using a combination of AND gates, but can be created using NAND gates.
  • #1
Is it possible to wire a 'invert gate'. 'AND' gate is easy to wire

   |   |
   |   |
   |   |
   A   B

If a or b or both are grounded (is 0/low) then output is 0. No matter how hard I try I still can't build a circut that will function as a 'NOT' gate. Anyone know how to wire a 'NOT' gate?

Thanks in advance!
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  • #2
the "not" gate is one of the main gates. Isn't it a single gate on it's own, looking like a sideways triangle with a little circle at the end?
  • #3
I don't know what you are trying to do, but a 7400 NAND gate can easily be used as a NOT gate by simply tying the two inputs together and using them as a single input.

I'm not sure how you would wire an AND gate to behave as a NOT gate if that's what you are trying to do.
  • #4
Iam trying to wire the circut of a 'NOT' gate using wires not other "pre wired" chips such as 74...
  • #5
eax said:
Iam trying to wire the circut of a 'NOT' gate using wires not other "pre wired" chips such as 74...
I can see wiring up an AND gate or an OR gate using just wires and switches. But I don't see how you could wire up an effective NOT gate without at least using a relay.

Unless you simply take a switch and just re-label it's ON and OFF labels so that it does the opposite of what it says it's doing. :smile:

Seriously though. How else are you going to do it?
  • #6
Here you go,... http://library.thinkquest.org/12666/switches.html"

This site just uses N.O. (normally open) and N.C. (normally closed) push-button switches.

They simply call the N.C. switch a NOT gate. When there's no signal (i.e. the button is NOT being pressed) then the output is high. If there is a signal (i.e. the button is pressed) the output goes low.

This is basically the same thing that I've suggested about having the switch do the opposite of what it is marked. (i.e. pushing it turns it OFF vs. pushing it turns it ON.)
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  • #7
You cannot wire any combination of AND gates to produce a NOT function. However, you can come up with any function using a single or combination of NAND gates with the possible exception of XOR and XNOR. But I could be wrong on that last part.
  • #8
hes asking how to make a NOT gate from scratch. if you think for a few minutes u can figure out how to create an AND or and OR gate simply with 2 transistors, but how do you construct a NOT gate? I've been trying to figure this out myself. this is assuming u can't use switches - aka the input is from the output of another gate. how would you invert this using transistors, diodes, etc (no mechanical devices such as a relay)?
  • #9
YOu're trying to do this with just wires and switches? No use of relays or solid state devices (transistors, diodes, ect...)
  • #10
how do u do it with solid state devices but NO relays?
  • #11
Don't know, that's why I'm asking.
  • #12
you can do it with a resistor and a transistor as follows

. vcc
. -----
. |
. R
. |
. Vin-----T
. |
. -----
. gnd

hope that's clear.
  • #13
Yeah, I believe that NOTs are the simplest gates. They're basically a single transistor, along with any resistors appropriate to preventing it from burning, of course. Basically, all you have to do is connect the input voltage across the base and emitter, and take the output voltage across the collector and emitter. If the input voltage is high, current will flow through the transistor, and there won't be a large voltage drop across the collector and emitter: hence, the output voltage is low. Conversely, a low input voltage will not allow current to flow, and the output will be high. Thus, we have a NOT gate.

FAQ: Wiring Boolean Gates: Invert & AND Gates

1. What is a Boolean gate?

A Boolean gate is a fundamental building block in digital logic circuits, used to perform logical operations on binary inputs. It takes in one or more binary inputs and produces a single binary output based on a specific logical operation.

2. What is an inverter gate?

An inverter gate, also known as a NOT gate, is a type of Boolean gate that takes in a single binary input and produces the opposite output. In other words, if the input is 0, the output will be 1, and vice versa.

3. What is an AND gate?

An AND gate is a type of Boolean gate that takes in two binary inputs and produces an output based on the logical AND operation. The output will be 1 only if both inputs are 1; otherwise, the output will be 0.

4. How are Boolean gates used in real-world applications?

Boolean gates are used extensively in digital electronics, such as computers, calculators, and other devices that process binary information. They are also used in control systems, signal processing, and other applications where logical operations are necessary.

5. What is the difference between a NAND gate and an AND gate?

A NAND gate is a specific type of AND gate that also includes an inverter, producing the opposite output of a regular AND gate. In other words, the output of a NAND gate will be 0 only if both inputs are 1; otherwise, the output will be 1. This makes NAND gates useful in simplifying complex logic circuits and reducing the number of gates needed.

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