Are you single, married, or do you have a gf/bf?

  • Thread starter gravenewworld
  • Start date
In summary: I am content with my current situation.I'm content with my current situation.I'm single and content with it.In summary, being single sucks.

What is your status?

  • Single

    Votes: 65 54.2%
  • Married

    Votes: 29 24.2%
  • GF/BF or significant other

    Votes: 26 21.7%

  • Total voters
  • #316
rewebster said:
well, obviously you know more than me (you think), and can tell others that their opinions aren't are good as yours----fine (I guess)--

Let me ask you then, what's the point of your comments? Do you think I am going to change anything I said here? This wasnt a let's change the way cyrus thinks thread. I made statements. You don't like them, fine. What do I care?
Physics news on
  • #317
JasonRox said:
Marriage isn't about commitment to love each other. It's about paying the mortgage for the rest of your life until you pass away. You get married because it's a little easier to make the mortgage payments.

That's it! ... I knew there was reason why I so much wanted to meet my wife and daughter at the airport. ... Because of mortgage!
  • #318
Cyrus said:
Let me ask you then, what's the point of your comments? Do you think I am going to change anything I said here? This wasnt a let's change the way cyrus thinks thread. I made statements. You don't like them, fine. What do I care?

well, I guess that is the point,---maybe you don't read into threads too much, but when people make really 'odd' comments, they should be prepared to have to defend them, as your post did about 'blemishes'.

no, I don't think, and others may not expect, you to change------why should you, right?

and, yes, I understand--"what do I care?"---what that means
  • #319
Physical attraction is important, and its important to maintain that attraction to each other many years down the road. With beauty being in the eye of the beholder, why would anyone think they have the right to tell someone else what they should or shouldn't like?
  • #320
Yeah, BobG. Gossip and cliquey behavior in High School turned me off big time! It's a form of passive-aggressive bullying that should not be tolerated. I saw lots of kids hurt because of it, and I would not date any girl that engaged in it.
  • #321
rewebster said:
well, I guess that is the point,---maybe you don't read into threads too much, but when people make really 'odd' comments, they should be prepared to have to defend them, as your post did about 'blemishes'.

no, I don't think, and others may not expect, you to change------why should you, right?

What is odd to you is not odd to me. I don't have to defend anything to you, because I don't care if you agree or not. I am not trying to change your mind. I am stating the things that I like; thus, I don't have to justify jack squat to anyone.
  • #322
Cyrus said:
I don't think you comprehend how dating works. When you start dating, come back and talk. Dating starts with physical attraction.

Surely you are speaking for yourself.

There are all sorts of relationships and reasons for people to come together than merely the physical one that you seem so keen to focus on.

While your view may be representative of a particular class of people, even a large class of people, and while your view may be that this is why others date, you do not have the hubris to suggest that you speak for the whole class of all people that date, I should hope.
  • #323
Cyrus said:
What is odd to you is not odd to me. I don't have to defend anything to you, because I don't care if you agree or not. I am not trying to change your mind. I am stating the things that I like; thus, I don't have to justify jack squat to anyone.

yeah, I think I do understand where that attitude comes from---and, yes, you don't have to care what I think, or what anyone thinks
  • #324
LowlyPion said:
Surely you are speaking for yourself.

There are all sorts of relationships and reasons for people to come together than merely the physical one that you seem so keen to focus on.

While your view may be representative of a particular class of people, even a large class of people, and while your view may be that this is why others date, you do not have the hubris to suggest that you speak for the whole class of all people that date, I should hope.

I'd say that's a fair enough assessment.
  • #325
rewebster said:
yeah, I think I do understand where that attitude comes from---and, yes, you don't have to care what I think, or what anyone thinks

Let me put it this way. You might like a girl that looks polar opposite from what I like. Thats your choice. I don't care if you like that or not, and you don't have to explain it to me. If its what you like, then its what you like. You don't need to justify it to me.
  • #326
Is it just me, or are PFers a tad testy today :-p ?
  • #327
Cyrus said:
Let me put it this way. You might like a girl that looks polar opposite from what I like. Thats your choice. I don't care if you like that or not, and you don't have to explain it to me. If its what you like, then its what you like. You don't need to justify it to me.

well, since you know more than me (if that's what you think)---

and I agree with your statement:

Cyrus said:
What is odd to you is not odd to me.

I don't have to defend anything to you, because I don't care if you agree or not. I am not trying to change your mind. I am stating the things that I like; thus, I don't have to justify jack squat to anyone.
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  • #328
lisab said:
Is it just me, or are PFers a tad testy today :-p ?

Your imagination, surely.
  • #329
lisab said:
Is it just me, or are PFers a tad testy today :-p ?

I think "testy" would apply to men and I'm beginning to think not all the men involved here are 100% men.
I'm so sorry this happened.
It was such an enjoyable topic and I was so happy to share things of relationships with others.
My heart is breaking that this turned into a war, but Lisa, if a battered woman backs down, she looses a part of that soul that was saved when she successfully ran for her life.
This is an important topic and I think it should be discussed, But of course not here.
  • #330
you DO know what "testy" is short for, don't you?

(me, testy?)
  • #331
Look up Testarosa and see what comes up.:smile:
  • #332
Shoshana said:
I think "testy" would apply to men and I'm beginning to think not all the men involved here are 100% men.
I'm so sorry this happened.
It was such an enjoyable topic and I was so happy to share things of relationships with others.
My heart is breaking that this turned into a war, but Lisa, if a battered woman backs down, she looses a part of that soul that was saved when she successfully ran for her life.
This is an important topic and I think it should be discussed, But of course not here.

No your not. You sent me a PM insulting me and then plastered your private PM to me here for everyone to see.

Stop playing the victim. No one here is talking about beating or hitting women other than YOU. Whats that got ANYTHING to do with what were talking about?

And you have the gall to say not everyone here is 100% man. Act your age. :rolleyes:
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  • #333
turbo-1 said:
Look up Testarosa and see what comes up.:smile:

do they make a motorcycle too?
  • #334
lisab said:
Is it just me, or are PFers a tad testy today :-p ?

I think this thread needs a time out. Just long enough for everyone's blood pressure to go down, at least.
  • #335
Cyrus said:
I find that girls from the mediterranean, israel, and middle east, have that type of look. Sometimes central and south america too.

What I don't like is that pale eastern european, red hair very fair skin type of woman with blonde hair and blue eyes.

Well, why didn't you just say that from the get-go. There's a difference between preferring the darker-skinned women because it is typical of their ethnic/racial group and insisting women all need to get tans.

By the way, my objection to your earlier comments in the thread had to do with how you phrased your statements. You made it sound like you were berating women who did not meet your tastes, like they were less of a woman because they had different tastes than you. It is one thing to say you like a woman who is very feminine without a lot of make-up, and dark-haired, dark-skinned, and yet another to complain that women who wear men's shorts and t-shirts on campus should all start wearing a different style of clothing for your sake. Perhaps they wear that type of clothing so superficial men won't be ogling their bodies all day.
  • #336
Math Is Hard said:
I think this thread needs a time out. Just long enough for everyone's blood pressure to go down, at least.

OK--I'll go read the redneck thread
  • #337
Moonbear said:
Well, why didn't you just say that from the get-go. There's a difference between preferring the darker-skinned women because it is typical of their ethnic/racial group and insisting women all need to get tans.

By the way, my objection to your earlier comments in the thread had to do with how you phrased your statements. You made it sound like you were berating women who did not meet your tastes, like they were less of a woman because they had different tastes than you. It is one thing to say you like a woman who is very feminine without a lot of make-up, and dark-haired, dark-skinned, and yet another to complain that women who wear men's shorts and t-shirts on campus should all start wearing a different style of clothing for your sake. Perhaps they wear that type of clothing so superficial men won't be ogling their bodies all day.

Olive skin. I stated it in post #168 near the very very start of this whole mess! But no one is reading what I write. They glaze over it and just jump down my throat with false conclusions... :frown:

No, I don't berate women because I don't waste my time talking to girls that walk around in boy shorts, or wear lots of makeup, or any of the things I don't like. Thats what's pissing me off to no end. I don't approach them and try to date them, so how can I possibly be treating them bad when I just AVOID them!?
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  • #338
Cyrus said:
I have never seen my mother wear any makeup or nail polish my entire life. She hates the stuff, and its probably why I like girls that don't wear it. The only times women look good is when its very very very sutble.

Actually, this is a perfect example of where your wording is the problem here. Maybe it's the only time YOU like the way a woman looks, but it does not mean it is the only time a woman looks good. The way you phrase this makes it sound like you think your view is the end all, be all for all women's appearances. Sorry, but while you may have your tastes, don't try suggesting someone should do things your way all the time. If a woman wants to cake on her make-up, wear Army boots, mens pants, and get a tattoo, that is her choice, not yours. You don't have to date her, but that doesn't mean she doesn't look good, even if it's only for herself. One of the things I don't like in men is when they have that crappy attitude that women must dress or act certain ways to please ****! Don't like the woman as she is, move on, don't try to tell them to change.
  • #339
Cyrus said:
No, I don't berate women because I don't waste my time talking to girls that walk around in boy shorts, or wear lots of makeup, or any of the things I don't like. Thats what's pissing me off to no end. I don't approach them and try to date them, so how can I possibly be treating them bad when I just AVOID them!?

That's already berating them. You're considering them lesser than you, not even worthy of talking to, simply because of how they dress. They could be very interesting people, intelligent, witty, with a lot to share, but because you're so hung up on appearances, you don't even want to consider think they're beneath you and your fancy clothes.
  • #340
Moonbear said:
Actually, this is a perfect example of where your wording is the problem here. Maybe it's the only time YOU like the way a woman looks, but it does not mean it is the only time a woman looks good. The way you phrase this makes it sound like you think your view is the end all, be all for all women's appearances. Sorry, but while you may have your tastes, don't try suggesting someone should do things your way all the time. If a woman wants to cake on her make-up, wear Army boots, mens pants, and get a tattoo, that is her choice, not yours. You don't have to date her, but that doesn't mean she doesn't look good, even if it's only for herself. One of the things I don't like in men is when they have that crappy attitude that women must dress or act certain ways to please ****! Don't like the woman as she is, move on, don't try to tell them to change.

Sure it does. What looks good depends on the person who is viewing. That does NOT mean what she's wearing look good to me. If she thinks that looks good to her personally, that's her own perception. Thats NOT how I view her. I don't care if she thinks she looks great wearing boy shorts and t-shirt, I don't like that. Thats my preference.

And now your putting words into my mouth! I also said I am not trying to change anyone when I replied to binzing.

Man everyones taking what I say out of context left and right, this is outrageous!
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  • #341
Cyrus said:
Many everyones taking what I say out of context left and right, this is outrageous!

Maybe you should consider how you're saying things if it seems EVERYONE is taking it the wrong way?
  • #342
Moonbear said:
That's already berating them. You're considering them lesser than you, not even worthy of talking to, simply because of how they dress. They could be very interesting people, intelligent, witty, with a lot to share, but because you're so hung up on appearances, you don't even want to consider think they're beneath you and your fancy clothes.

Maybe they are, if I don't find a woman attractive I won't go out of my way to chat her up.
  • #343
Moonbear said:
Maybe you should consider how you're saying things if it seems EVERYONE is taking it the wrong way?

To your comments on saying I said something about expensive clothes:

I did not, and I explain what I meant above.

To your comments on saying about changing someone:

I said I am not going to change anyone, again above.

I don't understand what was not clear in those posts? People are now just taking bits and pieces of what I said from all over the place.
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  • #344
Cyrus said:
Maybe they are, if I don't find a woman attractive I won't go out of my way to chat her up.

Talk about arrogance! Heaven forbid you should look for substance over appearance or talk to someone for a reason other than "chatting her up." :rolleyes: Meh, you're probably doing them a favor not to subject them to such superficiality.
  • #345
Moonbear said:
Talk about arrogance! Heaven forbid you should look for substance over appearance or talk to someone for a reason other than "chatting her up." :rolleyes: Meh, you're probably doing them a favor not to subject them to such superficiality.

Do you REALLY think I am going to chat up every girl that walks by just because she might have a nice personality. I want to be attracted to her as well.

Why would I chat up a girl I am not attracted to when there are plenty of ones that I AM attracted to all over town...

Do you chat up the guy with tattoos and big hula-hoop spacers on his ears, a bright red mohawk, and all black clothes for a date when you run across him? He might have a great personality, don't be superficial...
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  • #346
Math Is Hard said:
Is it just me, or are PFers a tad testy today ?

I think this thread needs a time out. Just long enough for everyone's blood pressure to go down, at least.

I think this thread has lived beyond its expected age. I thought this would be locked by yesterday, but now I think this would die naturally.
  • #347
Cyrus said:
Do you chat up the guy with tattoos and big hula-hoop spacers on his ears, a bright red mohawk, and all black clothes for a date when you run across him? He might have a great personality, don't be superficial...
That's not fair to Moonie, Cy. You have extrapolated and exaggerated to make her argument look weak, and that is not fair at all. Moonie could meet an average-looking older guy like me and talk a bit and find out that we had a lot in common, and follow up. She would never look at me in a bar (unless it was years back and I could still perform in the presence of fragrances), but if I asked her to dance, and we sat together for a bit and I tried to tell her about my musical preferences and a recently published paper on galactic interaction (astrophysics), I'll bet we'd connect pretty well. When I was hosting open-mike jams at local taverns, I'd get approached by ladies that were way too forward - but my wife trusted me and we got through it OK.
  • #348
Based on the number of Post Reports to the Mentors, I think the best thing is to close the thread. Thread closed.

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