Diesel Definition and 147 Threads

A diesel locomotive is a type of railway locomotive in which the prime mover is a diesel engine. Several types of diesel locomotives have been developed, differing mainly in the means by which mechanical power is conveyed to the driving wheels.
Early internal combustion locomotives and railcars used kerosene and gasoline as their fuel. Rudolf Diesel patented his first compression-ignition engine in 1898, and steady improvements to the design of diesel engines reduced their physical size and improved their power-to-weight ratios to a point where one could be mounted in a locomotive. Internal combustion engines only operate efficiently within a limited torque range, and while low power gasoline engines could be coupled to mechanical transmissions, the more powerful diesel engines required the development of new forms of transmission. This is because clutches would need to be very large at these power levels and would not fit in a standard 2.5 m (8 ft 2 in)-wide locomotive frame, or wear too quickly to be useful.
The first successful diesel engines used diesel–electric transmissions, and by 1925 a small number of diesel locomotives of 600 hp (450 kW) were in service in the United States. In 1930, Armstrong Whitworth of the United Kingdom delivered two 1,200 hp (890 kW) locomotives using Sulzer-designed engines to Buenos Aires Great Southern Railway of Argentina. In 1933, diesel–electric technology developed by Maybach was used to propel the DRG Class SVT 877, a high-speed intercity two-car set, and went into series production with other streamlined car sets in Germany starting in 1935. In the United States, diesel–electric propulsion was brought to high-speed mainline passenger service in late 1934, largely through the research and development efforts of General Motors dating back to the late 1920s and advances in lightweight car body design by the Budd Company.
The economic recovery from World War II caused the widespread adoption of diesel locomotives in many countries. They offered greater flexibility and performance than steam locomotives, as well as substantially lower operating and maintenance costs. Diesel–hydraulic transmissions were introduced in the 1950s, but, from the 1970s onwards, diesel–electric transmissions have dominated.

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  1. Z

    How to remove epoxy resin from diesel fuel? A/B extraction? Distill?

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  2. Daveee91

    Maximum combustion chamber pressure and connector rod length

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  3. btostes

    A Does anyone know typical values of cutoff ratio in diesel engines?

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  4. Optymista93

    Cleaning of the finned tubes on gas cooler without disassembling

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  5. A

    Measurement of actual CO2 mass emitted from a diesel engine

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  6. A

    Inconsistent flow rate measurements of an engine diesel fuel

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  7. T

    Cooling a marine engine while testing

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  8. S

    Gato / Balao Submarine "Can't" vs "Must" Surface on Dead Battery

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  9. S

    Diesel Injector and Water Tube Boiler Back-Pressure

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  10. L

    Engineering Reviewing Efficiency of Otto & Diesel Cycle Heat Engines

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  11. L

    Engineering Evaluate 2-stroke & 4-stroke Diesel engines therm & mechanical efficiency

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  12. L

    Engineering Otto and Diesel cycles: Which PV diagram is for SI and CI?

    Writing about Engines and just muddled up diagrams and confused now. Which PV diagrams is for Compression Ignition and which one for Compression Ignition. I think one on left is CI and right SI. Cheers
  13. D

    Automotive Diesel engine parts for post-treatment of diesel engine gas exhaust

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  14. M

    External Gear Pump: Capacity & Pressure Effects

    Hi everyone, Let's say I have an external gear pump driven by the camshaft of a marine diesel engine. The nominal speed of the engine is 1800 rpm and the capacity of the pump at nominal speed is 8 L/min. Diesel fuel is supplied to the gear pump suction at 0.4 bar g pressure via a 15 mm pipe...
  15. R

    Expansion in non-adiabatic Otto / Diesel cycles

    Hello! I have a question that has been bothering me for a while now. If we look at the expansion step of a real otto or diesel cycle we see that while the pressure drops to near surrounding levels the temperature remains relatively high ( high T of the exhaust gas). How is that possible? How...
  16. R

    I Non-adiabatic expansion in Diesel and Otto cycles

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  17. F

    Use of a Water-Cooled Diesel Generator as an Off-Grid CHP System

    I am looking at options I have available for providing Power Heat and Light to a collection of houses and barns I am planning to convert into a small holiday complex in rural France. I plan to run this complex as an agricultural small holding with holiday let's in 4 x renovated French farm...
  18. Chincha40

    B Hp/Kw required to move 1.5L/m of diesel fuel at 17.2 Bar?

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  19. Enzo777

    Automotive Finding the Peak Pressure of a Diesel Injection Pump

    I am trying to find peak pressure of a diesel engine injection pump.. It doesn't have to be exact but +/- 1000psi would be fine. The basic principle is the same as an engine. Piston goes up and covers a fill hole, once it is covered the only way it can flow fuel is through the injector, so...
  20. V

    Otto and Diesel Cycle: Heat Addition & Cutoff Ratios

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  21. M

    Automotive Flash Point of Petrol & Diesel: Pressure & Self Ignition

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  22. V

    Increasing Diesel Engine Efficiency with Retractable Plates

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  23. physea

    B Laws in Otto, Diesel, etc. cycles

    Hello guys, I am a bit confused. Is it that PV/T=constant for ALL the processes of ALL cycles, like Otto, Diesel, Rankine? I know that PV=mRT, so does that mean that PV/T=constant all the time? Secondly, I am a bit confused as I read that PV^γ=constant. What is that exactly? Where does it come...
  24. X

    Thermal efficiency of a Diesel engine

    Hi, i’m learning about the thermal efficiency of a diesel cycle at university and I'm trying to understand the equation. The first law of thermodynamics states Wnet + Qnet = 0, but one of the attachments below says Qnet - Wnet = 0 and I don't understand how this is the case. Also, for process...
  25. yangshi

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  26. H

    Is LNG a Better Alternative to Diesel for Generators?

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  27. J

    Why Do Railcars Use Inverters with Alternators?

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  28. S

    Why use diesel oil in fracking?

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  29. I

    Final Flow Rate for 900 lpm Diesel Pump & 30m Hose

    I have a diesel pump doing 900 lpm with a hose reel 30 meters long, the inside diameter of the hose is 32mm. The frictional loss for 30 meters of hose is 461.04 kPa. The Viscosity of Diesel is 4.5 mPas. I would like to know the final flow rate. thanks in advance
  30. J

    Replacing a diesel engine with an electric motor

    Hi all, I have a little project on my hands and I will go into a little detail to help everyone better understand. I built a mobile boutique out of a shuttle bus for my fiancé to run her business out of. There is a large rooftop air conditioner on top of the roof for cooling and the...
  31. C

    Automotive Common rail high pressure pump

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  32. S

    Automotive Air fuel ratio effects in diesel vs. petrol engines

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  33. elixer akm

    Thermal vs Mech. Efficiency of Engines: Petrol vs Diesel

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  34. I

    Concentrating diesel fuel and or wood into liquid fuel?

    I was looking at btu numbers for common fuels and noticed 1 barrel of crude oil (42 gallons) contains 5,800,000 btu's with diesel fuel containing 139,000 btu's per gallon would it be possible to concentrate 42 gallons of diesel fuel to get more btu's per gallon? Also the wood into liquid fuel...
  35. R

    How to reduce the heat from diesel exchaust gas

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  36. K

    Diesel Electric Locomotive formula

    What formulas do Diesel Electric Locomotive manufactures use when designing new Locomotives? Are there any good books on the subject? Locomotive meaning train engine. I want to understand freight engine designs not passenger. Thank you, Kevin
  37. zwanderer

    Electrostatic precipitators to capture diesel pollution?

    I would like to understand if someone has tried/or atleast if its feasible to make a Electrostatic precipitators that captures automotive pollution from sources like this? Does the physics allow to do that?
  38. L

    A question about diesel engines

    I have read ( excuse me but i don't remember the reference) that a diesel engine, contrary to an engine that works on the otto cycle, is a " steady torque" engine meaning that torque doesn't change with revolutions. Could someone explain me the reason? ( in case that this statement is true )...
  39. M

    Diesel injector sac pressure calculation

    I am trying to calculate the nozzle sac pressure required to deliver 60mm3/ms of diesel fuel into a pressurised cylinder (19MPa). The nozzle has 5 delivery holes of diameter 0.157mm and the discharge co-efficient is 0.87. The sac diameter= 0.7 mm and the sac volume= 0.12mm3. I have tried to use...
  40. S

    Price for the cheapest diesel engine?

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  41. Monsterboy

    Mean effective pressure in a diesel engine

    Homework Statement Air enters a diesel engine with a density of 1.0 kg/m3. The compression ratio is 21 .At steady state ,the air intake is 30 x10-3 Kg/s and the net work output is 15 kW .The mean effective pressure (in kPa) is ... Homework Equations Pm= W.D/ Vs...
  42. S

    Otto & Diesel Cycles: Heat Addition/Rejection Processes

    why are heat addition and rejection processes in an otto cycle constant volume processes?similarily why does heat addition occurs at constant pressure in a diesel cycle?
  43. H

    Copper Sulfate Pentahydrarte will dissolve in diesel fuel?

    Hello all, In interested making a wood preservative using diesel fuel, paraffin plus an algaeicide. I am wondering if Copper Sulfate Pentahydrarte will dissolve in diesel fuel? If not are there other copper chemicals that may? thanks in advance, HarryA
  44. B

    Automotive Combution, energy and pressure relation

    Hello guys, I'm currently working on a car simulation just for fun, but I'm stuck... The force to move a car is generated by burning fuel ( to be more percise, diesel or gasolin). But there are more variables: Pressure (i know this because of turbos and such) amount of fuel amount of air (or...
  45. T

    How Does Engine Speed Affect Diesel Injection Timing?

    How does start of injection effected by speed of the engine? According to data, it seems for higher engine speed, the SOI (in terms of degree BTC) is higher.
  46. C

    How Is Heat Calculated in a Diesel Cycle Using Volumes and Temperatures?

    1. Ideal gas cycle - diesel engine cycle. You begin at some volume V1. Perform an adiabatic compression to V2. Perform an expansion to V3 at constant pressure. Next, perform an adiabatic expansion to V4, Last, it moves back to V1 at a fixed volume, while decreasing temperature back to...
  47. R

    Paralleling a Diesel Generator Set

    I have seen many establishments having a backup electric supply using a Diesel Generator Set (AC / 3 phase). e.g. Something like in the Photo Below. What happens if the connected load grows beyond the capacity of a single generator? e.g. The unit in the photo is rated for 200 kVA. Suppose the...
  48. M

    Differences between otto and diesel

    Why do we want self-ignition in diesel engines but do not want it in otto engines or in other words why does self-ignition cause detonation in otto engines but do not cause in diesel engines?
  49. S

    Relation between SFC vs RPM in diesel engine?

    What is the relation between sfc vs rpm in diesel engine and why does it happen like that ? what is relation between air flow vs rpm ??