Electron Definition and 999 Threads

The electron is a subatomic particle, symbol e− or β−, whose electric charge is negative one elementary charge. Electrons belong to the first generation of the lepton particle family, and are generally thought to be elementary particles because they have no known components or substructure. The electron has a mass that is approximately 1/1836 that of the proton. Quantum mechanical properties of the electron include an intrinsic angular momentum (spin) of a half-integer value, expressed in units of the reduced Planck constant, ħ. Being fermions, no two electrons can occupy the same quantum state, in accordance with the Pauli exclusion principle. Like all elementary particles, electrons exhibit properties of both particles and waves: they can collide with other particles and can be diffracted like light. The wave properties of electrons are easier to observe with experiments than those of other particles like neutrons and protons because electrons have a lower mass and hence a longer de Broglie wavelength for a given energy.
Electrons play an essential role in numerous physical phenomena, such as electricity, magnetism, chemistry and thermal conductivity, and they also participate in gravitational, electromagnetic and weak interactions. Since an electron has charge, it has a surrounding electric field, and if that electron is moving relative to an observer, said observer will observe it to generate a magnetic field. Electromagnetic fields produced from other sources will affect the motion of an electron according to the Lorentz force law. Electrons radiate or absorb energy in the form of photons when they are accelerated. Laboratory instruments are capable of trapping individual electrons as well as electron plasma by the use of electromagnetic fields. Special telescopes can detect electron plasma in outer space. Electrons are involved in many applications such as tribology or frictional charging, electrolysis, electrochemistry, battery technologies, electronics, welding, cathode ray tubes, photoelectricity, photovoltaic solar panels, electron microscopes, radiation therapy, lasers, gaseous ionization detectors and particle accelerators.
Interactions involving electrons with other subatomic particles are of interest in fields such as chemistry and nuclear physics. The Coulomb force interaction between the positive protons within atomic nuclei and the negative electrons without, allows the composition of the two known as atoms. Ionization or differences in the proportions of negative electrons versus positive nuclei changes the binding energy of an atomic system. The exchange or sharing of the electrons between two or more atoms is the main cause of chemical bonding. In 1838, British natural philosopher Richard Laming first hypothesized the concept of an indivisible quantity of electric charge to explain the chemical properties of atoms. Irish physicist George Johnstone Stoney named this charge 'electron' in 1891, and J. J. Thomson and his team of British physicists identified it as a particle in 1897 during the cathode ray tube experiment. Electrons can also participate in nuclear reactions, such as nucleosynthesis in stars, where they are known as beta particles. Electrons can be created through beta decay of radioactive isotopes and in high-energy collisions, for instance when cosmic rays enter the atmosphere. The antiparticle of the electron is called the positron; it is identical to the electron except that it carries electrical charge of the opposite sign. When an electron collides with a positron, both particles can be annihilated, producing gamma ray photons.

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  1. D

    A On the same origin of quantum physics and general relativity

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  2. D

    I If we define the electron as an antiparticle, will there be a problem?

    Now we have a particle-antiparticle asymmetry problem. But, if we define electron and neutrino as antiparticle, will there be a problem? Original formula Modified formula Original formula Modified formula If the classification of electron and neutrino is changed to antiparticles, the...
  3. T

    B Is it the Electrons that we actually see when looking at matter?

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  4. E

    A Electron drift velocity in a gas discharge

    Is the drift velocity of gas' free electrons during the gas discharge higher than the one of the conductor's electron fliquid while the voltages supplied to these two substances are the same?
  5. Zayan

    Motion of an electron inside the cavity of a charged sphere

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  6. Adrian59

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  7. L

    B Determining Electron's Momentum and Position Simultaneously

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  8. keyzan

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  9. Omar Ibrahim

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  10. adf89812

    Why do paired electrons have no magnetic field lines?

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  11. I

    B Quantum teleportation of usable information

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  12. ergospherical

    Big Bang Nucleosynthesis; electron-photon ratio

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  13. sandeepts

    B Mass defect and electron transition

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  14. Brzohn

    A Flash memory and electron tunneling

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  15. quantum philosopher

    I Wave function collapse

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  16. kimi7335

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  17. S

    I Electron counterpart of pseudothermal light source for quantum experiments

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  18. S

    I Qv x B force in electron's proper frame

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  19. N

    Equations of motion of an electron emitted from a surface

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  20. Ben2

    Electron motion on axis of a charged ring

    Showing the motion is simple harmonic seems routine. The 5th equation on p. 674 gives ##E=frac{1}{4\pi\epsilon_0}frac{qx}{(a^2)+(x^2)}^frac{3}{2}##, but matching expressions for ##\omega=k/m## yields only ##x=frac{ea^2}{2}##. Something in the model is escaping me. Thanks for any help offered!
  21. D

    B What kind of energy is needed to create particles such as quarks and electrons?

    Quarks and electrons have clear electric polarity. So, can we assume that an electric source as electromagnetic is needed to create those kinds of particles?
  22. J

    Researcher in electron diffraction

    Thanks for including me in this forum. I have a few questions on photon-matter interaction, that hopefully someone would be kind to assist in, Johan
  23. Z

    A Majorana mass term for the electron

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  24. J

    Electron bound to proton by gravity

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  25. bob012345

    I Most Likely Position of an Electron

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  26. Jonathan Scott

    I Is the Near Integer Muon to Electron Mass Ratio a Coincidence or Significant?

    I've known for a long time that the muon mass is approximately 3∕2×137 times that of the electron, as in Nambu's empirical mass formula from 1952. I recently wondered what the difference was as a multiple of the electron mass, using current CODATA figures for the muon to electron mass ratio and...
  27. J

    I Question about Photons causing Electron Transitions in Atoms

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  28. H

    I Force of an Electron on a Potential Wall?

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  29. Biele

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  30. cemtu

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  31. K

    A Electrostatic interaction inside and outside the source

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  32. guyvsdcsniper

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  33. RobbyQ

    I Generating Entangled Electron Pairs

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  34. nohtha

    B What is the nature of de Broglie matter wave? Is it longitudian or transverse?

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  35. everyall

    Find v and x of electron in an electromagnetic wave

    When dv/dt= -qE/m(sin(ωt+φ)) Find v Then x By integrating
  36. Graham87

    Troubleshooting nuclear decay, electron binding energies, internal contributions

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  37. mangofan

    I Electrostatic force exerted on an electron inside a nucleus

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  38. Sagittarius A-Star

    I Mass of Electron & Flipping Frequency: Leonard Susskind Explains

    According to Leonard Susskind, i.e. the electron has periodically interactions with the Higgs field condensate, that change the electron alternately to be right-handed an left-handed. At 44:20 in the video he says, that, according to the Dirac theory, the mass of the electron is proportional to...
  39. M

    Electron in a time variable magnetic field

    TL;DR Summary: Find acceleration of electron in dB/dt >0 Hello. Here is a problem that i'm not so sure about: Inside a solenoid there is a time-dipendent magnetic field B, so we have dB/dt = b (constant). We want to know the acceleration of an electron: a) placed in the center of the solenoid...
  40. R

    A Bound states of an electron trapped in a dipole field

    The problem of bound states of an electron trapped in a dipole field is being studied by Alhaidari and company. (See, for example, https://arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/0707/0707.3510.pdf). It is not clear to me why the point dipole approximation is used everywhere in such calculations. Can't an...
  41. B

    A Electron capture in a molecule

    Hello! If I have a (diatomic for simplicity) molecule containing a nucleus that decays by electron capture, are there any theoretical calculations of how that would behave in practice? For example would the lifetime change? Would the resulting molecule still be bound? For example if I start with...
  42. I

    B Beta Plus Decay: What's Left for the Electron?

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  43. H

    A Determination of electron temperature in an ion source

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  44. kakaho345

    Finding free electron gas Green function in Fourier space

    As in title: Plugging in the definition is straight forward, I am too lazy to type, I will just quote the book Fetter 1971: Up to here everything is very straight forward, in particular, since we are working on free electron gas, ##E=\hbar \omega## However, I have no idea how to arrive...
  45. C

    B Atom energy band formation and electron allotment

    This is actually a two-part question: 1) According to the Copenhagen Interpretation, atoms have energy bands but there's no explanation of how these bands are derived, or why they only form for protons/antiprotons. Any thoughts? 2) The Copenhagen Interpretation mentions that when an atom's...
  46. H

    I Symmetry and two electron wave function

    In the picture below we have two identical orbitals A and B and the system has left-right symmetry. I use the notation ##|n_{A \uparrow}, n_{A \downarrow},n_{B \uparrow},n_{B \downarrow}>## which for example ##n_{A \uparrow}## indicates the number of spin-up electrons in the orbital A. I would...
  47. E

    Electron encountering metal surface (1D Step potential)

    I am struggling with how to go about this; in particular, I'm not sure I understand what state is being alluded to when Ballentine says "For an electron that approaches the surface from the interior, with momentum ##\hbar k## in the positive ##x## direction, calculate the probability that it...
  48. DomDominate

    B What exactly is spin? Does the standard model work without spin?

    I did some research online and found that "When certain elementary particles move through a magnetic field, they are deflected in a manner that suggests they have the properties of little magnets." To explain this phenomenon, physicists invented the concept of spin. So far so good. What I...
  49. H

    I Does an electron have a quantum phase frequency?

    Stationary solutions to the Schrödinger equation factor into a spatial part, e.g. atomic and molecular orbitals, and a temporal part that gives the phase rotation frequency. It is often assumed that adding a constant to the potential leaves the physics unchanged. And clearly, any "spectroscopic"...