Conceptual Definition and 874 Threads

Conceptual art, also referred to as conceptualism, is art in which the concept(s) or idea(s) involved in the work take precedence over traditional aesthetic, technical, and material concerns. Some works of conceptual art, sometimes called installations, may be constructed by anyone simply by following a set of written instructions. This method was fundamental to American artist Sol LeWitt's definition of conceptual art, one of the first to appear in print:

In conceptual art the idea or concept is the most important aspect of the work. When an artist uses a conceptual form of art, it means that all of the planning and decisions are made beforehand and the execution is a perfunctory affair. The idea becomes a machine that makes the art.
Tony Godfrey, author of Conceptual Art (Art & Ideas) (1998), asserts that conceptual art questions the nature of art, a notion that Joseph Kosuth elevated to a definition of art itself in his seminal, early manifesto of conceptual art, Art after Philosophy (1969). The notion that art should examine its own nature was already a potent aspect of the influential art critic Clement Greenberg's vision of Modern art during the 1950s. With the emergence of an exclusively language-based art in the 1960s, however, conceptual artists such as Art & Language, Joseph Kosuth (who became the American editor of Art-Language), and Lawrence Weiner began a far more radical interrogation of art than was previously possible (see below). One of the first and most important things they questioned was the common assumption that the role of the artist was to create special kinds of material objects.Through its association with the Young British Artists and the Turner Prize during the 1990s, in popular usage, particularly in the United Kingdom, "conceptual art" came to denote all contemporary art that does not practice the traditional skills of painting and sculpture. One of the reasons why the term "conceptual art" has come to be associated with various contemporary practices far removed from its original aims and forms lies in the problem of defining the term itself. As the artist Mel Bochner suggested as early as 1970, in explaining why he does not like the epithet "conceptual", it is not always entirely clear what "concept" refers to, and it runs the risk of being confused with "intention". Thus, in describing or defining a work of art as conceptual it is important not to confuse what is referred to as "conceptual" with an artist's "intention".

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  1. A

    Studying Good resources to learn physics?

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  2. chwala

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  4. E

    Fourier's Law of Heat Transfer: Conceptual Explanation

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  5. pandatime

    Conceptual question involving tension and angles

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    B Intuitive, conceptual understanding of holography

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    Electric Potential Difference -- Conceptual Question

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  8. E

    Simple conceptual question about Ohm's law

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  9. Rubberduck2005

    Simple conceptual reference frame question

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  10. Rubberduck2005

    Tricky conceptual Projectile motion question

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  11. L

    B Work and energy: conceptual doubt

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  12. V

    Swinging a hanging copper ring with a bar magnet

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  13. V

    B I have a conceptual question about relative mass

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  14. Ayandas1246

    Conceptual questions about Angular Momentum Conservation and torque

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  15. aspodkfpo

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  16. D

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  17. D

    Conceptual Problem - Static Equilibrium

    I am not sure whether I can prove like this, I am trying to explain it with the angle .
  18. P

    Rayleigh Scattering Conceptual Question about the Color of the Sky

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  19. P

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  21. N

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  22. W

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  23. A

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  24. A

    Conceptual thermodynamics question regarding specific heat ratio

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  25. R

    Insight into the conceptual gap and how to fill it

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  26. C

    Understand a Conceptual question on Scattering

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  27. Tryingtolearn123

    Conceptual understanding/question of guass and Coulomb’s law

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  28. C

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  29. warhammer

    A Conceptual doubt in a problem on Wien's Law

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  30. B

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  31. S

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  32. M

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  33. Callista

    Conceptual check: Newton's third law

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  34. Callista

    Why doesn't Newtons third law also apply to the frame?

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  35. G

    Conceptual difference between a motor and a generator

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  36. E

    Intro to Electromagnetism: five conceptual questions

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  37. S

    Conceptual problem in average/instantaneous velocity

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  38. K

    Conceptual Issue RE: electric potential difference

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  39. haushofer

    I Conceptual question about the Coriolis force and the weather

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  40. devilish_wit

    Short conceptual question on Work, Energy and Forces

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  41. C

    What Exactly is Conceptual Physics?

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  42. A

    Studying Conceptual Deficits in my Introductory Physics course

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  43. M

    Conceptual Question: Block on a wedge on a frictionless surface

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  44. Marcin H

    Transmission Line Transposition - Conceptual Question

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  45. Krushnaraj Pandya

    Why Is Magnification Undefined for a Point Object in Ray Diagrams?

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  46. S

    3-link planar manipulator: a statics conceptual question

    Not homework, but I hope this is the right forum to post in: 1. Homework Statement So we have a 3-link planar manipulator, with lengths L1,L2,L3 and angles q1,q2,q3. About each of the joints, we may apply a torque, t1,t2,t3. At the end effector, there will be a force and moment that will...
  47. Krushnaraj Pandya

    Conceptual integration question

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  48. P

    Voltage drop conceptual questions

    I'm having trouble understanding how voltage drops. My understanding of voltage is a difference in potential, with potential being how much work is necessary to move a test charge to a specific orientation. So, if we have a circuit with say, a 12V battery and a 1 ohm resistor, and I had a +1...
  49. P

    Differences in velocity conceptual question

    Homework Statement If I want to find the difference in velocities of 2 objects A and B We know the sum of their velocities is A + B But but is the difference B - A Why not A - B? Homework Equations This is from the equation of calculating restitution where (greek letter) = (The difference in...